11: Deafening* rewritten

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Solence - Deafening

"I've tried to call Lia, my mom, and my dad but nothing. It goes straight to voicemail and they always answer when they have the time which is all the time," he states with worry in his voice.

The worry in his eyes was already telling enough.

"We will find them." I say sternly before my phone starts to ring.

I get it out and looks to see it's Kalina. I answer putting it on speaker

"You should have had people protecting his family," she says before laughing psychotically.

"Why did you go after them? You know you've earned a much larger death sentence and not by mine and the rest of my packs hand but by the hand of Kyle's father."

"Oh Jazzy, you obviously don't know me. I'm not going to let you get me. I am ahead of you. Oh! I meant to ask. Did the little bitch die?"

"Yes, Eli died. Now your crazy ass is going to as well. Now let Eli's family go. They did nothing to you."

"Good the bitch is dead. I have no use for his family no more. I'll let them go under one condition. Send me proof he's dead," she says making me smirk.

While Eli was sick and pale with a slow beating heart I took a pick of him and made a video of him while I was crying. In the video you can't tell he's breathing. That's how shallow his breaths are.

I send her the picture and the video.

"You send me proof they are leaving and you staying the fuck where you are!"

"Alright, alright. No need to put your hair in a tizzy. They are leaving now," she says before sending me a picture and a video of them leaving.

Kyle gains my attention by snapping his fingers.

I look up to see him mouthe "They found her location along with Elijah's family." I nod at him

"Is his family safe?" I mouthe back which he also nods to.

"Diamond Wall were following her so they are with his family now," he mouthes again.

"Don't you dare follow them." I say in the phone.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm not." Kalina responds.

I look over at Kyle for confirmation. He nods telling me that she's telling the truth.

"I want you to do something. I obviously want to be something, someone of importance, and powerful. I know that that's not going to happen so I ask you not to follow me. I have no reason to believe you have lied to me because you of all people have never lied to me but I have to you multiple times."

"Alright, I won't follow but I can't say the same for the kings men. Have you thought that we wouldn't talk to Kyle's father, who is my uncle mind you." I say making her scream in frustration before hanging up.

I put my phone back up before looking to Kyle once again.

"She is surrounded by my fathers men. All we have to do is get there." I nod once in acknowledgment.

"Alright, come on everyone. Erris, Eli the both of you stay back. Hide, hide your scent. I don't want her knowing either of you are there."

"Ok, we will. Be careful all of you." Eli says

"We'll be careful baby tiger." I say before kissing him on the cheek.

I smirk in my head.

Who's ahead of who now bitch? You aren't going to get away with anything.

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