"You're Perfect To Me"- Kirishima

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Idea: Comfort. You have many insecurities about yourself and Kirishima finds you in your room crying. Kirishima comforts you in every manly way he can.

TW: Body image insecurity, relationship insecurity

Your mind is always thinking about your body and your relationship with Kirishima. Throughout your life, people had joked about your body and your relationships haven't been the greatest so Kirishima has been the best you've had. Even if he has been, you still have your doubts that he could be cheating or you aren't good enough. Since lunch, you've been in your room, crying to yourself over a few comments that Monoma made. It had really hurt you since he targeted your weak point of your insecurities.

As you hear the shuffling of Kirishima's small cape, you wipe your eyes. You didn't want to look weak to him if he was even coming to check on you.

Kirishima gently knocked on the door and leaned against it. "Y/N? Are you in here?"

You try to stay quiet and sniffle. Kirishima sighed quietly and tried the knob. You realize you forgot to lock the door and Kirishima, since he was leaning on it, fell forward and right to the floor. You try not to snicker and try to look away before he saw you as he stood back up.

He saw a tear fall and rushed over to you slightly. "Y-Y/N! Are you okay?"

You hide your face in your knees and he gently grabs your shoulders. "Y/N... Talk to me."

You look at him at try not to cry more. "It's nothing. Just... My mind being stupid again."

He tilted his head and knelt down in front of you to get to your level. "Mind being stupid? And again?"

You nodded and look away. "Yeah... Again. It's not like I'm not used to it."

He stood up and carefully sat on the bed beside you, gently trying to pick you up, but you push him away slightly. "Not now."

He nodded softly and took off his armor. "Pebble. Tell me about what happened today."

You shook your head and he gently took your chin and made you look at him. "Please, tell me. You can't keep yourself behind a wall. I'm your manly boulder. Lean on me because I won't falter."

You sniffle and remember what Monoma had said.

You and 1-A were hanging out together at lunch. Though you weren't apart of 1-A, they treated you like you were, like they did with Shinsou. You excused yourself from lunch to go use the restroom when Monoma found you in the hallway.

Monoma always was cruel to you but he started targeting your weak points. "Oh look! The class 1-A wannabe."

You try to ignore him and he kept talking. "Why do you always hang out with them? You'll never be like them. Not with a body like that."

You stop in your tracks and you could practically hear his smirk. "Who in the hero course looks like that? And who are you dating? That TetsuTetsu wannabe, Kirishima, is it? He wouldn't want somebody that can't protect him or themselves. He can't protect you when you need it because he'll be busy with someone else."

You feel yourself start shaking slightly. "I'm dating him because we're attracted to each other, not because we can protect each other. I know I can't protect him but I'm gonna try."

He laughed and waved slightly. "Oh God you're funny. Whatever Chunky. He'll leave you eventually for that Mina chick. He'd be better with her anyway."

Your heart hurt with the thought that he would leave you for her. You didn't want that. She was mostly skinny while you had tummy. You were starting to get used to your tummy but Monoma just shot it down. Your last relationships had been shit, you didn't want to lose Kirishima now.

You told Kirishima about what happened and obviously, he was pissed but also he felt bad. "Pebble... Why didn't you tell me this was happening?"

You look at him and sniffle. "I didn't want to be a burden. Everyone I tell my problems, they always get annoyed and they hate me."

Kirishima pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you after slipping his shoulder pads off. "I will never hate you, Y/N. Hating is an unmanly thing. And I'm the manliest man you know, right?"

You look up at him and nod softly. "O-Of course. It's just... Past relationships haven't been as good as ours. Every person I've been with has been shitty."

He rubbed your head softly and kissed your forehead. "But I won't be like them. I'll be the best man I can for you. I'll make sure you get cuddles and kisses every day. And as your boyfriend, it's my job to be here for you."

You nodded and look down, mumbling softly. "Will you leave me because of my weight?"

He tilted his head and leaned toward you. "Hm?"

You look up at him again. "Will you leave me because of my weight?"

He shook his head quickly. "Of course not! I could give two craps about weight!" He gives a toothy smile. "Plus, you're a nice marshmallow pillow! All of you is soft and squishy and I like soft and squishy." He kisses your cheek. "Your weight is perfect. It might not be perfect for other people but it's perfect for me. It's not perfect for them because they were not meant for you, unlike me. I'll protect you from anything and anyone, including Monoma. So now, will you start telling me more about when something happens?"

You hesitate before nodding. "M-Mhm."

He hugged you close and rested his chin on your head. "Promise me. Promise me that you'll come to me when something happens."

You nodded and relaxed as you lean into him. "I promise to come to you when something happens."

He smiled and relaxed, leaning back against the footboard of the bed. "Good Pebble."

Hope this helps some people. I know it helped me as I wrote it and I hope others can get comfort from this. Goodbye for now, my little weebs!

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