Chapter 5

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"Right! All you up!" I was already half awake and rolled over to make out Matron's stiff figure in the doorway. "Today is the first day which you will learn and show your real potential. Breakfast is in fifteen minutes, tardiness will not be tolerated. You will eat your gruel, and receive your timetables. Then to attend your first lesson, or report at your first chore. NOBODY will begin with a free period, for that, I am certain." She scanned the room, making sure that everybody was making an effort to get up and ready.
I was already standing ext to my bed after realising she was observing at the door, I didn't want to make it seem as I was being lazy. She suddenly left, appealingly so that all us girls could get dressed into our better attire and start the clock so we wouldn't be late for breakfast. I pull the night sheet from off my shoulders and replace it with my brown dress and pinafore on top. I rise my grey socks as high as they will go to cover my legs, and place my boots on one by one. Slightly too large for my feet, but I will definitely grow into them. I was also one of the last children to come in so they cannot expect to give everyone the correct size. I sensed troubles, so I darted my eyes around. Maud was approaching, and I slightly rolled my eyes.
"Why are you being such a try hard, Maud? Matron may give you special attention, but she is one person out of the many friends you could make while here. Look around, all of these girls are the girls that you will be spending the next eight years with. If you don't side with us...: she paused, assuming for effect, "Then your life may well be like it's not worth living". This wasn't a statement in itself. This was a threat. Her tone, her look, her words. It reeked of a plot, and she was a vile girl anyway so there was no doubt about it. But there is no worries, I can stand up for myself.
"I'm not doing it to show off to Matron. Matron just takes a shine to me because I actually appreciate the work that they are doing for us here. I will put in the time, the effort, I'm a golden example of what can be achieved and what you can achieve if you just put your head down. Anyone would think you don't want to be a servant in a posh Manor House when you are older", I tutted. Of course that's what they want to be! It's all we were destined to be. It was an honour.
"I don't think you want that either Maud. Your mind is just shut off to the possibilities of the entire world which exists outside of your tiny brain." She scowls and walks off, still only half dressed and more than likely going to be late for breakfast. She's already been here a year, and it's like she's asking for a punishment. I brush my hands over my head, still very short but honestly looking a little better than yesterday when it was all shaved off. My clothes were immaculate, my bed was made to perfection, and I was so excited to start the day to get to my first lesson or complete my first chore. There was already a few girls miserably moping down to the food hall, so i skipped behind them and egged them on. They all gave me discouraging looks, but nothing could put me in a bad mood now, not when I know there was things to be done.
I reached the food hall, and lined up. The older girls were on cooking and kitchen duty today, as they had already had previous training on how to handle everything in there. We wouldn't be tackling the kitchen alone until at least nine years old. A girl came up behind me, but I don't think she recognised me, even though I recognised her.
"Hello," I turned to her, "My name is Maud Cinius. I believe you are Nirella Parlour?" When she saw me a familiarisation came over her face.
"Good Morning, and yes... I am. Pray tell, how do you know my name? I believed you only arrived yesterday in the last batch of Foundlings?"
I loved her already. The poise, the language, sophisticated name, no messing about with her speech or communication.
"You are correct, I did only arrive yesterday, although I slightly wish it was sooner seeing what I have bee missing out on. If I am to be truthful, it's quite a long explanation. But the basics reside in me meeting your foundling brother, Edward," her face slightly perks at the sound of his name, "and him asking me the favour of, well, asking you of your wellbeing" I gave a nod, an indication I am ready for her to respond.
"I - I - well. That is not what I was expecting", at this moment, we both get handed our food and water, and walk to go get a seat together. "I can't believe Edward thought of me after our parting. We are, admittedly, alike. Our views remain the same, the generosity of the Foundling hospital, how we should show appreciation, how we are here because our mothers are degenerates. Although we wouldn't have it any other way. I'm flattered he cares for me still, and if you see him again, please do tell him I am well, and I hope to converse when it is then appropriate, if there is ever a time as such in the future". I make a mental note of this as I know Matron with let us rendezvous at a later date.
"He has told me about your shared views, and alongside this your quietness with the subject", I inquire, testing the waters. I also take a slurp of food at the pause, feeling my stomach rumble still slightly. "If you are certain in your beliefs... why don't you live them?"
"Well Maud, it's not that easy. I do lack something that both you and Edward possess", she shifts in her seat while taking a sip of her water, and I slightly tilt my head to show kept interest. "I don't have a hard outer shell. I know if I told the other children here what I think, they would not agree with me and I may get targeted for pranks, for negative behaviour. I can't withstand that, and just want to live peacefully while I'm here, living my dream and learning the way to become the best servant when I'm grown. You and my parted brother have that hard outer shell. That, is something that I unfortunately lack" I was quiet. I never really thought about that point of view. I just thought it was the right thing, and so other people should know so they are able to learn off me.
"Wow Nirella, I never thought of it like that. But if deep down you know you're right, even if some people don't agree, and may even show their thoughts, you have the right sight in mind and you get to hold onto that which no one can take it away from you" Nirella looked quite comforted, and I was happy with my little speech.
She thanked me and we didn't have time to converse much more on the subject, as our timetables got handed out. Seven thirty am to five pm each day roughly, scattered with chores, lessons, dinner and some free time.
Mine got dropped in front of my gruel and I abandoned my food to peruse through it. Today, Thursday. First hour - gardening. Next hour - reading and writing. Next two hours - sewing and embroidery. An hour break for dinner and recreation. Hour - free time. Half hour - Edward? I had to assume that I was the only one who had this slot, and Edward had also received the same part. Hour and half - introduction to baking and cooking. Hour - praying and church cleaning duty. From this list, it seems like Thursdays were lesson days more than anything. I could definitely live with that. That means if I look... yes! Mondays were mostly all chore days. The other days were fairly spread out between what we would learn and the jobs we would do. We also had time for mandatory praying in the Church, and even to be by the side of Matron in her day. Dinner was the same time everyday, as well as breakfast and supper. I also saw that I meet with Edward at the same time on both Mondays and Thursdays. The next week is going to be something to look foreword to.

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 There was so many things that I had picked out that I already thought were going to be my favourite

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There was so many things that I had picked out that I already thought were going to be my favourite. Of course, as it's Thursday, I'll see Edward tonight to speak with him not only about timetables, etiquette, rules, but also Nirella. She was beaming at her timetable. I saw that she seemed to have more lessons that chores, maybe only by a couple, but if there is a word put in by the family that they are particularly excelling at things, the child may get their chance to prove that to the hospital. For example, I have increasingly more time as Matron's servant than her, and that anyones timetable I saw, so I have cause to believe that Matron requested me herself when she could. I could not be happier with that agreement. The free time is adequate - I'm sure I will find something personally productive to do in that time. But looking around people were moving, Matron slowly circling tables.
"Breakfast is over! You have all got your assignments now, and you all know where you should be. If you don't know, ask. I don't want random foundlings lost all over the grounds please. Move it!" She bellowed.
I was so excited! Double checking my timetable, I have Gardening. Outside with the mud and mess... possibly not my ideal situation but I'm very happy to be introduced.
I said my byes to Nirella, she was first going to Gardening also! Unfortunately, it looks like only one of the few lessons and chores we have with each other. Either way, I don't have that time earmarked down for talking and playing - It's a time for working and proving my worth, leaning new things and showing that I can be the best. Nirella slowly follows me as we make our way outside.

Maud Cinius Where stories live. Discover now