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"No, no, no!" I shout as I walk through Harry's apartment trying to get my bags together before we have to leave for the airport.

"What now?" Harry whines as he sits at the counter and drinks his morning cup of coffee.

"I can't find my phone charger!" I shout down the hall as I have a few curlers left in my hair.

"I will buy you one." He says with a short manner to me as he walks down the hall to the bedroom. I give him a dirty look and turn back to the bathroom to finish the curlers in my hair. "Lil, it is right here?" He tells me as he pulls it out from behind the bed.

I take it from him after spraying my hairspray and he gets left in the mist of it.

"We are going to be late!"

"I am ready, but Harry you need to learn that you can't rush perfection, my dear." I give him a sassy smile and walk out the door and down out of the building.

Our bags get out in the taxi and the driver drives us to the airport. Luckily we miss any traffic so we get there right on time, just as Harry wanted.

We grab our bags from the back and walk into the doors of the airport. It is packed and every line is longer than you can imagine. Harry makes a huff noise and walks towards our airline.

It take us maybe fifteen minutes to check in, go through security, and get to our gate. Harry is trying to find a seat as I am distracted by a Starbucks. We have about a half an hour before our plane to LA boards so I have some time to get a drink.

When Harry finds us a seat I grab my purse and walk away to get in line. I order a white chocolate mocha and Harry a dark coffee  He doesn't seem to like anything else and I don't want to get him a drink that he won't enjoy. It doesn't seem to take to long for us to get out drinks and I walk back to Harry.

I hand over his drink as I sit down next to him and he gives me a kiss on the cheek thanking me. I smile back and the plane is beginning to board first class. Harry and I pick up our bags and walk to get in line.

He takes ahold of my hand and I follow him down the walkway to the plane. I don't mind flying, but no matter what I still get a bit of panic in the pit of my stomach.

We have the second row and I pick the seat next to the window. Harry puts up our bags and sit down next to me. He buckles his belt and puts his hand on my leg.

"Love, are you alright?" Harry asks as I keep moving around trying to breath and calm down.

"Yes, just a little antsy." I assure him as I look out the window at the workers put the luggage in the belly of the plane.

He reaches over and shuts the window. I look a him glaring and he pulls my face towards his and lightly kisses me on the lips. I can feel his smile creeping onto his face and I slightly pull away.

"I haven't flown in a few years." I admit to him and he looks at me with a goofy face.

"Swell, I get to me the passenger next to the crying woman having a panic attack!" He sarcastically remarks as I hit him on the shoulder.

"Stop it!" I beg as I look ashamed and feel my face begin to turn red. 

"We are about to take off, Lil." He tells me as he looks down at his watch. "Did you put your phone in airplane mode?" I nod my head and he gives me a thumbs up.

I can feel myself begin to sweat and get clammy. I keep trying to breath and stay relaxed but the more I think about it the worse I become.

Harry puts his hand behind me and begins to run his hand up and down trying to help relax. Just put your head down and calm down.

"Babe, it is going to be okay, I'm right here and I'm not going to let anything happen to you." He reassures me as the plane begins to go full force.

"I need alcohol." I say to him as I hold me breath. The plane begins to lift and we are in the air.

"You can breath now." Harry giggles as he pulls my head up from his lap. "We still have two more planes too. Those babies aren't even crying and look at you!" He points out jokingly. 

I give him a pout and he looks at me and shakes his head. the

"Now about that alcohol," The lady is coming around taking drink orders and Harry orders two martinis for us. The lady doesn't bother to check our IDs and just brings them out to us.

"Please don't get too tipsy, my dear." Harry tells me as I nearly chug it down.

"I need to pee, but I don't think I can stand up." I admit to him after my second and a half drink. He gives me a nod and a smile and I lie my head on his shoulder.

We left New York about eight and the plane to to LA is around five hours so we will end up getting there around ten or eleven. I didn't feel sleep a lot last night, thanks to Harry and now in regretting all the fun we had.

"You know what we could join, on this trip?" Harry whispers into my ear.


"The Mile High club." I pull away and give Harry and dirty look.

"Be modest!" I scold him as I unbuckle my belt and walk to the bathroom to relieve myself.


"How much longer?" I whine to Harry as he is half asleep on me.

"Shhhhh, I'm trying to sleep."

"Well sleeping beauty, sorry I woke you."

I lean back in my seat and try to sleep and I can't. I don't know if it is the fear of the plane crashing down 14,000 feet into ocean or that Harry is squishing me.

"Harry, I'm cold." I tell him as he sits up and looks at me, half asleep. I push his curls out of his face and my hand stays at his chin.

"Let me get you a blanket." He stands up from our seat and walks to one of the the flight attendants and she hands him over a blanket for me. He walks back and hands it over to me.

"You need to rest, doll face." I nod and unfold the blanket and lie it on me. "Lie down on me?" He suggests as I lean down and out half my body in his lap and the other half in my seat.
I wrote this while flying back from my dads house. Hope you enjoyed. Also I can now be happy in life because they added a 🦁and 🦄 emoji. :))))

sugar baby h.s.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora