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Prudence cleaned her chambers, which were now an absolute mess. Throughout the battle, bodies had been knocked into the chambers as a result as a result of being thrown or carelessly dumped in. Prudence had finally taken the bodies out, and was just about to wash the blood off her floor, when a thud startled her, and she turned her eyes in the direction of the noise.

It was another owl shifter left here during the battle. Unlike the others, however, this one was not dead- simply unconscious. As Prudence took a closer look at the owl-shifter, there was soon a glimmer of recognition in her eyes. "Lolita?" She thought to herself. "It can't be. Lolita was kidnapped by..." These thoughts were soon pushed aside. It had to be her, Prudence knew Lolita's face.

Her daughter had at last come home.


Veri Roiskunut pushed herself up from the trees that had fallen on top of her. Rage at Grayson, the rebels, the Fogonians, and the Strigonian Order filled her very being, for these were the ones that killed her mate, turned her own daughter against her, and murdered her king and queen. "And now," she thought to herself as she saw her reflection in the lake, "it seems as though they have taken my beauty as well!" For on one side of her face, where there were once feathers, there was now only charred skin from where the embers of the fire had burned her.

Anger burned deep within her. Not only had she lost everything she held dear, but Estrella and Clark had once again slipped through her talons. She should have killed them both while she had the chance, and now the reminder of her failure remained on the feathered side of her face as a scar from Estrella's attack. For such a small owl-shifter, she truly was an impressive warrior. In fact, if Veri didn't wish to kill her, she would have made Estrella her prized pupil instead of Selene.

"No matter." She thought to herself. "I'll make them all pay, every last one. I'll build a bigger, better army than before, and I shall have my revenge on them all." And with that, she flew off into the night, in search of the owl-shifters who would fulfill her quest for revenge.

Soon, the entire Striga Realm would be on the brink of war.

Tales from the Striga Realm: Playing with FireWhere stories live. Discover now