Chapter 4

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"Grayson, my son."

Grayson, hearing his mother's voice, turned around to find the same creature from the first dream. She still had flames engulfing her, but her plumage seemed brighter and her eyes were now sparkling.

"You are changing, son." She said softly. "Just like I said you would. You now must face a great journey ahead of you-one that involves sacrifice and courage. The road will be perilous, enemies will be many. But in the end, the benefits of this pilgrimage will outweigh the costs, and you will find yourself in a much better place than before." She then looked at her son and asked, "Are you ready, darling?"

With a look of confidence and assurance in his eyes, Grayson answered, "Yes."


Grayson awoke that morning with a gentle nudge from Liv, and within moments, the decision he had made earlier that night came back to him, as well as the plan they had devised. Within moments, Grayson and Liv were up and packed their voleskins as quick as they could before gently pulling a straw out of both Viscose and Tori's nests. This was the signal that it was time to get ready.

Within moments, Viscose and Tori were up and on the same branch as Grayson and Liv, their voleskins packed as well. As quietly as possible, Grayson launched himself off the branch, Liv, Viscose, and Tori following suit. They flew in formation towards the two cedars that stood at Northumbry's border, not breaking formation once and not making even so much as an atom of sound. No, getting out of Northumbry and into Fogo was nowhere near problematic. It's what happened following the escape that would traumatize Grayson in years to come.

Once they were sure no Northumbrian would hear them, Viscose breathed a sigh of relief, Tori issued a loud whoop of victory, and Liv started rambling on about plans for the next day. Grayson, for his part, simply chuckled at Tori's massive cheers. It was then, however, that he noticed the lake. The lake, in question, was more like a sea, it's shining waters stretching out as far as the eye could see, but it was a nice lake regardless. But any other laughs or comments Grayson had died in his throat when he saw what was in the lake.

It was a young owl-shifter, a female no doubt, with hair the colour of fire, a sanguine complexion, and deep brown eyes. She was clutching onto a log, her wet, limp hair clinging to the side of her face, as if it were a lifeline. The mere sight broke Grayson's heart, and without hesitation, he dived towards the lake, not noticing that Liv was still talking.

"And as soon as we are all moved in," Liv continued, "I'm going to find the best grotto in Fogo and I will take you all to lunch there tomorrow night! My treat!" She then turned around to ask Grayson his opinion before noticing he had disappeared. She then looked around and saw her cousin pulling a young owl-shifter out of the lake below and murmured a quiet "Oh, no" before diving down herself, Viscose and Tori following suit.

As soon as they landed, they saw Grayson's arm draped around the shivering female, her brown eyes filled with tears. "She says her brother tried to drown her by dropping her in the lake." He then turned to Liv and asked, "What kind of brother does that?"

"One trying to join a sort of cult." said a voice behind them, and the four owl-shifters turned to find another female, this one with golden hair and hazel eyes, standing behind them, horror apparent in her features. "I know it's weird, but allow me to explain!"

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