Wolfy Mishap- Wolf Hybrid Aizawa

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Idea From: courtney_draws

Idea: You and Aizawa had been married for a few years. Aizawa did his hero work everyday while you stayed at home and did your paperwork for your job. Though one day, Aizawa comes back with a little bit of a problem.

Earlier that morning, you had kissed Shouta good-bye like usual. His hero work always had him leaving in the morning to dodge the paparazzi. You knew he hated paparazzi. How loud they were, how they would get in his way, and how they wouldn't stop until they got what they wanted. Normally, Shouta would text you throughout the day and weirdly, he hadn't done so. You watched the TV for any news about him but all you got was that there was a quirk malfunction accident at a villain attack where both heroes and civilians were affected. You became very worried about him and thought maybe he was just stuck out later for a mission. You decided to sleep on it knowing when he would come back, he would flop down beside you and fall asleep as well.

During your sleep, you feel the familiar slouch and dip of the bed when Shouta arrived. You turn over and hear him grumble as he tries to get comfy.

"You're back late, Shouta."

His usual grumpy voice responded as he gently pulled you to him. "Bad day at work."

You nod and let him though he seemed more touchy than usual. He usually didn't have you close as he did now unless something was truly wrong.

He buried his face in your hair and sighed. "I'm sure you heard about the accident today?"

You nod and curl up a little. "They stationed you there?"

He nodded and curled up with you.

You turn to look at him though you couldn't see him since it was dark. He was truly acting weird. "Shouta. Were you one of the heroes affected?"

He shrugged. "We don't actually know. All we know is that I had the same feeling other people did that were there when the villain was around."

You nod slowly and lay your head back down. "We'll wait to check you out tomorrow. We're both tired and you need rest." He would have responded but he was already ahead of you. Already trying to sleep. You close your eyes and sigh. He was always so tired from hero work and you felt kinda bad that they always needed him. He never really got a break. You soon fall asleep and cover yourself with a blanket.

When you wake up, you feel something curled around your leg and turn to look at him. Something twitches on his head and you jump slightly, making him grumble and shuffle. "What are you doing, Kitten?"

You scoot back to try and see what was on his head. Something is pulled from your leg and you look down. A tail? You look back up at his head. Ears! He had a tail and ears! They looked fluffy and soft as he sat up. "It's too early for you to be moving around this much."

You stare at him and watch his ears twitch. "Shouta... You're uh- Go look in the mirror."

He grumbled and huffed as he stood up. His hair was messed up as usual but obviously the ears displaced his hair slightly.

You watch him as he disappeared into the bathroom and slightly stand up. You hear him sigh loudly and he comes back, grabbing his phone from the nightstand. "I'm calling the agency. I'll be back."

You simply nod and watch him as he left the room. You wait for him and he came back after a few minutes and he sighs. "Everyone is having the same problem. They said we'll probably be stuck like this for a while."

You nod and he sat down, ears twitching at every little sound as his tail twitched and jumped. You had the strong urge to touch his tail but you decided it would be better if you didn't. He huffed and stood up, walking to the dresser. "I'm going downstairs to relax."

You nod softly and watch him. "I'll join you in a minute."

He nods and walks out with his shirt in hand. You stretch and look around for a recent book you'd been reading. You gently pick it up and take it downstairs with you happily. As you walk downstairs, his tail wags slightly inturn making you giggle softly.

He huffs and grumbles, focusing on making his coffee. "It's not funny Y/N."

You smile and sit down on the couch. "It kind of is."

He grumbles more before bringing his coffee over to the couch and sitting down beside you. He wrapped a single arm around you and pulled you close to him. He slams his hand onto his tail as it thumps against the chair. "It's getting annoying."

You shook your head softly and smile as you open your book. "This is gonna be such a problem for you if that is annoying for you."

He kept his hand on it as it wiggles softly. "Oh. Trust me. Nothing's more annoying then Problem Child back at UA. He's always hurting himself."

You nod softly. "I know Shou. You tell me everyday about how it is."

He tries to relax and his tail calms down slightly. "I suppose I do." He gently took a sip of his coffee.

You quietly read your book and let Shouta lean on you. He was warm so you were pretty comfy. His tail swishes as he got more comfortable and he stretches out happily. You smile and watch him softly. You hesitate before gently petting his ears. They were really soft like velvet and he huffs, swatting at you hand. "No touching."

You pull your hand back and accept his request. You accepted because you figured his ears were probably sensitive since they were new. His tail was probably the same way but you didn't want to test that. You let him lay down and he soon doses off like usual. It was funny how he could wake up, drink coffee and somehow end up falling asleep. You never did bother him though if he did since he would get grumpy and end up falling back asleep anyway. As you let him sleep, you happily read your book and stayed quiet for him.

You smile as he woke up later and yawned softly. "Hey sleepyhead."

He just grumbles and covered himself with a blanket from off the back of the couch. "Not done sleeping. Want more sleep."

You nod and lay rub his back. "Then keep sleeping. I don't mind. You need your rest." You knew he needed it and his problem probably wasn't helping either. You kept him under the blanket and on the couch while he slept and you continue to quietly read your book.

Occasionally during his sleep, Shouta would cuddle closer to you and curl up, his tail following as he relaxed again. You smile and set your book down. You knew that this problem was gonna need time for him to get used to but for you, it wouldn't take long. You rub his head slightly, avoiding his ears as you slowly relax. Though Shouta had about slept the day away, you enjoyed him being so cuddly and for however long this would last, you would continue to enjoy it.

I will be posting a next chapter poll soon cause I am running out of ideas for now! See you later my little weebs!

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