Deku & Lemillion Birthday Special- Poly Ver.

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This is a birthday special for our lovely bright boys!

Idea: You, Izuku, and Mirio are all pros and have the day off. You had been dating Izuku since high school and decided to start dating Mirio when you graduated. Izuku and Mirio didn't date but they made sure you got most of their attention other than hero work. It was your turn to make sure they got the attention for their day.

You wake up to Izuku cuddled up to you while Mirio had his hands intertwined with yours. Luckily, you all had the day off so they could actually get some sleep. Unfortunately, you couldn't move since Izuku's arms were around you and once he had you, there was no escaping unless he let go. Mirio could be the same way but they obviously had to take turns cuddling with you as it would be hard and awkward to try to do it at the same time. You try to squirm from Izuku's grip and he grumbled, gripping you tighter.

You sigh. There was no escape, even if you tried. Your quirk couldn't help you. You just had to wait until he woke up. Mirio shuffles slightly and scoots closer to you. Both boys were like rottweiler pups. All cuddly and playful but intimidating when protecting something they love.

Especially Izuku. He's lost a lot he couldn't protect. He unfortunately lost All Might in his third year of UA due to a villain attack. It messed him up pretty bad and he hasn't let you go anywhere without him knowing. Mirio obviously was messed up more at the loss of Sir Nighteye but the loss of All Might had hurt him.

You turn your head as you feel Izuku's arms loosen and his tosses over. You sit up and let go of Mirio's hands and look at Izuku. He tends to have nightmares every so often. You felt bad as you couldn't actually help him. He looks so full of pain when he sleeps. You kissed his head and covered him with a blanket before getting up from the bed. Today was the boys' birthday and you were going to make sure it was good for them. They really needed a good day for once.

You walk downstairs and get into a closet to retrieve their gifts. Izuku was pretty easy. Anything All Might or some of his friends' merch. Mirio was more difficult but you managed. You got him a nice jacket since his was getting roughed up and a nice mug with some of his favorite coffee. You grabbed some wrapping paper, boxes, tape, and the bags and got to work.

After you were finished wrapping the gifts, you set them to the side and grabbed a mason jar that contained what was left of Mirio's coffee and put it in to let it brew. After that, you covered the table with a nice white cloth and began to set it. You wanted to make things perfect since it was their birthday. You started working on breakfast as you hear one of them move around upstairs. It was probably Izuku but it could also be Mirio smelling his coffee. You knew both of them would come down eventually.

You grab the plates to set the food on as you finished and Izuku's groan caught your ears as he came downstairs while you could hear Mirio upstairs. Izuku rubbed his eyes and looked around before looking at you. "Puppy. What's all this?"

You finished putting the food on the plates and take them to the table, setting them down. "Did you forget it's your birthday?"

He shook his head. "No. I just didn't think you would go this far for me or Mirio."

You look at him and blink. "Izu. Why would you think I wouldn't?"

He shrugs. "Just not used to it."

You huff and grab some glasses and a mug and pour the drinks. "Well you better get used to it. You're gonna be getting this a lot."

He nods and grumbles as he rubs his shoulder slightly, sitting down on the couch. You watch him and walk over to him. His body has changed a lot since high school. Much more muscle, more scars, he was taller and his shoulder had been damaged recently and has to go through therapy. But yet, even through everything, he still smiles. That's what was most special about him. His ability to smile though anything.

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