Chapter 6

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We've both reached the garden, stood outside the greenhouse waiting for instructions. It's a chilly morning, the middle of November so we have been given black, woolly coats, some people not fitting them correctly, but not wanting to complain because they'd rather be uncomfortable than get this privilege taken away from them.
Nirella chose a spot ease the front of the table, and naturally I followed. I needed to be at the front so I knew exactly what I was doing and I could prove how good I am. There was already a couple of girls here, and according to the big front building clock it was seven twenty eight. Not teacher yet, but I love making an on-time start.
"I hope the teacher isn't late" observes Nirella, "it would be a terrible start to the proper term and a bad first impression"
"Are you two speaking about Matron Warley?" A girl across from us enquired. We nodded, and she smiled. "She is never a minute early, nor a minute late. She begins on time and she finishes on time. She runs a tight lesson. Prepare for the hardest lesson of your life" she was looking at our expressions, which had not changed. I am always up for a challenge, and I am very happy being her right hand. Nirella looked slightly more intimidated, but I knew she truly would be fine. She has the drive and the want for the same things that I do.
"That is something that it very admirable to me", I answered, "either way it's twenty nine minutes past now, so she should be here presently. I don;t know about you two but -"
"Whoever it talking, stop. You will not open that mouth unless spoken to by me for the next hour". The clock had turned to half past, and Matron Warley was approaching. I swiped my head to observe and smirked slightly, closing my mouth instantly. Matron began once again, "you may believe this would be the easiest lesson for you, growing pretty flowers and playing in the dirt. But you could not be far from wrong. This is serious business, if you are going to appease your mistress of master in all aspects, you need to know all the way from the basics of planting, to the upkeep of fruit and vegetables. Now, what we grow here food wise goes to the kitchen, just like you will be able to use when you attend to your superiors. This will be a BASIC lesson for your BASIC minds, so there is nothing here that you won't be able to understand or replicate by the end" she was standing with poise and all ears were on her. The journey had begun. In the next hour, she told us how to properly handle soil, how to keep ourselves as tidy as we can. What the official language of the ground is, as she put it. I couldn't have asked for anything better as an introduction to the lessons at the foundling hospital.
No time to lose, I had a quick walked (no running!) to my next lesson, reading and writing. I had already perfected my writing, if I do say so myself. The classroom was, luckily, just inside the door and down the corridor on the left. I'd been given a map alongside. My timetable, it was rather vague but I had made my mind up to try my best so I wouldn't mess up. Definitely not this early on into the hospital.
I reached the door with two minutes over time - no! Well it is hard when the lessons finish as soon as the next ones starts. Not that I'm complaining, as I certainly am not. I walked in however, and I was the second foundling there. The first, unfortunately, was Mabel.

Mabel P.O.V
Oh goodness, of course she's be the next one to to come in. Patty isn't even here yet, so it's just me and her.
"Who would've guessed perfect Maud would be late to class? Me here before you... shameful really" I fake tutted, trying to get a rise out of her. If I could get her into trouble, that would be an amazing feat. Maybe she'd finally get what she deserves. I have a feeling though, that is wont be easy. She is the jewel in Matron Clarice's hand.
"Well, the teacher isn't even here yet so technically, I'm not late as the teacher isn't. Best get the best seat Mabel. Don't want you getting kicked out before you've already got here", she sauntered to the very front of the classroom and took the left seat on the desk right in front of the teachers desk. What a sucking up move. I wanted to get as far away as possible, so i chose the very back right corner, planning on asking Patty to sit next to me when she finally arrives. The door opens once again, although it isn't a foundling. It's the teacher.
"Hello, young brains of tomorrow!" She praised very chirpily, "I'm Matron Gwarda what's your names?"
"Good day, Matron Gwarda. I'm Maud Cinius" Maud declared, standing up and holding out a hand to shake, "I'm so happy to be a part of your class today" Matron was so busy fiddling around that she didn't see but praised her nonetheless.
"And you?", she said, gesturing over to me.
"Hi, I'm Mabel Williams. I like reading..." I didn't know what else to say. I'm no people pleaser.
"Hello, Mabel. Now please do tell me the secret of where everybody else is in this class? I'm beginning to think nobody likes me!"
"I'm sure they will Matron", said Maud one again, "Your personality is very catching, I'm loving your enthusiasm and I hope to show the same back in your class!"
"I'm sure you both will! Why are you sat so far away from each other though? There's no enemies here! Mabel! Please shuffle to the front with our friend Maud up here please. I have a feeling you two will fit in very nicely" Oh no. She said those words. This is like... my worst nightmare. If I get through this lesson without strangling her, it will be a Christmas miracle.
"Honestly, Matron, I don't believe that is in our, let alone your personal interest", Maud began. Opening her mouth to protest more, she was cut off by a happy, over enthusiastic voice.
"Nope! I will not take no for an answer. You two will do very well together. Now, Mabel, kindly move up to the front next to Maud. Under your desktop you will find two books of paper, two pencils, two ink pots and pens" she had just given me a death sentence.
"I'm glad to have such brilliant friends and students at the front and centre-" Just at that moment, about seven girls burst through the door, and then another four behind them - they were all chatting, but as soon as they saw Matron they began to quiet. The girl at the front seemed to speak for the pack.
"Hello, Matron..."
"Grad-wa. I'm really sorry that we are late, we all came from dormitory cleaning and church cleaning, and both of those are at the other side of the hospital", she looked very sheepish, as if she was going to be put straight into the punishment cupboard along with all of the others.
"Well, not the best excuse girls, we all know to be on time, and with chores, they can be rushed with quality to be on time for your personal learning. But, nevertheless, you are here now, and I am not known for the punishments that are regularly handed out here. Just please try to be on times next time girls - there is only so many exceptions a Matron can make".
And with that, she bang the lesson. As I had sat down next to Maud, Patty gave me this disbelieving look. I mouthed 'I'll explain later' and moved as far over as I could away from this scum. 

