Chapter 3

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Mabel P.O.V
What that new Cinius girl did will not be forgiven. There is few, mostly unspoken rules between all of the Foundlings here, and she has broken number one. We all know how harsh the punishments are here, and do not want to go through that and experience it. Ratting out a fellow Foundling is a cause for humiliation. We will have to do this sneakily though. She comes across as clever, if not stupid about the thoughts of outer mothers, who I repeat, did not want to give us up and did wanted us. When I saw her walk straight to Matron Clarice, I knew I was in trouble straight away. Matrons face turned into a look of interest, and then I saw her eyes pierce into mine, and I sharply looked away because now I know that they are definitely talking about me. I risked another glance and Maud had gone to sit by herself, and Matron was advancing towards me.
"Let's have a little chat, Mabel, yes?" She grabbed my arm and pinched. I didn't whimper or let out a groan of pain though, I was used to it. She dragged me up out of my seat with everybody watching, loosens her grip until we got out of the door where there were no prying eyes. We started walking up the stairs, taking a route I was familiar with having walked it many times. I started fiddling and crying out, but the Matron took not notice, She was careless, heartless."Spreading lies to our new Foundlings about all your dreaded mothers coming back to get you in fairytale land? You're lucky we took you. When your mother brought you here, you were a stumpy, ugly child. We only took you because we had to by law. If I was your mother- well, let's just say, you wouldn't be staying with me for very long because you were a whiny little baby."
"Matron, please not to the punishment cupboard, I am truly sorry and I just talk about my mother because I just want the fact that she never wanted me in the first place to be covered up because the pain is so hard to deal with. In reality I truly know that she never wanted me, but I can't handle that, and I do agree that the Hospital has done well to take me in and raise me." This was all lies of course. We would do anything to not get put into the punishment cupboard. It was a dark, small space which was dirty and had rats all over, and it is the most unpleasant thing I have the unfortunate luck of ever experiencing. My mother will come back, she does want, me, she never wanted to give me away, and the Hospital is awful, and I hate everyone here, they treat us so badly. I start to hyperventilate into a fit of tears, and Matron laughs.
"Don't you think I know that that is all lies? You still love your mother, I know what you get up to with the other children, trying to get them to join your little club in finding your mothers. It will never happen child. You will fester here another eight years and then be sent to the worst placement house we can give you where you will live out the remainder of your pitiful life, trust me." She said fiercely. We arrived at the punishment cupboard. I stood in the doorway and shouted in her face.

"I WILL NEVER TRUST YOU! YOU LIE TO US ALL ABOUT OUR MOTHERS! YOU TREAT US LIKE SCUM WHEN YOU ARE REALLY THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE OUR LIVES A MISERY! ROT IN HELL!" This was a horrible word to say, there is many religious people in this institution. All my hate and anger came out in one. Matron slammed the door in my face.
"I may not rot in that unspeakable place, but you will definitely rot in there!" She spat. I heard her harsh clack of footsteps fade away as she left me alone in this cupboard. How dare she! How dare Maud! I will have to use my terrible time in here to reflect on what has happened, and the consequences that shall follow to punish Maud.
"AHHHHH!" I let out a deafening scream as I feel a furry vermin scuttle across my foot. I stamp around the floor, trying to squish this dirt, pretending it's Maud and stamping thrice as hard.

Maud P.O.V
I know I have done the right thing. I really need to stay in the good books of the Matron, as they are the nicest people I have met here, but my fellow Foundlings seem to fixated on their mothers. Why? Don't they realise they left them at birth? I don't care if they hate me. As soon as I am fourteen, I will have the job of working with the best master or mistress, and will do the best housework and cooking they have ever seen. It's been my dream job ever since I have seen the special ways of the Foundling hospital. My Foster home was a half-nightmare, and hopefully my work manor will be the dream that I have waited for. I suddenly feel a cold, gripping hand on my arm.
"Oi! You fool! We're talking to you!" It was a girl who was recently conversing with Mabel.
"Okay." I simply replied. What did she want with me anyway? I couldn't care less about those children who believe their mothers are out their, wishing for them to come back home. What droll. After giving back my reply. I look back to my Gruel and sip with gusto. There is a slam, and I realise Matron Clarice has entered once again. Without Mabel. I hope she is being severely punished. All the vile she spewed! And the girl who called me a fool has closed her mouth now. I can't deal with these children, they are despicable.
"Right! Everyone get to your next lesson! Dinner is over! Hope you enjoyed, now get out, thank you!" All of the girls slowly rose, some taking a last sip of water before leaving. I was exited for my first proper lesson, but Matron kept me behind from all the girls. They were all looking at me with disgust, like I was the person that was telling lies about our mothers! One girl, with dark brown hair in a small bob was looking at me with a tiny smile. I retired a slight grin, until she had turned, and then began worrying that the reason Matron had pulled me aside was because I was in trouble. Ohh! My first day here and I have already got into bother, when I vowed to be the best! Let's get this punishment over with,  I thought. But to my surprise, it was not anything like that at all.
"I was thinking, as the brilliant male role model Edward Hobbs has a rare free period right now, and it is only your first day so you can miss one lesson, I knew I had to introduce him to you. I think you will get on splendid, because you both have the same views. If you children both like each other, then I might even let you two meet to discuss behaviours and idea and tips to being a positive influence of the other children. Let's go, shall we?" She looked proud and like she had came up with a really brilliant idea, like the person had who invented the Foundling Hospital.
"Yes Matron. I really think that is a splendid idea. But first, if you don't mind me asking... what happened to Mabel?" We began walking, and she spoke again.
"Well, as you seem to agree with our ways, I don't see the harm in telling you what happened to that insolent girl. Here, a few floors up, we have a cupboard which is dirty, as we never have time to clean it out because there is always one awful child or another locked away in it or another, so I have put her in there without supper, for a time I think is suitable for what she said and did. I will tell you something you must not repeat to anybody else," I nodded, and she whispered, she told me to go rot in hell." I heard that last word, and have being raised in a religious, loving home, I must say my disbelief was above the scale.
"No! I can't believe that! Then again, that child was nasty, and she should be severely punished. When do you think you should let her out, Matron?" I announced, shocked. The system was brilliant though, a great punishment in my opinion.
"If I had my way, forever. But probably in the morning, after breakfast so she at least misses the most meals I'm able to punish her with." I totally agreed with her. How she is able to deal with all these troubled kids is beyond me.

Maud Cinius Where stories live. Discover now