Deku & Lemillion Birthday Special- Izuku Ver.

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A birthday special for our lovely broccoli boy

Idea: You and Deku had been dating since high school and both graduated same year. You both became pros and work together when you need each other. Today is Izuku's birthday and since he gave you all his attention when he could, you thought today would be perfect to plan something big for him.

After a harsh mission, you and Izuku reunite at the rendezvous point where everyone would come back to after it was finished. You two were the last two back since your job was rescue. Izuku was faster and better at rescue since his quirk helped him a lot. Other than Bakugou, you were the only one Izuku trusted with his secret of One For All. He thought you had the right to know and told you. Obviously you swore to never tell anyone as his battle with Shigaraki was still going on. His life had been rough but he made it to becoming a hero. You helped him throughout high school and when you became heroes, you helped him even more.

Izuku looks at you and smiles. "Hey Y/N! Did you get your part cleared out?"

You nod and look at him. "Hon. I wouldn't be here if I didn't."

He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck slightly. "Yeah. I guess you're right."

You shake your head slightly and smile a little. Your old teacher, Aizawa or Eraserhead as you had to refer to him on the field, looked at the other heroes to count and make sure everyone made it. Izuku's old friend Katsuki was here and his leg was bouncing. He obviously wanted to go home. Eraserhead said that after this mission, the younger heroes could head home for the day. You were obviously thrilled since it was Izuku's birthday and you wanted his day to be special.

Aizawa gave a nod and sighed. "Alright everyone. Good job today. Like I said, younger heroes can go ahead and head home. This was pretty harsh for you guys."

Katsuki scoffed and adjusted his newly styled gauntlets. "Maybe for Deku's blind extra over there."

You cock a brow and look at him. "I hope one day that gauntlet of yours comes off so I can beat the shit out of you with it."

Aizawa cleared his throat. "Enough. Go home. I'm too tired for this."

Izuku took your hand and gently drug you away as Katsuki went the opposite direction. "Puppy, you can't threaten him like that. He might come after you."

You shrug. "I am not afraid of a Pomeranian boy who thinks he's better than everyone." You let go of his hand and grab it again, starting to drag him. "Besides, I'm supposed to be dragging you. It's you're birthday and I'm taking you somewhere."

He let you slightly and looked around as you drag him into a shadowy area to summon your chimera. Well, mostly get him to form larger. He was always summoned, even if you were asleep, but he was small in sunlight but large enough to see for you.

You watch as he soaked up the shadows enough to be a mount before jumping up onto him. The chimera turned its head as you did to look at Izuku as you held your arm out for him. "Come on."

He used your hand as he jumped to pull himself back down. He clung to you as you pat the chimera's main neck and it starts running.

(This is the chimera at full power. Imagine this but with less spikes dark like a shadow)

Being made fun of or people not trusting you because you are blind was something that happened a lot but it hasn't stopped you from becoming a hero

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Being made fun of or people not trusting you because you are blind was something that happened a lot but it hasn't stopped you from becoming a hero. And Izuku was proud of you because of that. He always takes notes on you and analyzes you.

You always loved watching him do it. It was cute to you as he sat and mumbled about you and your quirk. He's actually got the chimera to trust him. The chimera normally doesn't trust anyone but during one mission the chimera came to Izuku since you had been severely injured and couldn't walk yourself. Izuku had found you in time and the chimera sent both you and Izuku to the hospital.

Enough about that though. You weren't going to worry about that. Today is Izuku's day and you were going to make it the best for him. You hoped that the girls did what you asked and prepped the house for when you got back. They should be clearing out right now if so. You pat the chimera's neck to make him speed up and Izuku clung to you more.

You soon made it back home and you carefully jump down from the chimera, letting him shrink back down and hide in your pocket. You smile as you look at Izuku as he fumbled for his keys. The chimera fished your keys for you and held them in his mouth for you to reach. You gently grab them and carefully unlock the door. "Izuku. Got it. Open the door."

He tilted his head at the fact that you unlocked it but didn't push it open. He walked up to the door and pushed it open, flipping the light on inside. His face as he saw all the decorations and gifts made you happy.

"Y/N. This wasn't here when we left. How'd you do this?"

You smile and shut the door as you both walk in. "I had some help. I can't say who it was though."

He looks around and his cape swishes behind him as he moved around. You loved the fact that he looked so happy. You set your pager on the table and smile happily as he set his on the table. He gives a soft laugh. "I-I don't know what to say Y/N! Thank you for setting this up for me!"

You nod and chuckle softly. "You're welcome Izu. Now get some of your gifts. I've got somewhere special I want to take you after we're done."

He nods happily and smiles as he gathered some of them. People really respected Izuku even some fans wanted to give him gifts. He was the symbol of peace so that was pretty expected. He smiles happily as he opens them one at a time. Most of his gifts were figurines and merch of different heroes. He loved all of them since even as an adult, he was still a big fanboy.

After he had finished all of the gifts, he took everything upstairs loads at a time. You watched him happily and smiled, walking upstairs after he was finished to get dressed in nice clothing.

Fortunately you and Izuku we're in the top 20 pros so money came pretty easy and expensive clothes were pretty affordable. Izuku was already changing from his costume and you smile as you start to change from yours. You decided to wear a nice emerald colored dress while he wore a nice grey button up. You gently take his hand and take him back downstairs. Since you both were always busy, you couldn't really take him out to eat anywhere good. Today would be different since you both actually had time for once.

You lock the door before you let Izuku walk out and follow him. You were taking him to a nice hibachi bar and it was going to be a good rest of the day.

(Again, for the sake of my sanity, we will be time skipping for when they get back)

You had a good day with Izuku and both of you were now pretty tired. You were all curled up in bed with him and was slowly relaxing to lay down. He was stroking your hair softly and sighed. "I love you Y/N. I really enjoyed today."

You nod and smile. "Of course Izuku. It was your birthday. You needed to have a good day."

He smiles wide and lays his head down as he continues to stroke your hair. "Thank you." He closes his eyes and you slowly drift off to sleep with him.

Good thing I'm done with this now. This caused me so much stress. See you later my little weebs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2022 ⏰

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