Maud P.O.V
Great. This wouldn't be my ideal situation, but I feel like Matron Clarice would be happy with this arrangement as it gives me a chance to rub on on the miscreant child.
"Please do not distract me during this lesson," I whispered to Mabel. "If you watch me and Matron Grawda closely, you may actually learn a thing or two" She shot me a look that could cut through glass, and I smirked in the proposition of teaching someone a lesson and focused my attention back on Matron.
"Now, this is a very important lesson. Reading is a part of everyday life, you use it for all the basic things. Not only books, for your fun, but signs, translations, and basics. Writing, too. Writing recipes, letters, notes, for conversing, and all of this will go towards your placement in the future. A sloppy writer is a sloppy maid. And I do not pride myself on sloppy maids" she spoke like a goddess, and sloppy was the last thing that I ever wanted to be.
The rest of the lesson was brilliant, I was praised multiple times. We were on the last set of letter practice, vowels. A, E, I, O, U. I was perfectly sorting them with the repetition flawless, when suddenly -
"What? What!" That evil spawn Mabel had elbowed me and there was not a massive pencil scratch all over my work. It's lucky we hadn't progressed to pens yet.
"Matron! I think you need to check Maud's work. She got a bit angry she couldn't get her vowels right...isn't her work a mess?" She grinned at me behind her hand while Matron approached.
"Oh dear Maud! All of that hard work down the drain. And yet I was thinking you were going to be the first foundling in this class, yet, possibly the whole hospital. This has set you back slightly. Hand me your timetable" I started stuttering and my eyes welling up, but it was no use. I handed over my timetable partially reluctantly, but not wanting to cause anymore trouble.
"Please return in your free time at 12:30 after dinner to re-do all your work. I will settle for nothing less than perfection, even though I am to be seen as lenient. I expected more from you, but oh well. You have your chance for redemption", she walked away before I could stand up for myself.
"I'll get you back for this you know, you evil girl. Juts you wait" I whispered to Mabel. She rolled her eyes like she didn;t believe me, but she had no idea what power I held. That is, if I have the guts to abuse it.
"Anyway everybody, that is the end of the lesson. Maud, I will see you after dinner. Mabel, you are the star of the class today with reading, excellent work. Here is a toffee" Mabel beamed and thanked her. "The star for writing was going to be Maud, but now is... Griselda!" A random girl two rows behind me and slightly to the right beamed, and basically kissed Matron. I know I'm thankful, but even I know that was laying it on a bit thick for a toffee.
When we were dismissed, I was the first to stand up and leave. Two hours of sewing and embroidery now, so I have to make this good. I'm dreading after dinner, I have to really make a redemption for Matron Gwarda so that she will like me, and I can be the best in all my classes. Time to quick walk to class.

Maud Cinius Where stories live. Discover now