Chapter 12

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Veri had waited long for this day.

For as long as she could remember, she had hated Parvizal Fiores with a burning passion. After all, he was the one who had blinded Herod in the Battle of Inferno Lake. And now, during this battle, her, Herod, and Milana would exact their revenge.

Standing by her side was Selene, who was quite thrilled at the prospect of going into battle alongside her mentor. For as long as anyone could remember, Selene was Veri's especial apprentice, and having been trained long and hard for a day such as this, Selene felt it only right that she would be standing with Veri and her family. The fact that she had been promoted to second-in-command had only escalated her elation.

Ruther, on the other hand, had no such thoughts running through his head. Ever since he found out that Grayson ran away, all he could think about was finding him and the others and punishing them all for their crimes-this time without any objections. It was, however, word from his shiftslip Julia that had alerted him to their being in Fogo. He had wasted no time declaring war upon Fogo and telling everyone to get ready for battle. And after Dianna's shocking betrayal (Even now, Veri refused to refer to her as Adonia) Veri had found the news of Grayson being found to be quite soothing. She was ready to go back and fight. Everyone was.


"Conditions in Northumbry are far from ethical or well." Estrella reported as she stood in front of the Strigonian Council. She had just returned to Parliament Mountain after Liv had told her the story of her group, and Estrella was determined to get help. "Liv and her cousins managed to escape with their lives, but her parents.." She sighed, too disturbed to even speak.

"What about the Caccians, Estrella?" A large, burly owl-shifter named Maximus asked. "Only one survivor; the rest are all gone." Estrella replied. "And the number of homes destroyed?" A smaller owl-shifter named Gontin asked. "Scores in Caccia," Estrella replied, "perhaps more in other kingdoms throughout the sub-realms."

The king, Normus, and his queen, Polara, looked to each other and then to Estrella. "Estrella," Normus asked, "do you think something more sinister is afoot?" "I know it." Estrella answered. "And Northumbry's new outlaws will need your help, as will Caccia's last survivor." She then added, in a hushed voice, "If we don't help them, who will?"

That was all Normus needed to hear. "Everyone ready yourselves for battle!" Normus shouted, and within moments, the entire council had flown off to ready their brigades, save for Estrella, who was stopped by Trudy just as she was about to leave.

"Estrella, mi hermosa, there is something I should tell you about Clara." Trudy said, her voice wavering. When Estrella paused to listen, Trudy continued. "She is missing. I cannot find her anywhere and I checked the entire mountain!"

Estrella could not believe her ears. "She wasn't anywhere on the mountain?" Estrella gasped. "But that could only mean..." Here, she stopped and flew off in a panic at the mere implication.

Clark had followed her into Fogo - and straight into the fray.


Clark, for her part, was completely lost. Ever since she landed in Fogo, she had seen neither hide nor feather of her sister, and she was starting to panic. The forest was growing thicker the deeper into it she travelled, and the moon and stars were growing less and less apparent. She was completely lost, and her small size was not helping to make it any easier.

All of a sudden, Clark saw a faint glow of orange behind her in the distance. Hoping it was the bright orange flowers she kept seeing, she raced towards the light with an indescribable eagerness, only to discover a frightful sight that paralyzed Clark with fear.

It was the Infernium, carrying torches and weapons. And with them, right in the center, was Veri.

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