Chapter 8

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"So, Edward, it feels slightly strange talking to you about certain things that have happened at the hospital already even though this is only the first official day. And that I have only been here for one day altogether anyway!" I wanted to start with a nice ease into the conversation.
"Yes, amusing," he weakly smiled. "Have you got anything to bring to the table yet then? As you said, you've only been here a day where as I have been here.. slightly longer"
I felt like he was trying to insinuate something. I've got it!
"Oh yes, I talked to Nirella about what you said. She said she's really glad you remember her, and she cherishes the time you spent together. Not to be in-ladylike, but she does miss you," His face was brighter than I had ever seen it in the short time I had known him.
"I... I really appreciate that Maud. Thank you, very much," he said, very relieved.
"Honestly Edward, I regard you as a friend, and it's no bother at all. Me and Nirella are getting quite close and friendly so I'm very happy to speak to her about anything. She is very quiet herself, but I know she has one of the kindest hearts" I did regard him as a friend, that it true.
"So, Edward, I'd love to hear about some of the troubling boys if you are willing to share? There's only one particular girl that I could tell you about for ideas on how she could change..." we spoke about the boys first, about many of them only like their recreational time, and only a few who are truly patriotic. The others are happy to be going into the war, but for very various reason. Edward wrote a lot down about how he needs to inspire the boys to be more about their country, about loving their home and the sacrifice they are making for the greater good - I told him about Mabel. It's very different on how to approach troublemaking girls and trouble making boys. We both have them named for different problems, but even if they were the same, we would need to approach the problem from separate angles.
Here is what we came up with, separate ideas, and only a few, for the boys and girls:

Edward Hobbs: Plan for discipline of the BOYS army sector of the Foundling Hospital. Notes PT1 :
1. Lessen the amount of time that sport is being used for fun, and make it where the sport is being remastered to be used to test agility skills, pace, strength etc.
2. Silence is mandatory from a command from Major Morgan of his choosing, allowing that the point from which he voices the command to a set of foundlings, they are silent immediately or they get a chosen punishment that Major Morgan sees fit.
3. It will be mandatory to drink two glasses of water every meal to promote health, and these glasses have to be finished by the end of breakfast, dinner and supper. There will, however, be no more lenience for bathroom time. This is to help prepare for the war place also.

Maud Cinius: Plan for discipline of the GIRLS servant sector of the Foundling Hospital. Notes PT2 :
1. Allow more lessons for kitchen cleaning after dinner so that the girls can learn the value of keeping a tidy dining area, and allow the cooks more time to prepare for supper.
2. There should be appointed a head girl in each Foundling year who can be trusted to report back to Matron in goings-on around the hospital, good or bad. They share monthly ideas with Matron.
3. On good behaviour, one girl is said to serve the owner of the hospital (Lady Helena) upon her request when she is visiting. They will have one entire day of missing their lessons and chores, but being provided with real world experience on how to properly serve a Lord or Lady.

