Chapter 7

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Lessons ended unfortunately, but if truth be told I was in need of a slight break. Lessons since half past seven, and it's not half past eleven! Such an enlightening morning, with a bit of a hiccup but that all can be helped. I went to go find Nirella so that I could sit with her and converse about the morning. We had gardening together, but then she went of to do shed duty, had half an hour free time, and then church cleaning for the praying tonight. Thursday and Friday at the same time, all of the foundlings group together in the church and have a collective praying session. There is also time on a Tuesday, before dinner, and mandatory on a Sunday also, the holy day for a full hour, singing hymns and coming together into His arms of acceptance. Repenting your sins, which I image most of these foundlings will have to do on a daily basis. He forgives, but alas, He does not forget.
Before even sitting, I was filling Nirella in with what happened in my reading and writing lesson. She couldn't believe it, but told me that the chance or redemption was better than nothing and I should be thankful she gave me that opportunity. I agreed, and said I would walk my hardest - and possibly try to avenge myself against Mabel.
"How were your chores then, Nirella?" I questioned. "I must be truthful, I am quite jealous. I have only experienced lessons so far, and as you know, they didn't all go exactly to plan"
"Don't dwell on what you can't change, Maud. Especially because Mabel was truthfully all to blame. But it was brilliant - Shed duty was very easy, but when we finished with about twenty minutes to spare as there has been no recreational sports going on fully for the boys yet so it wasn't really a mess, Matron Lorraine make us line up and one by one go to inspect it to see if we had missed anything. I am all for double checking my work, but even I feel that was a little excessive" she still seemed very happy over all with the chore though. "And Maud, oh my gosh, the church is absolutely stunning. I cannot wait for our first service to pray to our Heavenly Father. You're going to love it"
"I'm sure I will Nirella. We have praying at half past four this afternoon, and I have church cleaning before... wait. So if I have church cleaning before, if you've already done it... not to question judgement but, why do we have to do it again?" I was slightly confused. Not complaining though of course.
"Oh! I already asked Matron that because I'd seen that and was wondering. Some of the council of the entire foundling hospital converge in there for a buffet to have a meeting about the running of the entire place, and draw up plans for the future and discuss foundlings. I then asked Matron why we had to clean if before when we could clean it all after, I asked as nice as I could... and she shouted at me telling me that I shouldn't be asking her questions and just to get on with what I've been ordered to do. It's for character building and cleaning it twice gives two different groups the extra time to learn how to deep clean a place of worship. If you were wondering, Maud, that is also another reason why I don't speak up to much. My curiosity is a vice amongst many silent virtues" I was quite shocked after she told me most of this. I understand Matron completely but I do also understand why Nirella asked, I probably would have to if I had figured it out.
"I wouldn't worry about it Nirella, like me, you will also have a chance of redemption. It's not like you sinned, you just asked an innocent question. Matron will find a way to forgive you" I assured her.
"Are you sure, Maud? I don't want to make a bad impression already" she shook her head.
"Positive," I affirmed, "for both of us" I nodded.
"Foundlings, time to move. Dinner is over, and if you haven't eaten, then supper is tonight, like every night so I don't want to hear any complaints. Move on!" Matron Clarice was the around-Matron, which means she made all the announcements, and didn't specifically have a class, she just walks around and makes sure that everything is going smoothly. The head Matron if you will. "Maud Cinius!" She bellowed, my attention on her and only her in that moment. "Please follow me out of the dining hall where I require a word please" from across the dining hall I catch Mabel's eye, and she's snickering. Does Matron know? Actually, I hope she does. If anyone believes me, it will be her. I say goodbye to Nirella and that I will see her at praying, and walk to Matron. She grabs my shoulder quite pressingly and guides me into a cupboard... is this a punishment cupboard?
"Maud, why have I heard from Matron Gwarda that you have to go back in your free time to go and finish your work? This is the least I expected from you, and as much as I don't want to leave you here in the cupboard until you learn you lesson, I'm afraid I barely have a choice" she unhandled me, a huge look of disappointment on her face as she began walking away.
