The Vampire King's Offering- Vampire Deku

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Idea: Every 6 months, a virgin male or female from all 10 major towns is sent to the High King as he demanded the blood of virgins. People have heard that the king is ruthless. He is a vampire and would slaughter each of the subjects that came to his castle, so people thought. You get picked from the town raffle to go to the castle. Once you arrive, you see the others that would become prey with you, though everything about the King is wrong. You actually develop feelings for the man.

Note: I did base this off the Hunger Games a little since it made the most sense and it would match the circumstance.

As you hear birds chirping away, you wake up and stretch. Today was the day that everyone feared. Raffle Day. Where a poor virgin would be sent to slaughter without escape. Unfortunately, you were one of the many virgins in town. Towns would only allow the higher class to marry or become tied with someone to let the lower class be sent to slaughter, though they would allow the lower class to marry at a certain age to keep the population going. It was truly unfair but the higher class didn't care. They needed the powerful blood to stay within the town. You stand up and get ready quietly before going to breakfast.

Your mother looked at you and smiled. "Good morning sweetie."

You grumbled and sat down. "It's not a good morning Mom."

Your father sat down beside you and tilted his head. "Kiddo. You don't need to sweat. I know it's Raffle Day and all but you've missed it each time since you were 15. You're 23 now. You're close to marriage years so don't worry."

Note: So like the Hunger Games, there is a certain age when the virgins can be picked. 15 is the soonest they enter and 25 is when they no longer qualify and they are considered to be in "marriage years".

You sighed and looked at him before poking at the food on your plate.

The rest of the time was silent as you ate with your family. Soon, the horn sounded that it was time for the raffle. You and your family left the house as other families gathered in the town square. Unfortunately, you could not stay with your family. All virgins had to stand up on the stage and wait to see who would be pulled. You watched your fellow people walk to the stage. You felt bad but you hoped one of them would be picked.

Everyone stood in a neat line and as the man spun the ball to shuffle the names, you began to sweat. You had to do this every six months. Every six months you had the chance of being sent to slaughter. You began to feel dizzy and everything started to spin. You felt like you were going to throw up. You didn't even realize the name had been pulled. The thing that snapped you out was your mother crying.

You look up and the man was looking at you. "Y/N. You've has been pulled to be sent to the castle."

Your eyes widen and two soldiers, which you knew were from the King's castle, walk up to you and bow. "You have time to gather some things from your home to take with you and say goodbye. We'll be waiting for you by the gate." They stand back up and walk away to the gate.

You just stay still. You couldn't believe it. You got picked and now you had to say goodbye. You slowly walk off stage and walk back to your home as your parents follow you. Your mother was sobbing while your father had tears slowly running. "Kiddo..."

You walk to your room and grab a case, beginning to pack some clothes. You yourself had began crying. You didn't want to leave everything behind but you didn't really have a choice. After you packed everything, you ran to your parents and hugged them tightly. "I love you... I hope they give you enough to finally get by."

Note: When the virgin gets picked, the town leaders give the family supplies and sometimes even currencies to help them get by.

Your parents held you close and tight. "We'll manage. But we'll miss you more than anything."

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