We shared what we had exactly got written down to see if we both agreed. There was no doubt about it, we were both happy with what we were going to be reporting back to Matron and Major. According to the noise of foundlings clearing back inside, we had less that five minutes before Matron would be coming to retrieve us.
"Maud, I think much like you are friends with my foundling sister, I feel like we are going to get along to. We have the friendship qualities, although we still act professional. I'm glad you came to the hospital, somebody I am able to work with to try change this establishment and the foundlings within it for the greater good" he stood up, pocketing his notebook and brushing down his trousers.
"Likewise, Edward. I'm really glad both you and your sister are here. Together we could make a huge impact, truly I believe it" I smiled slightly, following his lead and standing up, picking up my dusty cap and flapping it slightly and putting it back on my head. We both turned to the door as we could hear it unlocking, standing straight with notebooks in hand ready to present our now ideas. 
"Good to see you two are looking eager, I can't wait to read the ideas you have come up with" she held out her hand and we didn't even need to speak yet, we just handed her both our notebooks. She skimmed through Edwards first, muttering and nodding, then giving him some praise, saying Major Morgan will be really proud of this use of time and hopefully think about enforcing all of these rules, as she certainly would try and get them put straight into motion. It was my turn now, and as she was reading I was hoping she was going to say something very similar about my ideas either. They were also approved by Edward though, and he wouldn't;t have liked them if they didn't make a degree of sense or wasn't fair for every foundling girl here. But she was also smiling, saying things like 'why haven't I thought of this before?' And so on.
"Very well done, Maud. Speaking for the girls, I can definitely get some of these rules implemented, if not some sooner than others. Head Girl is certainly a good idea, and I'm sure Lady Helena would appreciate the extra servant and help she can get while she is visiting. Even if it is on only a rare occasion. As for the lessons, that would be assessing what foundling can do when what day, if that allowed sense. Perhaps this is a was to reduce free time too... either way, there is time later to discuss. I'm sure Major will be happy, Hobbs. Let us walk back" and with that, we left. Matron locked the door once again behind us, and we followed her in silence back into the main building.
We first went to the boys side of the hospital to drop Edward back into the hands of Major Morgan.
"Ah, Matron, you've brought back my boy in one piece, thank you. I trust he's made his time worthwhile?" He questioned, but asking like if it was an obvious answer. Of course he has, he's the star pupil.
"Major, you could not be happier with what your young boy has thought up. Just read these!" I was also happy to see her excited to show Edward off to his superior. Major Morgan read them there and then giving that positive look of affirmation.
"Honestly, boy, you are brilliant! I'll tell you what, I never knew that the boys were taking advantage of sports time, thinking it was supposed to be fun when they are supposed to be improving themselves, their mind and their bodies. Also, some of them are hard to quieten. I believe 'attention!' Is appropriate for war, so it is appropriate for my young soldiers. They will be notified. And I believe a change in diet was a log time coming. I think that you should review that one for your girls too, Matron. Cinius, although strong minded, is looking stringy and thin" Matron put her hand on my back and was smiling along to his words.
"You are right their Morgan, I'm sure 'silent' will work just fine for my girls. But they will be told of the consequences if they do not listen" Matron was wrapping up, you could tell by her tone. "Anyway, Major, thank you kindly. I will possibly see you again before, but even if not I will see you the next time these two meet. Good day to you" she guided me with her hand backwards, I waved to Edward, him waving back as we both walked away, back to our responsibilities. I was very happy with the work we had accomplished so far, and very happy to get back to chores and lessons. Which reminded me, what do I have next? Taking out my timetable I see that I have Baking and Cooking lesson, church cleaning, then mandatory praying, and finally supper. It was going to be a good afternoon.
"Thinking about your first point, I'm vaguely thinking about not only allowing time after dinner for the girls to clear their mess, but also supper. Making lights out at eight thirty and allowing time for some selected few to stay behind and do a bit of extra work before night. Either way, you will hear my announcement on the new rules tonight, at supper. I have an hour and a half to spare so I will be reviewing these and coming up with plans to execute what I can in the best way possible. Thank you, sincerely, Maud. Now, on your way to the kitchen. Here is a note to say why you are a couple of minutes late, signed by me. I see you have baking and cooking. Be good for me, girl", with that, she swivelled and walked away down the corridor. I made my way to the kitchen which took a couple of minutes to reach, but joined the group swiftly. As I walked in Mable looked at me like I was about to get buried for being six minutes late. Luckily, it looked like they hadn't started properly yet, although the Matron's face went bright red. Mabel looked over the moon with joy.
"Who are you? If you are part of this lesson, you will REGRET the day you EVER stepped in here late! I will not tolerate this DISRESPECT and Matron will NOT going quietly towards this INSUBORDINATION! Get in line with the other foundlings NOW!" She was very loud, red, and visibly angry. Instead of complying (for a good reason), I walked up to her and handed her my note from Matron.
"HOW DARE YOU! Get in line RIGHT NOW! You, girl, are on my watch list. I have never met such a DISOBEDIENT FOUNDLING in my LIFE!" She bellowed, and regardless, she still read my note.
"Lets read this rubbish out loud then shall we girl? No secrets between friends, huh?" All the other foundlings were giggling, as if I had just fallen on my face. She began, "Matron Bromicker, Please excuse Maud Cinius from being late to your lesson. She was in a private meeting you are not at liability to know about, but she has been allowed for this by myself, Matron Clarice, and Major Morgan of the foundling boy's unit. Many thanks, signed, Matron Clarice". I was smirking to myself, happy that I had proved her wrong, she then had to correct herself. What happened next was definitely something I wasn't expecting.
"FORGERY! PRETENDING to be a MATRON?! And matron CLARICE no less? How DARE you foundling! You think I wouldn't know Matron Clarice's signature put in front of my FACE! The punishment cupboard, NOW! How CHEEKY do you have to BE! FOUNDLINGS! Stay here while I reprimand Miss Cinius on how she cannot pull the WOOL over MY eyes!" My smirk quickly melted into a face of horror, Mabel's laugh was reining above them all. "MABEL, you're in charge until I get back. DON'T let them get ROWDY!"
"Wait, Matron, please, I promise it's not fake, we just got off on the wrong foot -"
"SHUT UP! How DARE you keep on LYING to your superiors FACE!" She was practically dragging me along the floor by the front of my pinafore, me struggling to keep up.
"I'd drag you by your HAIR like the rest of the MISCREANTS but you don't HAVE ANY! Only here for a couple of days and you already think you can do this! You, you are an evil foundling", we reached the cupboard and I was still begging, hyperventilating, and hoping it wasn't too bad. "You DESERVE this. Think about what you've DONE. And shut UP!" I was still babbling, crying now, and she was obviously getting annoyed. I was stood in the doorway nearly on my knees, when she slapped my across my face, shocking me to silence. She then kicked me over while I was temporarily paralysed with shock right back into the room, slammed the door closed and locked it.
"I hope you made the most of the light, because you wont be seeing it until tomorrow - AFTER BREAKFAST!" I heard her feet retreating and I continued crying, knees up on the floor. I told myself it's temporary, I don't deserve this, and I can miss two meals and be fine. Matron Clarice will hear about this. I feel so abandoned, all my hard work in trying to be a good student and a good foundling altogether down the drain now. This may tarnish my reputation. I wallowed in my mind and cried, and cried, and cried.

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