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"She did this on purpose!" I tell Gemma, as she washes off my dress in the tub.

"We don't know that." She tries to convence me.

"Since she got here all she could do was look and gawk at Harry. The least he could do was pay a little attention to me, or even see how I am doing after getting glass shattered on you!" Gemma laughs at me and nods her head in agreement.

"I think she is a little weird. I mean she can't find a guy herself so she is having her mom set her up with someone, how weird!"

"I am glad we are in an agreement about this!" We both giggle.

"I don't think that this wine is going to come out. I have cleaned my girls clothes with stains in them, but nothing this bad before." She explains to me as she turns off the tub and lets the dress soak in some soapy water.

"You know Lilia, when Harry first told us about you I freaked out, but now that I met you, you are a pretty great girl!"

"Thank you so much, Gemma." I tell her as I get up and keep Harry's robe around my tiny body.

We both turn towards the door when we hear someone knock over and over. Gemma walks over and unlocks it and Harry is standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Can I talk to Lilia, Gemma?" She looks over at me and then leaves the bathroom. Harry shuts the door behind himself and comes over and sits next to me.

"You know, she didn't intentionally have that drink get spilt on you," Harry ties to explain to me while looking in his tube.

"Her eyes have been on you all night Harry, she is going to target me if she thinks I am getting in between her and you." I mutter to him as he tries to put his arm on my shoulder.

"Well do you need something to wear?" Harry gets up from the edge of the tub and walks towards the door.

"My dress is stained and soaking in a tub of water." I bluntly answer.

"I don't have anything you can change into, Lilia." I stand up and walk out the door before he does and grab my coat off of his bed. i will just wear my coat with my underwear and bra under it home. "Lilia, wait!" Harry calls after me as I walk down the hallway and to where everyone is sitting.

"It was so nice to meet you all!" I exclaim as passionate as I can. "But I really have to be going." I give everyone a wave and walk myself out of Harry's apartment.

At least he slipped me two hundred dollars into my purse when no one was paying attention so I can get a new dress for myself, which Amie ruined. I know Harry doesn't believe that she did it on purpose, but she had the hots for him and of course she is going to be jealous of me.

I am already home after taking a cab and paying him. I walk up my stairs and unlock my apartment. I honestly love living alone. I can walk around naked and play my music as loud as I want and no one can tell me not to.

I go into my bedroom and put on some comfy clothes since I will not be leaving for the rest of the night and then pull out my shoebox from under my bed. I pull out my money from Harry and stuff it into the box and then shove it right back under my bed.

I pull out my laptop from my desk and power it up. This Amie girl has been gnawing at me all night and I just need to know more about her.

I log into Facebook and search her name, Amie Leon. A few profiles pop up before I find her. She has her profile picture of her smiling in front of Big Ben, in London.

I am not going to lie, she is quite gorgeous, but something about her just rubbed me wrong. Her profession is listed as a children's psychologist and she is 29. I thought she was 30, oops.

I scroll through more of it and go through some of her pictures too. A lot of them are of her on trips like in Greece, Italy, and China. I click on her friends list and on her recent friends a ever so familiar name shows up... Harry Styles.

I click on his profile and his picture is him with his mother in front of a Christmas tree. I giggle at the photo since it shows that he loves his mom. I go through his about and it says that he is single and living in New York. 

At least Harry could say he was in a relationship just so girls won't flirt with him, but oh well. Mine still says I am single so I cannot tell him what to do when I am doing the same. 

I go through some of his photo albums since they are open and see his pictures, which are just mostly with his family. I find another album with the name, My Princess. I click on it to view it and it is full of photos of him and a girl. 

The pictures are from all over the world, where they have traveled, them on dates, and so on.

I wonder who she is, and why these pictures are still up, if he isn't with her anymore. He hasn't even talked about this girl either. 

I don't know wether to bring it up next time I see him or drop it, since he seems to be giving all of his attention to me. 

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