Chapter 4

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Matron and I were on our way to meet up with this role model boy Edward Hobbs. I was really hoping he was nice as I needed a friend who had my same beliefs. The boys, however, will not be serving in a manor, they will be going into the army to fight for our country when they are 17. They have longer at the Hospital which sounds like a dream for me, even though I am certain that my placement will be the best I could ever hope for. As we approached a doorway, Matron extended her arm to knock. The door was opened by a man who had large arms and a very intimidating scar down the left side of his face. "What?" He questioned. Matron Clarice didn't look scared in the slightest.
"Good Afternoon Morgan, I hope everything is well. I am looking for Edward Hobbs if you please, I have a new foundling here that I believe will thrive under his watch." She said it with such confidence it was shocking .
"HOBBS! Here, now. Go with Matron Clarice as she has a no good troublemaker that needs your help. Do not be long Arabella. Thank you." he hollered. Matron Clarice didn't hold back at all and told him with pleasure that the girls also now possessed a brilliant respectable figure that all of the other Foundlings girls can look up to.
"Well then," Sir Morgan was quite take aback, and looking straight at me said "don't let them down kid. And you'll love my Hobbs, I'm sure un' it".

Edward was exactly how I thought he would be. Dressed perfectly up to the standard, glasses, with a very balanced walk, in which a way that you knew that he knew what he was doing. It was a stride with purpose. I would say hopefully I will live up to that standard myself, but I believe I have already reached that point. Unless Matron would have not deemed me worthy of being able to meet someone so similar, let alone, my male attitude doppelgänger?
"Right you two," began Matron, "I may be lenient to allow you two to meet and converse, but under no circumstance will you be ever left on your own. As I'm sure you both understand, I can make exceptions here and then, but you two out of all the children must understand it is highly inappropriate to leave you as a young male and female to your own devices. Either way, I am perfectly happy observing at a distance. Please enlighten each other you two. You have 15 minutes to discuss". And to that, she wandered away to allow us to speak with her looming in the corner of our eyes.
Edward took a seat on a bench, where I sat opposite with my knees crossed and hands down, him with his hands on his knees and no faulty posture whatsoever.
"So,", started Edward, "What's your given name?".
"Maud Cinius, and as established, you are in fact Edward Hobbs" I stated.
"Correct indeed. So from what I have heard, you are the star female of the foundling hospital. Admirable, such, I am sure. Tell me a little about yourself? I don't care for small talk, but in certain circumstances... well I can make exceptions".
"Well, I will keep it short and direct then". Knowing that we will have had similar years before us, such as our years in a home placement, I know he will know the general ins and outs. I enjoyed my years with Margaret, she taught me the proper ways, and I thrived with my continuous thought that my future is bright and lived in a Manor House. "And I've been settling in very well so far. Matron is a fair and strict leader, exactly how she should be".
"Well, Maud, you certainly have had a good start so far. Positive role models in telling the truth about your future are some of the people that you will always cherish," he was right about that one, I though to myself. "Personally, my foster home was a nightmare. I had a sister in there, non-biological of course, who actually arrived a couple weeks before you, for good behaviour and as she was in the same home as me she was allowed as a special circumstance. Nirella Parlour, short girl with a bob who shared my views, but was much quieter in voicing them than me. Doesn't like causing a scene or letting people know her true feelings".
"Wait," my brain was working backwards for a second, "I'm fairly sure I saw someone of that description as dinner. As I disgraced a troublemaker at supper, a girl of that look gave me a slight smirk, sort of as an affirmation of my actions. Would that be her?"
'Yes, I'm fairly sure!" Edward was smiling for the first time ow, properly that is. "May I ask you a favour, Maud, not to put you out your way?" I nod slightly, not to agree to much in case it is something that will break the rules, but assuming who is asking I doubt it would be, "are you able to just say hello to Nirella for me? Just for her to know that I'm glad she's okay and that she's fitting in nicely. I haven't seen her since I was brought here, and I knew I wouldn't, I just like to keep updated on her welfare, if you understand?".
I ponder over this request for a second. I don't believe there is any harm in what he is asking me. If it was a potential sweetheart he was trying to lure out, I would refuse without further question. But somebody you have spent time with, who shares your same views and have trusted? I would give some things right now to see Margaret once again briefly. I then nod, and reply, "I think I can do that for you Edward. If I see her once again, that is. No problem, I'm sure".
"He smiled and gave a partial nod in thanks. We both know he wouldn't ask without cause and if we both knew it was against the rules.
"Last question then, Maud, as Matron looks as if she is about to break this meeting up, although I'm sure this is not the last time I will be seeing you. Do you ever waiver on your confidence in the Foundling hospital? As in, would you even not believe in its power to change out lives for the better?" He was just curious. But I knew the answer before he even began his question.
"Never," I shook my head, not breaking eye contact. "I truly believe this institution gives all us girls and boys the best chance in life after our mothers left us in a state, and are giving us the best opportunities possible. I genuinely cannot wait for the next chapters of my life. The hard work and learning that I will go through here to provide well for my Manor House in my future. A dream of mine for a time..." I trail off dreamily.
"Likewise," Edward responds. "Serving my country and training in my younger years to, as a young adult, represent us in the war is what I have been looking up to since I could understand the goals of this Hospital. Nevertheless, I really hope this isn't the last time we converse, Maud Cinius," he concludes, standing up.
"Me either, Edward Hobbs", I copy, raising myself up to his level, even though he is a couple of inches taller than me, we both seem to hold the same power. I briefly think about holding out my hand to shake, but then deem it inappropriate between mixed genders, and decide against it. I offer a confirming smile instead, which is reciprocated. In this time, Matron has made her presence again.
"I trust you two have spoken about varying things to do with your similarities? Good. Then everyone shall return and I am sure in time there will be a similar meeting like this again. Come along, Maud". I followed her back to the female quarters, giving a last nod to Edward who smiled and made his own way back through the door he came from, politely announcing he had returned. Matron and I made our way up some stairs, familiar to me, and concluded she was guiding me back to the dormitory.
"First we need to stop and get some sheets," she enquired, opening a large cupboard down the corridor to retrieve some clean sheets for me. I assume clean ever so, as they were looking an off white colour, very worn and drastically thin. This must be for a reason, and they can't always replace items as they have the welfare of thousands of Foundlings to look after, and I am grateful for anything that I am prized upon with. She then guided me further down ad around a corner, back in to the rooms. The girls, who were scuttling around talking and some who were laying down and getting dressed all rushed to the side of their own beds when they clocked Matron had entered the room, falling to a deadly silence. I caught the eye of a few people I had already had the burden, and some short pleasure of meeting. There was Mabel, of course. When Matron saw she looked shocked and angry, with the knowledge that someone must've let her out from the punishment cupboard early. My eyes laid upon the short bob haired girl, who I now know to be Nirella Parlour, who I greeted a slight grin. She was one of the very few girls who didn't have to move to their beds when Matron entered, already waiting for instructions. I also saw a girl who had her arm in a strange, large sling contraption, who I made the assumption must be Ebony Night, the girl who broke her arm purely by accident as what the Governor of the hospital was saying earlier today. How clumsy do you have to be? I thought to myself. Matron did a quick scan, then waved her hand as if magically freeing the girls of her still as a statue spell. They went back mostly to what they were doing, although in much quieter tones.

