Chapter 13

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"Alright, everyone, listen up." said Maris to the crowd of thousands that now stood before her. "As you now know, the Northumbrians have discovered that we have been withholding their refugees and have declared war upon us." A nervous murmur broke out amongst the crowd, whispers of "We're doomed!" and "What will happen if we lose?" prevalent among the crowd.

"Now, now, everyone," Maris reassured them, "it is at this time of great need that, thanks to these same refugees, I have been reunited with my sister Adonia. I have also learned that she had been forced to serve in the Northumbrian Royal Guard, and while I do not condone this act of cruelty, I am pleased to tell you that this gives us a distinct advantage. Also, on our side we have a skilled archer-something that cannot be found within Northumbry's ranks. And may I remind you that we are Fogonians; descendants of great pyrophees and pyrattlers! We do not balk in the face of danger; we do not cower! We stand and we fight, because we...are...FIGHTERS!!!!"

Upon hearing this, a great cheer went up from the crowd. Maris then split the owl-shifters into four groups and assigned a different owl-shifter to each one. Adonia was assigned to the first sector in order to teach them the strategies of the enemy; Monica to the second sector to teach them archery. Coella, for her part, was assigned to teach them the art of pyrattling, while Viscose was assigned to the last sector to teach them talon-to-talon combat.

For a moment, Grayson simply stood, confused, but nevertheless proud, that his brother would be chosen to lead a sector. His thoughts were broken by the feeling of something being on his head. When he went to remove it, his hand touched a metal helmet. "We need someone to lead us, Grayson." Maris explained. She then pulled out and old book and motioned for Grayson to put his hand upon it.

As soon as this was done, Maris began. "Grayson Credo McHoff," she said in a solemn voice, "do you swear to hold up the laws of a true leader-mercy, courage, honour, humility, and justice-for as long as you are crowned, or until Strig see it fitting to take you from us?" "I swear." Grayson replied. Maris smiled and answered, "Then with Strig and the owl-shifters of Fogo as my witness, I hereby crown you, Grayson McHoff, as leader of the Phoenix Brigade." It was then Grayson realized that the thing on his head was a helmet-and a crown.

"By risking your life to benefit our cause," Maris continued, "you have proven that an owl-shifter can rise from even the lowliest of beginnings and become an owl-shifter that others can look to and be proud of." Upon this, Adonia, Maris, Coella, even Monica-all bowed before him, leaving Grayson a little embarrassed.

His thoughts were broken by a soft thud, and everyone turned their eyes towards a now dazed Clark, who looked positively frightened. "Owl-shifters of the Phoenix Brigade," Grayson began, hoping to take attention away from the now very embarrassed Clark, "do not look upon me as a king or leader; look upon me as a fellow warrior, a friend, and a brother." He then took a deep breath in and said,"You readily welcomed me and my family amongst you. Some of you may have had doubts, but your fellowship has allowed us to have what we have been denied of for ten years: a family. So let's show the Northumbrian army that if they strike us, we will strike them twofold!"

A massive cheer went up from the crowd, save for Maris and Clark, who were whispering amongst themselves. After the cheering died down, Maris at last spoke up.

"The Northumbrian army is advancing fast." Maris announced, her face pale. "Already an owl-shifter has been seriously injured in an attempt to forestall their arrival." Nobody needed to tell Grayson that the owl-shifter in question was Kent. Something within him already knew.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Grayson said, his tone firm. "Let's cut Ruther and his cohorts down to size, shall we?" Within moments, a roar of approval went up from the crowd, and everyone went off to fight. Everyone except Clark, who simply carried the body of an unconscious soldier, placed her delicately on the ground below, and ran off to continue her search for her sister. Little did she know, that the unconscious soldier was Northumbrian.

More to the point, it was Selene.

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