Confession and Adoration- Present Mic

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Privately requested by: courtney_draws

Idea: You've always adored the pro hero Present Mic but one day he finally came to you and confessed his adoration to you as well. This is the adoration and confession story of how Mic came to you.

Since high school years, you've listened to Mic's podcasts and little talk shows that he does over the radio. Most people didn't see you as much. Just a person in a big society. But once Mic saw you, you became everything to him. Along with that, you also got your fair share of paparazzi. You've been dating him for at least five years. And you weren't much younger than him actually, only by a few years. Question is, what happened when you met?

You remember the day like yesterday. You were on your way to work as usual, listening to one of his podcasts as you walked. You worked at a nice restaurant downtown that was really popular among people, including pros on their days off. You were the one of the servers and met new people all the time.

As you got there, your waitress friend, Hanabi waved you over. "Y/N! Come here! You'll never believe it!"

You hold up a finger as a "one moment" and clock yourself in before setting your bag down and walking over to her. "What's up?"

She smiled and looked at you. "So I looked over our reservations list for today and you'll never believe who's on it."

You tilt your head slightly. "Who's on it? And why are you so excited?"

She giggled and squealed. "It's a pro hero! You know Present Mic?"

Your interest was piqued. "Of course I do! I listen to him all the time Hanabi."

She nodded and showed you the list. "Here's proof! I know you simp for him."

Your face flushed at your friend's comment. You never liked it when friends say you simp. It's more of adoration, so you believe. "I'm not a simp!"

She set the book back down and snickered. "Yes you are, you just don't want to admit it. Don't think that I don't know about your little obsession. You've got figurines and posters of his broadcasts and shows."

You huff and walk to the back to get the rest of your uniform and to put your bag into your locker. Hanabi knew almost everything about you. I mean, you've been friends since you were small. Sometimes you hated how much she knew about you.

The chefs wave at you. "Good morning Y/N! Ready for today?"

You nod and put the finishing touches on your uniform. "I should be ready. It's gonna be pretty busy today since it's Saturday. All the kids are off and most parents don't have to work."

They nod and chuckled. "We'll be ready for them. Just put your little quirk to use and be quick."

Most of the reason how you got the job is that your quirk made you a quick server. You could speed up any part of your body, meaning your legs could be faster than your arms or visa versa, making service much faster and fast service means more customers.

Service soon started and throughout the day you kept watching the doors for that familiar man. You knew what he looked like, well, everyone did. He was pretty obvious. A loud voice, bright yellow hair mostly put in a man bun, and bright green eyes.

Eventually Yamada did arrive and Hanabi giggled at you as you watch him look through the menu. "How about you go take his order, Y/N. It'll be perfect for your little simp self."

You flushed and turn around quickly, waving your arms. "N-No. I don't think I'm able to."

She shrugged and took out her notebook. "Fine. I'll take his order."

You grip her arm gently. "No. Where's my pen and notebook?"

She raised her brow. "In your pocket, where you always keep it."

You pat yourself and grab it before carefully walking to him. He seemed to be with a friend, though you didn't recognize them. You felt your hand shake softly as you bump against the table slightly and he looked at you. "S-Sorry. I'm Y/N and I'll be taking your server- I-I'm mean your order." You mentally face palm and grumble. "Do you have your drinks in mind?"

He chuckled and nodded. "Yeah. I'll have a simple coke."

His friend spoke quietly and looked at you. "I'll just have water."

You nod and quickly walk away, trying not to trip as Hanabi snickered behind her hand. You shot her a slight glare and went to get the drinks.

You went back to them, carefully holding the tray and set their drinks down as Yamada looks at you, narrowing his eyes. "You said your name was Y/N right?"

You nodded softly and he thought for a moment. "Are you possibly Y/N L/N? They support my radio channels and broadcasts the most it seems."

You flushed and nodded. "I-I am."

He smiled and chuckled. "Awesome. I'm meeting one of my best listeners!"

You smiled and pulled out your notebook. "Well, did you find what you want?"

He nodded and told you what he wanted as his friend told you after. You went to go put the ticket on the wheel as you spot someone glaring at him and his friend. You serve other people's food as everything started to get chaotic as it got busy. You rush to get Yamada and his friend's food and quickly put their food on the table. You rush around to get orders and pass out food.

The person you saw from earlier stood up slowly and pulled something from his pocket. You walk to him and held your tray. "Sir. What did you pull from your pocket?"

He looked at you and slipped it back into his pocket. "Nothing."

You nodded slowly. "Alright. Do you need anything?"

He shook his head and sat back down. "No. Go back to your job."

You glare slightly and Yamada raised his hand slightly and you walk over to him. "What's wrong?"

He looked at the man and then back at you. "Do you got a bad feeling about him?"

You nodded and bent down a little. "He pulled something from his pocket. He was glaring at you."

The man stood up quickly again and his chair fell backward. "You snitchin' on me?"

You jump and Yamada's friend quickly shot something at the man that bound him. Both Yamada and the friend stand up and go over to him. "Good thing you acted out for us to find you."

The cops showed up shortly after and you found out that the guy had been trying to kill heroes. Before Yamada and his friend left, he obviously had to pay the bill. He payed with a card but a small slip of paper was inside with it. You blushed as you realized it was a number.

You give him back his card and hold his number carefully. He winked at you and smiled. "You can call me later if you want, Little Listener. You're not the only one who can admire someone's actions. I've appreciated everything you've contributed to my broadcasts and radio shows and now you've helped me with my hero work."

After that, Yamada had left and you called him when you got home. And later, you had started dating. Though it was a weird meeting, you enjoyed it since you found the one you needed, the one you wanted. He protected you with everything he had. You were finally happy and content. You became his Little Listener.

I hope you enjoyed your little chapter courtney_draws, my good friend. I sure enjoy the one you made for me. Simp on my friend, simp on.

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