15: Another Life* rewritten

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Motionless In White - Another Life

"You want to get something to eat?" I ask while rubbing his back making him nod his head yes.

"What do want babe?"

"Pancakes," he answers.

"Okay baby, I'll text Tryst to see if he can go to the kitchen to get you some pancakes." I say before getting my phone off the nightstand and turns it on before texting Landon.

Me: Hey Tryst, Eli and I just woke up and he wants pancakes but he also doesn't want me to leave his side.
Me: Do you mind getting them for him?

Tryst: No, I don't mind.

Me: Thanks hyung.

Tryst: No problem Jaz

I put my phone back in the nightstand after turning it back off.

"You're going to have to sit up so that you can eat when Tryst brings it up." I say making Elijah whine in protest but the both of us eventually sit up.

After a few minutes of us cuddling Eli whines again.

"What's wrong?"

"I have to use the bathroom but I don't want to get up."

"Baby, you have to get up and go. I don't want you to start hurting and then have something go wrong. Go, I want my baby to be healthy." I say lightly pushing him to get up which he does and heads for the bathroom closing the door behind him.

I get out of bed and gets the weapons he's mastered in which isn't many out from under the bed. They are all mostly close range weapons where mine are both long and short range.

After I get his weapons put on a table in another corner of the room so that mine and his won't get mixed up the bathroom door opens as I walk back to the bed. Elijah walks out giving me a questioning look.

"I just got your weapons out from under the bed and put them on that table. I didn't put them in the same corner as mine because I didn't want them to be mixed up and us argue about whose is whose."

"Okay Jaz, now back to cuddle time. I don't want Landon hyung thinking you lied about me not wanting to get up," he says making me laugh a little before I get in the bed sitting against the propped up pillows I had fixed after getting off the bed.

Once I'm situated Eli gets on the bed and sits in between my legs leaning back against my chest before pulling the comforter over the both of us as I turn on the tv and puts on a movie that neither of us will most likely not pay attention to.

Not long after Tryst comes in with a tray with Elijah's food on it. He comes over to the bed and sets it on the bed over his lap.

"Thanks Tryst." Eli says.

"You're welcome Eli. Also the guys and I has agreed that we want to head back home when you two feel up to it."

"I want to leave as soon as I get done eating. I don't want to be here more than needed." Eli says making Tryst nod.

"I'm in agreement with Elijah." I say before kissing Elijah's temple.

Elijah begins to eat his pancakes happily. Tryst returns to his and Erris' room. Once Eli is done eating I set the tray on the nightstand before the both of us gets up and gets clothes to change into.

When we are done changing I turn off the tv and gets our things together. Once everything is packed I text Kyle since I don't want to bother them by going to their room and knocking.

Fated To Be: Wolf No MoreTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang