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"Why don't you just fight back,huh."Asked a girl who was punching me in the face.She wasn't holding back,some of my blood on her hands and the wall behind me.Her name was Sylvia Ramose."Sylvia stop."A voice said.It was her boyfriend José Roberta.He was holding her fist looking her dead in the eyes."Fine."She says.She storms away.My face was bleeding from my nose,mouth and a cut above my right eye."Are you okay?"He asks.I nod unable to speak.He helps me up then walks away leaving me alone.I walk down the halls of the high school and everyone was gasping as I walk calmly down the halls of students.I got a text from my friend Maria saying meet her by my locker.I reply a "k"and told her I would be there soon.I think back to one of my greatest heroes.When I was in junior high I had a passion for a anime series called Black Butler,an my three favorite characters were Grell,Sebastian,and Undertaker.An William a little.They seemed to comfort me when I was down.Even though they aren't real.I wish they were then maybe I could become a reaper.
"Savannah over here."Said Maria waving.She was a Hispanic,about five foot three and was the best friend in my whole entire world.She hugs me and sees my bloody and bruised face."I am gonna kill her."She said.I give a small smile and shake my head.She always had a way of making me laugh.
The bell for fourth period rung.We did our secret hand shake which ended with a fist bump.I turn into Mr.Thomas's class unwillingly.I hated this class.He was about six foot two,weighed about maybe two hundred to three hundred pounds and all he did was teach math and play jazz or slow rock music.One time he tried to get me to smile by playing 'Life is a Highway' by the Rascal Flatts.It didn't end well."Savannah."Stated a red head.His name was Christopher Wren,but I just called him Chris.I sit next to him and smile.Me and him are like friends but what makes us so alike is that we hate our teacher.We are the smart asses of the class but we were the only ones who knew that.I fist bump him then do our warm up."Savannah congrats on your buckle win.Did you win on brownie?"He asked."His name isn't Brownie it's Old Yeller."I nearly shout.He knew about my buckle win because for homework he forced us to sign up for a Instagram account called #CTMath.It was for a free one hundred,what the heck.He found out by one of my followers.
The day continued to pass by even though it only felt like minutes.I sit on the bus that takes me home and just stare into the distance,thought less.

Loved by a Reaper(Black Butler Fanfic)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now