Chapter 1

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Grayson awoke from his dream to find Columbiana, the voluptuous owl-shifter Ruther had taken as his new mate, standing over him, a glint of anger in her shining black eyes. Her feathers were incredibly ruffled and her tone was harsh as she spoke to him.

"You lazy little vagro! How on earth is your father supposed to rule a kingdom if his son is still asleep?" She barked, oblivious to the anger in Grayson's face. Grayson was a handsome young owl-shifter with deep, contemplative brown eyes, dark brown hair, and a fair complexion. In owl form, this meant black eyes, a pure white, heart-shaped face, and dark brown feathers. Indeed, he had all the physical resemblance to his father, but he had the gentle and caring spirit of his mother, and since his father was a powerful and intimidating owl-shifter, that simply wouldn't do.

"I'm sure he'll be fine." Grayson heard the voice of his younger stepsister, Tori, snap back at her mum. "After all, he has made it abundantly clear that he is in no need of anyone except you and Benny." By now, it was no secret that Tori did not like the current arrangement. But she had so much respect for Grayson-and they shared such a mutual hatred of their half-brother, Benny-that Grayson was able to form an alliance with her, despite everything.

Columbiana, for her part, simply stood fuming at her daughter, who refused to submit, before leaping out of their hollow and shouting "Be on time!" For her part, Tori simply rolled her eyes, while Grayson gently shook his brother Viscose, telling him, "Time to wake up."


About an hour later, Grayson, Viscose, Tori and Columbiana were standing perfectly straight in the Royal Court of Northumbry. Grayson was in a deep green uniform and his brown hair was combed back. Viscose, for his part, was almost the spitting image of Grayson, but with lighter hair and the same blue-green eyes their mum had. As for Tori and Columbiana, who shared the same dark hair, olive skin, and brown eyes, they wore deep green dresses that almost touched the floor, and Columbiana wore a silver crown, as if to declare she was queen. "I wonder if Frankenstein will come to see his bride." Tori whispered, causing Viscose and Grayson to crack up immediately.

As if on cue, the bugles signifying the king's entrance sounded, and the doors to the royal court where opened, revealing none other than Ruther himself. Ruther was a tall, strong owl-shifter, with dark brown, almost black, hair, dark, intimidating eyes, and a pale complexion. No doubt, not even such a kingly outfit could hide the massive amounts of muscle he had in spades, and as he walked toward his throne at the end of the courtroom, a sort of awe came over those in attendance, as if they were staring into the face of a god.

Immediately following them was none other than Benny, earningy a collective groan from Grayson and Tori. Benny had far lighter hair and eyes, but had the same olive complexion as his mother and the same build as his father. He was vain, arrogant, and brash, but was nevertheless pampered by both mother and father, much to Grayson and Tori's great-and often vocal-annoyance. Viscose himself was never fond of Benny, but being a bit more reserved than his siblings, usually kept his mouth shut on the matter.

Following Benny was Veri, Ruther's Royal Advisor and commander of the Northumbrian Royal Guard, who had black hair, dark eyes in a perpetual glare, and a pale complexion, like she had never seen the sun. Following her was her second-in-command, Vicente, and her two top soldiers, Selene and Dianna. Selene had an appearance similar to that of Veri's, but had an incredibly active demeanor. Dianna, on the other hand, had dark blonde hair with ocean blue eyes and a fair complexion, so much so that Grayson could have sworn that she was something other than Northumbrian.

Ruther and Columbiana soon took their seats, followed by the rest of the royal court. "Now then, Veri," Ruther said, clearing his throat, "what's first on the agenda? Any news on our developments in the Northern Realm? A military upgrade, perhaps?"

"No, Your Highness." Veri simply said, shaking her head. "No, today, we must deal with a horrid treachery in our kingdom." She then barked out, "Bring the perpetrators forward!"

At this command, two burly, muscular guards wearing the steel helmets typical to Northumbrian guards walked forward, dragging three owl-shifters behind them, one of which Grayson immediately recognized as his cousin Liv. Liv was an owl-shifter near Grayson's height with blonde hair , a fair complexion, and brown eyes. Next to her were her parents, Abigail and David, neither one of the three showing any sign of fear.

"Abigail, David, and Olivia Stemme," Ruther began, "you have been charged with attempting to incite rebellion, vandalism of royal property, and high treason. How do you plead?" For a while, the entire courtroom was silent. Then, at last, Liv spoke up.

"Think of it this way." Liv answered, looking straight at Ruther. "If you were, in fact, the amazing king you proclaim yourself to be, me and my parents would not feel the urge to do any of the things you described. Perhaps, instead of treating us like criminals, you should take note and try to see into our motives like a real courtroom would do."

As soon as these words left her mouth, startled gasps filled the room, along with shouts of "How dare she!" "What right does she have to question Our Great and Powerful King?" and such that the room became a clamour, and it took a loud screech of "Order" from Veri to calm everyone down.

"You, Miss Stemme -" Ruther began, but Grayson soon interrupted. "Da-I mean, Your Majesty," he began, "with all due respect, maybe Miss Stemme has a point. Maybe we should at least hear her out?"

This infuriated Ruther greatly-but there was no sign. "Very well then, son." He almost sneered. "Since you have expressed such an interest in Olivia Stemme's welfare, you will be in charge of her." At this, the guards shoved Liv towards Grayson in a rather rough manner, causing Liv to nearly trip over her shackles.

Ruther then turned towards the audience. "Anyone else feeling sentimental towards the traitors?" When he got no answer, he proclaimed his sentence. "Abigail and David Stemme, you are hereby sentenced to be burned at the stake at dawn. So I would suggest you say your farewells."

Thatmorning, a tearful goodbye was exchanged between Liv and her parents before they were lead away. Grayson watched, horrified, as his aunt and uncle burned away into ash. Liv stood with him, tears in her eyes, and said nothing to Grayson save this:

"Thanks for trying, cousin."

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