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"How does this look, dear?" I spin in a circle as I pull back the dressing room curtain. 

"It looks just as amazing as the last four, Lilia." Harry says with annoyance laced in his voice. 

"Fine, since someone doesn't wanna help me, I guess I will just have to try on a handful of more." I pull the curtain back and take a seat in the plush chair that sits in the corner of the dressing room. 

"Baby stop." Harry tells me as I see him standing behind the curtain, his feet showing through the bottom. 

"No, you stop. You have been rude all day!" I accuse as I cross my arms over my chest pouting. 

"You know how stressed I am with work, I don't mean for it to ever be taken out on you!" He tries to tell me as he pulls back the curtain. 

"That does not mean you need to take it out on me." I say under my breath. I pull down the dress and it falls to the floor as I grab my jeans and denim jacket and dress myself. I pull my curly hair out from under my collar and grab my bag. 

"I don't get why you are being like this Lilia." Harry tells me as I walk past him and leave the dressing room of Saks. Harry rushes behind me and grabs my arm trying to pull me back around. "You would think that you would treat the person that is buying you shit all the time with a little f-ing respect." Harry spits out. I pull out of grip and rush out the doors and down the street. 

"Lilia wait! Come here!" He shouts with anger. 

I continue down the street and run across the road before the light turns so that I can get away from Harry faster. For the last week he has been a complete ass to me and for no reason. Everything has come out of the blue too with no reason. 

I understand that he has a lot of stress going on at work, but that doesn't give him any right to take it out on me. I have just as much going on, but I do not take it out on him. I am going to class three times a week and working a job, plus my job with him. 

My phone begins to ring and I pull it out and Harry's name and a picture of us in Japan is on the screen. I decline the call and pull for a cab. I get inside and dial a number on my phone. I shouldn't be doing this, but tears are running down my face and I need Harry out of my head right now. 

"Hello? Are you busy?" I say in a rush of words as the cab driving looks back to me and I raise a hand to him to tell him to hold on. 

"Can I stop by, please?" I ask the pure emotion in my voice, obvious that I am crying. 

"Yes, I will be waiting." The phone hangs up and I let the cab driver know the address. 


"This can't happen again." I tell Robert as I sit up in his bed and grab my clothes from the floor. 

"Baby, that is what you said last time." He reminds me as he rests his hands behind his head. 

"I just need to get my mind off something, seriously it is the last time." I get up and throw my hair up in a bun and grab my phone and see seven missed calls him Harry. I feel fucking sick inside, but I needed to get my mind off this all. 

I needed to get my mind off the fact that I f-ing love Harry when I shouldn't. I should't love a man that is paying me to spend time and f him, but I do! I do so freaking much and I just keep f-ing up trying to make myself not love. 

"Baby come back here." Robert begs as I back up and walk towards the bedroom door. 

"No I am done with everything, all of this!" I tell him as I open up the door and walk down the hall to the apartments door. I open it and rush out as Robert walks behind me. 

"I know you will be back babe, you alway are." He gives me a wink and shuts the door behind me. 

I am a f-ing mess. It is pouring rain outside and I am crying so luckily no one can tell how upset I am. I can't believe that I keep doing this. harry can't know what I have done or else this will all just get worse. 

I start to run down the street the more upset that I get and rush to my place. I fumble with my keys and finally find the right one to open the main door. I rush up the stairs and turn the corner to see just the person I don't right now. 

He is sitting with a handful of red roses in his hand, his hair soaked, and his eyes closed. The tears start to start again and guilt pours over me, I try to turn back down the stairs, but he calls to me. 

"Lil, I thought you were just inside avoiding me, where have you been? Baby why are you crying?" He asks as he stands up and walks towards me pulling me to his chest. 

"Harry, I am so sorry, I love you so f-ing much." I say into his chest as he holds me. 

"Lilia you have no reason to be crying, you haven't done anything wrong. This is all my fault, don't apologizing for anything." I start to cry more and he holds me tighter. "Baby I love you too, everything is okay." He tries to reassure me. 

"Harry, what are you doing here?" I pull back from him and wipe my eyes. 

"I feel horrible for how I talked to you and wanted to make it better. I thought you were home and have been here for a few hours. I just thought that you didn't want to see me, I thought that I actually messed up this time." He says as he lowers his head. 

"Come inside, please?" I ask him as I take my keys back out and unlock my door. He follows me me inside and I lock the door behind him. 

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