Chapter 16

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For the first time in Grayson's life, everything seemed to be right. He was in a wonderful home with a family that cared for him and a female who loved him. In addition, he was hailed as a hero and had friends surrounding him. And on a day like today, who could possibly ask for more?

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of bugles, and within moments, he and Coella stepped out from behind a curtain, walking straight through the aisle of owl-shifters who bowed as they walked. Grayson now wore a copper brown suit with red, yellow, and orange embroidery in a flamelike pattern, while Coella wore a similarly fashioned dress with copper brown fringes along the sleeves. When they at last approached the end, the Fogonian king, a much older owl shifter with brown hair flecked with specks of gray, stood up and said in a booming voice:

"Grayson Credo McHoff and Coella Sophia Fiores, you have been summoned here today so that we may honour your courage and loyalty in battle. Grayson, your loyalty is clear and your heart pure. Coella, your bravery and wit helped to save us all in our darkest hour. And so it is, with great pleasure, that I award you both Fogo' Medal of Valour!" Upon this, two small owl-shifters pinned the medals on them and left just as quickly. "Congradulations." The king then said in a more controlled tone. "I salute you both."

The minute the king had announced their reward, a massive cheer went up from the audience. Tori let out the loudest scream of joy anyone heard, while Maris and Adonia clapped happily. Viscose and Monica, meanwhile, smiled and gave them both a thumbs up, and all the while, Liv simply said one thing:

"That's my cousin. Well done."


Estrella, Clark, and Milana finally arrived at Parliament Mountain with the rest of the Strigonian order. None of them stayed around for the ceremony in Fogo, for they had other matters which had to be attended to first.

As soon as they had landed, Milana timidly approached Normus and said, "Your Majesty, I was once a part of the Infernium- a part of my past I regret having. Now, after having witnessed the mercy shown by one of your knights, I submit myself to your full authority. Will you accept me as a student and allow me to learn your ways, so that I may be one of you?"

Much to Milana's surprise, Normus nodded and added, "Welcome, Milana Polchesky, to the Strigonian Order." A smile eclipsed Milana's face. She had done it at last.


Grayson stood on the shore of Inferno Lake where, merely a month ago, Coella had entered both his life and his heart after he had pulled her from the lake. Within moments, Coella herself had joined him, a grave look on her face.

"Kent told me the truth about what he did." Coella revealed. "I was a little surprised that he went through all of that trouble just to save me and my Da." "You and I both." Grayson replied. "Just goes to show what one is willing to do for the ones they love."

Upon hearing this, Coella turned towards Grayson and asked, "What would you be willing to do?" "For you," Grayson replied, "anything." Coella smiled, and the two owl-shifters pressed their foreheads softly together, then did the same with their lips in a gentle and loving kiss.

On the shore behind them were two orange flowers glowing in the moonlight. One was a lily, the other, a rose. Their stems were intertwined, their petals brushing against each other in the breeze. To some, it was if they were two flowers on one stem. And perhaps they were, just as Grayson and Coella were now two owl-shifters of the same heart.

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