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I sit at the table and all of the men Harry works with sits around and talks with one another as the wives talk to each other. The women smile at me, but then murmur to each other about me. I know these women aren't clueless like there husbands and can almost tell the relationship between Harry and I.

"So, how long have you and Harry been together?" One of the wives asks me as I take a sip of wine. Should I lie or should I tell the truth? Harry nervously puts his hand on my leg under the table and I smile right before I speak.

"Two months, and he has spoiled me since the beginning, and I honestly don't know what I would do without him." I lean over and kiss him on the cheek and turn back to the women as the dart there eyes from me, jealously.

"Excuse me," I smile at everyone and get up from the table. I walk straight to the back of the small, expensive restaurant and go to the bathroom. There is no one in there as I walk in and go to the sink and stare into the room.

I obviously should have done something else to my hair as it is beginning to frizz in the humid weather I turn on the water and splash it on my face to try and get rid of the redness that is beginning to happen.

I hear the door open and I turn to see one of the wives walk in. I smile and then dry off my face.

"So, Lilia, was it?" She asks as she stands across from me in the mirror. "How long have you really known Harry?"

"Two months." I tell her as I stand with my hands on my hips.

"How much does he pay you is what I really should be asking?" I shake my head and a little laugh comes out on accident.

"Nothing, expect sex and love." I walk past her and go back out to the table and sit down next to Harry.

"Everything okay?"

"Everything is perfect actually," I tell him as I see the wives turn and look at me. "I can't wait to spoil you later." I whisper into his ear and then turn back to everyone and take a small sip from my glass.

I have been Harry's sugar baby for about a month now and it is actually going somewhere. He isn't like most of these men. 

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