Chapter 3

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"It wasn't your fault, cousin; you did everything you could." Grayson sat by the lake, grief clouding his thoughts, while Liv tried to comfort him. "It should be the other way around." Liv thought to herself, surprised and almost a little annoyed at the outcome. Grayson was normally the strong one in their family. So why was he the one not wanting to believe his aunt and uncle's death?

"All the same," Grayson countered, "I feel like I should have done more; like I should've gone in their place."

"As noble as that sounds and as sweet as that is," Liv answered back, "your father wouldn't have allowed it. He loves breaking your spirit too much, that lyken." She then put her hand on Grayson's shoulder and said, "Whatever happens, you have to stay strong. You can't let him win."

As if on cue, Ruther crashed through the bushes at an almost frightening pace, followed by Columbiana and Veri, neither of them looking to pleased. "What, in the name of me, was THAT, Grayson Credo McHoff? How dare you defy a sentencing! Do you have any idea how embarassing that was? What have you got to say for yourself?"

"That was my aunt and uncle, Da!" Grayson spat back, his voice trembling with grief. "Liv is my cousin. They're family, Da, how could I not have said something?"

"They're not your family, Grayson, they're traitors who deserved to be punished like every other criminal! You want to be loyal to family? Start by sparing your old Da some grief!"

That was it. Grayson couldn't take it anymore.

In a blur of anger, fury, and grief, Grayson flung himself upon Ruther, pinning him against a nearby tree. "I may share your blood," Grayson spat, his voice no longer trembling but now filled with rage, "but you are not my family." He then dropped the shocked Ruther before pointing at Columbiana and adding, "And I will never call that harlot my mum! You hear that, Columbiana? I'm not your son! I WILL NEVER BE YOUR SON!"

At this, Ruther stood up, smoothed out his now wrinkled uniform, said, "As you wish." and left without another word. As his silhouette disappeared into the black, Grayson asked, "Liv, what exactly did you do that angered my Da so much, anyway?"

"We tried to run away." Live answered honestly. "Mum had a pen pal over in Fogo, and things got so bad that she started spilling to him and he promised to help us. One of the guards must have gotten a hold on one of Mum's letters, or there's no way we would have been caught." She then turned towards Grayson with a quizzical look and said "Why?"

A clever grin burst on to Grayson's face. It was crazy, but it just might work.


"We're going to do WHAT!?" Viscose yelped. Grayson and Liv had announced their idea over a dinner of squirrels and potatoes, causing Viscose to nearly choke on one of his potatoes.

"Leave Northumbry." Liv repeated. "I know it seems impossible, but I really think it's worth a shot. Besides, it's either we die free owl-shifters or live the rest of our lives under the lyken known as Ruther. And NO, cousin," she said, turning to Viscose as she spoke, "I don't consider the latter an option."

For a while, no one spoke. Than Tori stood up. "I think it's a terrific idea." At this, Viscose looked at her as if she were out of her mind. "Think about it, Viscose." She challenged. "Do you want to spend the rest of your life being told you're worth nothing unless you're a carbon copy of your father? I, for one, sure don't. Besides, think of the adventures we'll have; the sights we'll see, the people we'll meet! Oh, brother," she giggled, "I can almost see it now! Grayson and Family, realm adventurers!"

After hearing the excited pleas of his stepsister, and seeing that his brother was not about to change his mind, Viscose finally said, "Alright. I'm in."

"Then it's settled." Grayson said. "We'll leave at dawn." And with that, the meeting was adjourned, and all four owl-shifters went to sleep, so as to prepare themselves for the journey ahead of them.

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