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Remember when I said Munir and I are done arguing?
Well we're not.
We still argue over the most trivial things and it gets really frustrating because he always ends up leaving the house and I don't want him to leave *pout*

Infact at the moment he and I are currently arguing.

"Why would you leave a soaked towel in the bathroom?" He huffs annoyed.
"First of all it's my bathroom and secondly, what difference does it make?"

"Babe, you told me to take a shower in your bathroom, we argued about it and I gave in so anything I see and I don't like is your fault. And how can it not make a difference? It's soaked, you said it fell in a bucket of water then it should be outside drying, getting the sun on it"

"Oh God" I groan "I know you have skin irritation but that is just different"

He raises his hand in the air, annoyed "Different? It doesn't smell good, it smells like a soaked carpet".

I shake my head "You can be a little to much to handle sometimes and it's frustrating".
"You can be so frustrating. You keep talking about the fact that I don't talk to you, you're not perfect either so it's high time you realize that you're just making excuses and I don't know for what maybe you don't want this marriage because all you ever do is complain and make excuses" he storms out and slams the door.

I didn't know what to say, I was speechless.


Yusuf's POV.

I enter my bedroom and see Amira and Amara lying down on my bed watching on her laptop.

I stare at them in disbelief "Babe?" She raises her head and smiles "You're back"

"What's going on here?"
Amara just sat up with a smirk plastered on her stupid face.

"I was watching and Amara joined me"
I huff angrily.
I'm fed up,
I'm seriously fed up.
I don't have peace in my own home?
Wani irin rayuwa neh wannan?
(What kind of life is this?)

"Amara get out!" I say but she doesn't move.
"Out!" I shout, startling her.

She hurries out.
Amira looks at me annoyed "Why would you shout at my sister like that?"

"So it sounds right to you that your sister comes inside my room and lies down on my bed?"
She shrugs "Way worse things have happened between you two" she says with so much attitude.

I huff "And so?"
"Come on babe, I thought it'd be cool with you since there's nothing new about it"

"There isn't?"
"Yes. She and I are one"

I burst out laughing sarcastically "Of course why don't we just invite her next time we're having sex"
"No, that's—that's—it's makes no sense. That's not what I meant"

"But babe she's my sister and I can't just turn my back on her"

"I don't care, I want her out of my house by tomorrow"
"But babe—"
"No! Don't but babe me. It's either she leaves or I take you both back tomorrow. I'm tired! This is my home and I fail to live like this".

She walks over "I'm sorry babe, I was just trying to hard to make sure she doesn't feel bad or feel left out that I forgot to put your feelings into consideration, I'm sorry"

I sigh "I know and I don't blame you for it"
She hugs me "I'll talk to her".


Munayah's POV.

After our last fight I decided to get external help so I tricked Munir telling him I missed Anty and he agreed.

"You played me" he says disappointedly when he realizes the point of our visit.
"We have to do something about this"

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