"Wait, Matron please! Please, I beg you give me a chance to explain my side" I was practically on my knees. The thought of Matron being disappointed in me and thinking that I have let her down was much worse than festering in here with rats - even though I very much did not want that either.
"It's not a normal practise, but then again you're not a normal child. Proceed" her face became neutral, her expressions and emotions impossible to read.
"I was increasingly enjoying the class. You know how much I was excited to start a full day at the hospital, I wanted to impress all the Matrons. But some people are trying to make that impossible for me. Namely, Mabel. I was finishing up my last set of vowels, already having produced so much perfected work. Why would I sabotage that on purpose? She elbowed me meaning that I crossed all over my work. And we were only sat together because Matron Gwarda make us, even though Mabel advised her against it. I thought it was a good idea, that I could rub of my good attitude on her, but I ended up getting the negative side of it..." I dropped my head into my arms, not feeling like this will be a good enough 'excuse'. Matron approached me and handled me again. She started guiding me a route I have only walked one time, and that was to Matron Gwarda's classroom.
"Just pay attention, Maud. And stay quiet, just for now, okay? You did the right thing" she sounded soothing now. We entered the classroom.
"Matron Gwarda," Matron Clarice declared herself. "What is the meaning of this?" She pulled me around so I was stood in front of her.
"Maud! I told you, I needed you back here now. Your can't be going around gallivanting when you have redemption work to -"
"No, I did not bring her here so that you could tell her off. I want you to hear me out, and then her" Gwarda was quite stunned, but took a seat nonetheless. Matron Clarice told her about the incident with Mabel the first time that we had met, and even though she was trying to allow me and my positive attitude to rub off on the other, directly throwing us into the deep end together was probably not the best way to go about it. I told her the truth on how I, or more fairly, Mabel, messed up my work. She was very understanding, and did apologise for her response. She should have given us a chance to explain.
Even though she was very accepting, she did still tell me that I had to redo at least the vowels in my work. Like she said, she can forgive, but she settles for o less that perfect. I thanked Matron Clarice, she smiled and me, nodded and left me with Matron Gwarda to finish off my last paper.
Matron Gwarda gave me a new piece, and I had perfected and repeated all my vowels over again by the next twenty minutes, meaning that I then only had ten minutes of my free time left. I stood up to leave, and Matron praised me and said next time, she will seat me and Mabel differently, making sure we are not too close but not too far. She also gave me a toffee! My first sweet, my first prize. I was so happy with myself, and looked to see what my next lesson was. It wasn't... It was my meeting with Edward! I walked down the corridor, and I believe that Matron had been waiting for me.
"I assume you know where we are going now, Maud?" She winked and I followed shortly behind her. We went a way I hadn't ventured yet, down a wide corridor, and outside, through an orchard and a garden where some girls were getting their hands dirty and maintaining the green, but I recognised none of them - they were all about ten or eleven, mere few years away from placement. How they must be excited. We kept walking and kind of came to a sort of outhouse. It was covered in vines and flowers, and I was hoping it was warmer on the inside because the chilly November wind was getting to me, just like the older foundlings gardening.
Matron entered first, me behind. Edward was already sitting there waiting.
"Right you two, half a hour to chat. I want respectful and enlightening conversation on various ideas and observations of other foundling, and here," she picked up two pieces of paper and two pencils, "are your papers for writing down ideas and notes that you will report back to me at the end of the session. I will be back in half an hour, not later and no earlier. I trust you two to be alone. Don't let me regret my decision. I am however, locking you in. I can't have you both wandering the grounds unattended, and I am the only one that had the key apart from the owner of the entire hospital, and I doubt she'd want to come out here. Now, show us the young minds of tomorrow!" She left, and I head the lock click into place. Edward and I were left sat opposite each other, raring to go and discuss everything we'd found out.

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