Chapter 5

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Coella Fiores was not sure what to make of her current situation.

She had been by the lake to find inspiration for a new painting. Coella loved painting; it allowed her to relax, and there was always such beautiful scenery by the lakes. But no sooner had she begun to fill in the colours that she felt her brother Kent's strong talons plucking her from the ground and carrying her far from the shore. By this time, the knocked over canvas and spilled paints were the least of her concerns.

And now, here she was, dripping wet and shivering, with a blanket draped over her body and a wooden bowl of sparrow soup in her hands, surrounded by owl-shifters she had never known until now.

"It's okay, Coella, you're gonna be okay." She thought to herself, taking deep breaths. All the same, these owl-shifters surrounding her didn't frighten her at all; rather, they intrigued her. Strange owl-shifters always fascinated Coella, and these owl-shifters were definitely not ones she had met before, although part of her wished they were. They were so kind in comparison to Kent and his friends; the one known as Grayson, in particular, had been especially gentle to her, and she could not help but wonder where he came from and if other males there were as brave and noble as he was.


"So, let me get this straight." Grayson said to the now calmed hazel eyed owl-shifter, whom he had learned was named Maris. "You and Julia are both shiftslips, Julia is either starting or working for some kind of cult, said cult's initiation ritual involves killing a member of your family, and yet Coella's brother, the son of a well-respected general, joined said cult anyways and tried to kill his sister by drowning her in the lake?"

"Yes." Maris said, her face stoic but eyes shining with fury. "When I had gone off to warn the father, I learned that Coella had left for the lake to do some painting without taking someone with her. It's a good thing you and your friends showed up when you did, or she would really have been a goner-either by drowning or as an indirect result of hypothermia." She then turned towards Grayson and asked, "What were you and your friends doing in Fogo during broad daylight, anyways? Not to avoid crows, I'm guessing, because it would have been ineffective."

So Grayson explained everything to Maris-about his mum's death, the sentencing of Liv and her family, and the argument he had with his Da following. Finally, he told her, in breathtaking detail, their escape from Northumbry into Fogo. When he had at last finished his story, Maris sat down and thought about it until she at last said:

"Who would have thought a courin like Ruther would have a brave son?"

This answer shocked Grayson, and Maris sensed it. "Yes, I am familiar with your family, Grayson." She said, a sad tone soon filling her voice. "Your Da's mate, Columbiana, tore my sister Adonia from me and my family when I was four. After that happened, my father committed suicide, my mother died of a broken heart, and I left, not seeing anything to stay for."

"Adonia and I did everything together." Maris explained, her voice starting to tremble. "She was so easy for everyone to love. So, when she was taken away"-here Maris paused to wipe a tear from her eye- "Our entire family was torn apart. So I became a shiftslip in the hopes that I would somehow find her. But everyday, my hope grows thinner; in fact, I do believe it's almost gone." With that, Maris began to sob, and Grayson could feel his heart breaking further for her.

"Maris, I-" he began, but he was soon cut off by Cross. Cross was an owl-shifter with curly black hair, dark brown eyes, and a fair complexion. "Coella wants to see you, sir." He stammered, not quite sure what to make of the situation before him. With that, Grayson got up and left without another word.


"You wanted to see me?" Grayson asked as he approached Coella. It was now nighttime, and Coella was no longer shivering, but she still had the blanket wrapped around her and her hair was still slightly damp, if not still soaking wet, so Grayson made a point to step slightly in front of her, as if to shield her from an attacker.

"Yes." She said, her voice full of assurance. "Please have a seat." Once Grayson had sat down, Coella piped up, "Why did you save me?"

For a second, her question confused Grayson. "Why did I save you?" He repeated. Coella nodded, not backing down, and for a moment, Grayson simply thought about the question. Then, after a period of silence, Grayson answered.

"One day," he said, looking at Coella, "a friend of mine was caught in a bog near the lake in front of my hollow. He cried out for hours and hours before anyone heard him, and by the time I had pulled him out, his voice was hoarse from yelling and his arms were tired from him trying to raise them out. After he was all cleaned up, my mum pulled me aside and we had a long talk about keeping your eyes and ears open at all times and how you should always be ready to help a friend in need. I learned something very valuable that day: any owl-shifter in need is an owl-shifter worth caring for-and one worth saving."

For a minute, Coella simply sat and contemplated his words. "Well, thank you." She at last said before kissing his cheek, standing up, and leaving quietly. She did not notice the small grin on Grayson's face or the blush in his cheek, nor did she noticed the bright orange flower blooming near the lakeshore and shining in the moonlight.

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