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Japan has been interesting to say the least...

I mean I only got sick twice so far from the food, but I don't understand why. I love sushi, but once I ate it I got incredibly sick and I can't seem to get farther then five feet away from a restroom.

Harry has been stuck in meetings everyday so far and he won't let me go it alone either because I doesn't believe that I'll be safe.

At the moment I'm sitting in a cover wrapped sprung my body as I sit out on the balcony. Japan is a very beautiful place, but I'm pretty certain New York is the place for me.

It is already getting dark and the sunset is a vivid red. It is not something I have experienced before and it is a beautiful sight.

There is a knock at the door and I get up and grab my robe from the back of the door, since I was nude. I tie the waist and I look through the lock to see a hotel attendant standing outside.

I open the door and the man gives me a small smile and bow. I give a smile back to him and he hands me over a red piece of paper. I open it up and read what is written:
I am sincerely sorry for how we have been unable to spend ANY time together. I do still apologize for the sushi mishap and I do expect the bathroom to smell clean when I get back tonight.
I would love to spoil you until and enjoy all that comes to offer.
Yours, H.

That boy is taking my misfortune to his benefit and trying to make me embarrassed. I thank the man and then turn back around to shut the door, but I get stopped.

"Miss, you are forgetting!" He says quickly. I turn back around and open the door once again. And then, there is a handful of people walking past me with things filled in their hands. I thank them all and shut the door afterwords.

The room is now filled with flowers, wine, chocolate, and food. I giggle as I look at everything Harry did and I pick up a big bag that has a large bow on it.

I pull it open and there is a small box with a note on it. The note says that I need to meet him in the lobby at around eleven tonight and that I need to wear my new gifts. I look in the bag again and I pull out a red, lace bralette and a pair of red, lace underwear.

He must think that this is going to give us a little fun tonight. It is already around nine so I need to shower now and get ready so that I won't be late.

I take a quick wash and let my hair driving in its natural wild state. I do my make up as normal and rack through the closet and chose on a tight black dress that comes down just below bum. It has little princess sleeves and will look perfect with my red pumps.

By the time that I get done it is eleven and if I make Harry wait any longer he will get restless. I grab my back and walk out the door and down the hall. I take a quick trip on the elevator and down the lobby I go.

I don't see him the first moment then k notice him sitting at a chair looking up at the ceiling. I walk over to him and put my hands on his shoulder to grab his attention. He swivels around to see me and pulls me into a tight hug.

"You are looking hot."

"I thought I always looked hot?" I wink and he pulls me by the hand out of the hotel.

"Where are we going?" I ask him as he pulls me down the street.

"It's a secret!" Harry tells me with his eyes wide and a smile covering his whole face.

We walk out on the side walk and I stare up at all the city lights. New York is a major city but Japan is different. It is zzz such a different atmosphere and group of people. Colors and lights are shinning and the smells of food are everywhere.

"It is beautiful, isn't it?" Harry asks me as he pulls me back into reality.

"Yes." We continue to walk down the street hand in hand. Harry and I cross the street and he goes to the doors of a building with a line wrapped around the street.He hands the bouncer a wad of cash and he lets Harry and I in.

When we step inside there are blue and white lights flashing everywhere. There are fishes in tanks and sharks and fake mermaids swimming all around as people party. The club must be some ocean themed thing and it is quite spectacular.

"Drink?" Harry asks as I spin my head looking around. I nod and he goes to the bar as he drags me along, not leaving me behind.

"I need 2 shots of tequila." He tells the guy. He hands them over and Harry and I drink together.

I pull him out to the floor afterwords and we move our bodies in sync. Even though Harry is very stiff and doesn't seem like he wants to dance. I roam my hands up and down his body and his clutch my waist. He doesn't move his hands in places that he wishes, while we are in public.

"Are you having fun?" Harry asks as he looks around the club. I nod my head and kiss him on the cheek. 

Harry pulls me away from the floor and back down a hallway. He leans into me and kisses me tenderly. His mouth moves down to my neck and his hands roam my bottom as we walk backwards and into the bathroom. Harry turns and locks the door and picks me up and sets me up on the sink. 

"I love you, baby girl."

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