We reached my bed, and Matron observed me make it up all by myself. She shielded me when I slipped my ribbon trinket into my pillowcase, and then applauded me on how well I did.
"Maud, this is perfect. I could not have asked for anything better. Pristine covers, no creases. Bed looking sturdy, and there is nothing that I had to assist with" she winked and walked away, stopping at the door and turning around.
"Right Girls, ten thirty pm. I know some more of you have entered today, and hopefully you have found your way around well enough. This was the last batch of Foundlings to arrive for this year, meaning that lessons, and days altogether from this point on will be more structured and harder than they have ever been once again," I heard some murmurs and some complaints from the people around me, but I didn't want to miss a word Matron was saying so I didn't look to see who it was (although I had an idea). "Everybody will be woken up at five thirty am to begin cooking for breakfast, eat breakfast, and then be given their timetables for chores, work, and lessons in the week. Also, free time, but remember to use this wisely. More will be said on the subject tomorrow. LIGHTS OUT!" With that, she closed the door, latched it, and marched out of sight down the hall. There was still a few candles lit, people making the final adjustments to their bed, and as I was getting tucked in I was curious as I had not seen who were in the beds next to me yet. On my left, a girl who I had not seen before, but she was already in bed, mostly asleep. Good. The girl to my right caught my attention more. Not because i knew her, but to her right was Mabel, and she was looking right at me. I stuck my nose up and observed some more. Ebony Night was across the other side of the room, tossing as to try get her broken arm comfy. Nirella was the bed above my head, and it came to my mind about Edwards request. As I am not about to disobey rules, I conclude to talk to her tomorrow when there is a spare chance. I also believe she could become a close friend somewhat to me. I am fully under my thin sheets now, and know I need to get my sleep before waking tomorrow for a filled day of chores and proving myself to Matron. I close my eyes and focus on solely that, thinking of what fun jobs we will all get to tackle. Everyone quiets down eventually too.

Maud Cinius Where stories live. Discover now