"You're My Teddybear, Got It?"- Villain Bakugou

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Privately requested by: Rin (A dear friend about to be destroyed)

Idea: You and Bakugou had been friends since you were small. One day, after Katsuki found out his quirk, he had disappeared after a villain group had showed up. He had been labeled dead after "his" body was found. Though what happens is quite shocking when you stumble upon the thought-to-be dead boy, now a villainous teenager.

The familiar sound of your alarm woke you up from your sleep. You carefully uncover and stretch, yawning as you plant your feet on the floor. Everyday was the same now that you were in UA. Though it wasn't like you wanted it from when you were a kid. Your childhood friend wasn't with you. He had been lost to a villain group when they found out about his quirk. You looked in the mirror, hair messy from the night's sleep. You gather your uniform and begin getting ready. You always thought of your childhood friend before you went to school. How happy he would have been to see that you made it into UA.

As you walk out the door, you grab your keys and lock the door before shutting it. You put your hands in your pockets and walk to school quietly. Your friends in class 1-B often waited for you since you were one of their classmates. Your quirk was actually like one of your classmate's, Juzo Honenuki. His quirk made the ground softer as your quirk allowed you to make the ground around you like quicksand. Your friend Monoma was waiting for you patiently with Kendo and a few other friends.

You smiled and walk up to them. "Hey guys!"

Monoma smiled and adjusted his bag. "Hey Y/N. You ready for today? We're facing against 1-A! We'll show them once and for all we're stronger!"

Kendo raised her hand and he flinched, quieting down again.

You chuckle and smile before frowning as you get the feeling of being watched.

TetsuTetsu looked at you as he gently set a hand on your shoulder. "Are you okay Y/N?"

You shake your head. "I feel like I'm being watched."

Kendo waved it off slightly. "It's probably just an animal. They can cause that."

You nod and adjust your bag, starting to walk. "Yeah. I suppose. We should get to class."

Though you tried to push the thought away, you still felt like you were being watched all the way up to the school gate. As you passed through the gate, you felt safe. You walk up to the school with your classmates and pass 1-A on the way. You stare at the floor the whole time not wanting to start something already. Of course, that wouldn't come until after lunch since you had the main classes first. So, you waited throughout the painstakingly long classes until lunch.

When the lunch bell rang, you happily made your way to the lunch. You sat with Kendo and TetsuTetsu after you had gotten your tray. Again, that feeling of being watched came back. This time, you decided to push it away and ignore it as you ate with your friends.

As you finish, you go to dump your tray as they follow you. You wait for the bell to ring until you go to the uniform lockers to get changed. You changed into your costume carefully and smile as you wait for everyone else outside.

Class 1-A was already by the training ground and again, the feeling came back. You were starting to get suspicious of who could be watching you as you catch Midoriya glancing at you. You proclaimed the feeling was caused by him and pushed it away once again. Everyone soon came outside and you led them to the grounds before training started. It was all of class 1-A against all of class 1-B.

You and Honenuki work together of course since your quirks were so alike. You were taking care of Ashido and Yaoyarozu. You weren't really paying much attention to everyone else as you had your hands full with the two. They weren't easy competitors to fight against. Eventually you and Honenuki win and eventually you go on break.

Most people are getting drinks but you had to go to the locker room for a new pair of pants since Ashido and Yaoyarozu damaged them. What you hadn't noticed is that Mineta had followed you into the locker room. You stayed oblivious to the small pervert and went to change for next battle. As you were changing you hear an explosion along with a small yelp before it cut out. You change faster and run outside to see what happened.

Your eyes widen as you take in the scene. A large char mark along the wall, Mineta on the floor being stomped on by someone with familiar hair. The drop of your damaged pants made the person turn around quickly. Ash blond hair, ruby red eyes, practically flawless skin, and a wicked wide smirk.

The blond spoke with a grin, "Y/N. It's so good to see you."

You shook your head and back away, stumbling backward over yourself. No... It couldn't be. He was supposed to be dead! You mumble to yourself, "No... This is all just a bad nightmare..."

The blond let out a laugh and walked closer to you, hand smoking slightly. "Nightmare? Or a real good daydream?"

You gasp as your back was against the wall. He took his chance and slammed his fists beside your head. "I promise I won't hurt you, Y/N. I'm your friend. I'd never hurt you." He gently grabbed your chin and chuckled lowly, looking your face up and down. "God I've missed how you looked. All this time separated from you has really hurt me."

You turn your head and he gripped your chin tighter. "No Teddybear. You're not allowed to turn away from me. Look at me."

You growl and look at him, "You're not the Katsuki I know."

He stared at you before breaking out into laughter. "Of course not! I've changed! Being a villain has really opened my eyes."

You try to squirm away and he closes the gap slightly between you and him. "No. You're being a bad P/G."

You stop and feel his hand heat on your chin. "There. I know you've missed me all this time Y/N. You can't lie."

You look down and nod softly. You had missed him. You really had. It had been hard without him.

He gently made you look back up and pulled you close. "You no longer have to miss me. I'm right here for you to take. Just come with me."

You push away and shake your head. "I can't! UA needs me! The hero soci-"

He pushed you against the wall and growled, "I don't give a fuck who needs you. I need you. I'm more important than them! You're mine and mine alone!"

You grunt from the sudden push and look at him. His eyes were full of rage, his body tense, his hair ruffled. He looked like a wild animal ready to attack.

"I need you Y/N! You're all I have left! My mom and dad think I'm dead so I can't magically come onto their doorstep."

You grit your teeth. "But you think you can come to mine?! Are you insane?"

"You don't get it, Y/N. I came to you because I knew sooner or later you'd come to me. You're just... Like that. Please Y/N. Be my Teddybear and we can both flee from society. We can find a nice place to stay."

You try to squirm under his arms and he let go, letting you think.

After many moments of thinking, Bakugou grumbles, "Come on Teddybear, we don't have all day. Just accept that you're mine."

You hate to leave everything behind but you didn't want to leave him behind either. You decided to go with him.

"That's it Teddybear. And one other thing, you're my Teddybear only, got it?"

You nod and he nods before disappearing with him through a purplish portal.

All finished. One of the ones where a person who deserves to die dies! Yay!

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