Chapter 23

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HIGHLY 🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞

WARNING!! - Harassment, killing, abuse, torture, rape, Miscarriage etc. You've been already warned. Read it on your own risk!

Its Just a FICTIONAL story so, please do not take it to your heart.

If you're not comfortable, don't read it!!


Author's POV ~~~~~~~~~~

Jin took her to hospital quickly. It was one of the those hospital that Kim families opened. Doctors and nurses there were trustworthy. So this way it was easy to make sure not anything leaked to media.

He went to emergency area quickly. Holding yin in his arms. seeing him jogging towards emergency room, some doctors and nurses followed him. They recognised him right away.

he carefully put her on emergency room bed. he explained the situation to doctors quickly. then nurses ushered him out of the room. and closed the door. He was breathing heavily. Worried about what might happened.

he looked at his hands and clothes. they were strained in blood. Seeing blood wasn't new to him. But he was feeling mixed emotions. He stood there for few minutes, then sat down in the chair out side of ER.

~~~~~Next morning ~~~~~~~

Tae was waking up now. he found himself laying on the floor. He was confused about what happened! He looked around and saw a good amount of blood on the floor, near him.

His heart skipped a bit. His eyes widened, thinking about what happened last night. then it hit him. he remembers slamming yin against the wall. and blood running down from between her legs.

Remembering jin walking out of the door with yin in his arms, he hurriedly tried to get up he slipped but quickly got up again and ran towards the door. He had hangover but he didn't have time to pay attention to it.

He walked out of the door and saw some his security men on round. He walked towards them, "where is jin and yin?!"

Men 1 : sir, jin took ma'am to the hospital!


Tae yells at them in disbelief.

Men 1 : sir, we are so sorry. but it was Jin's order! (jin was the head of all security guards)

Tae looks at those with anger and confusion. why would jin? Tae shook his thoughts away. Reaching to yin was his priority now. He ordered one of his men to drive him to that hospital, right away.

~~~~~~~At Hospital ~~~~~~

Yin slowly opened her eyes. And looks around her surrounding. Remembering what happened few hours ago. she tried to get up but pain in her lower area made her groan.

Hearing her groan Jin's eyes shot open, who was sleeping on the couch in that hospital room. he walked to yin quickly to help her.

"hey, it's okay don't get up." jin said to her. yin seemed surprised to see him there but then remembered that he was the one who bought her here.

she nodded and laid down, relaxing herself. Jin sat on chair next to her bed. The pain and the "leakage" she was feeling between her legs made her realise what has happened to her. but she didn't want to believe it.

A nurse walks into the room. Before Yin has a chance to ask her anything, a particularly brutal burst of pain grips her midsection and she can't help but let out a moan. The nurse spoke.

"Sorry, Mrs. Kim, You'll probably be having cramps for the next couple of days."

"Wha-what happened?" Yin finally manages to speak.

"You had a miscarriage, ma'am." She spoke sympathetically. "we are so sorry."

". . . what?" yin knows fully knew what the word means. It means she lost a baby.

The nurse's voice is soft when she speaks. "Your fall caused some serious damage to the fetus, and it didn't survive. I'm so sorry." She really does look sorry.

Jin might have told staff some fake story so there won't be more mess.

"Mr. Jin said he would call your husband. but he is still not here. Should we call Mr. Kim?" nurse said looking between yin and jin.

"no. no need for that. i received call from him. he'll be here soon" Jin said confidently. Assuring nurse. Nurse nodded.

"okay, so if you need anything please press that button, ma'am." with that nurse left. Jin waited till the door was closed. then he looked at yin.

she was crying silently. wiping her tears now and then. Jin felt his heart ache seeing her in such State. Which he found weird by himself to feel that way. then he pushed his thoughts aside. He waited few seconds before speaking.

"Yin, I haven't received any call from Mr. Kim, yet. but I know he will be here soon. Should I call him and tell him that you need some time alone for now? or do you want to see him? talk to him?" jin spoke slowly and softly.

She doesn't. She doesn't want to speak to Tae. But deep down, she knows she has to.

She closes her eyes for a little while, thinking that maybe she can block out everything that's happened. She feels a hand caressing her head. she opens her eyes to find jin's worried face.

Then she closed her eyes again. feeling of tiredness and pain were occupying her most of thoughts. jin kept caressing her head which eased her pain and help her to fall asleep.

Jin sigh. removing his hand. fixing the blanket on her. he took his phone and checked messages. he got message telling that tae is on his way to the hospital. His face turned to serious one. he slowly got up from the chair, trying not to make any noise.

He was looking at yin's sleeping face. then he looked at the door. There was still some strains of blood on his white shirt. he cleaned his hands last night.

He fixed his clothes and posture. looking more confident and serious.

He walked out of the door. Standing outside of the room like a bodyguard. And waiting for Tae.


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