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We submitted or homework from the other day, surely enough I did well. I scored really high, the highest in class. Esther did great also coz I assisted her with hers but we made few changes in her note book despite knowing we did the homework together. We wouldn't want anyone saying she copied from me;we were seatmates after all so she scoring what I did would raise suspicions.

I was the only student in class who scored a complete mark. The stares from the rest of the class reminded me of what Flourance said before;
'being crushed before even getting the chance to put up a fight .'
To be honest, that was what I was kinda feeling at this point with all the stares. Ann,the perfect grade student of the class didn't like the fact that I out performed her; herself and Esther shared same mark, something even herself couldn't believe. Dumb ass Esther was becoming smart ass Esther.

As for Flourance, wasn't sure if she was happy with the fact I did well or not but then I was pretty sure her gang didn't like it. For a matter of fact, I kinda knew I was already in their black list and this was just like add salt to an already hurting sore. My high performance so far has made me a partial center of attention and I'm sure they're beginning to feel insecure about it; I've known insecurities to be something that puts us in our worst selves and makes us do the unthinkable and that's like something I wouldn't be wanting from them right now. I'm still trying to deal with mine.

I wouldn't want enemies,at least not at this point in my life,not when I'm still amongst the fable ones society has to offer.

James and his guys were kinda happy for me,they wanted me to tutor them later on, wasn't a bad idea and maybe it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.

I was still new but I was like fitting in pretty well,I guess. They were moments I even forgot I was that insecure girl in the wheels. My insecurities were something I've noticed I was beginning to drop,a sign of blissfulness for the more days to come I guess.

We had an interactive class and I wasted no time to display my intelligence when need be.

You know, despite the fact that day school was all fun,the day didn't really end well for.

When Eunice came around,she really made me feel bad by the words she said and reminded of what my condition truly was.

Eunice was actually a friend of Flourance. She was like the ring leader of the dumb association Flourance pledged her loyalty to, trying to fit in to receive receive recognition that I myself couldn't understand.

I stayed at my usual spot waiting for mom, Marcus went off to the play ground to play with his friends, I stayed there completely alone.

At first,I thought she was trying to be friends with me despite knowing that her company didn't mean anything good.

She said gives this awful look of displeasure.
"Hi." I tried not to pay attention to the look on her face, acting all cool and nice.
"You know I just want to say great job with all you've been doing," I kinda felt she meant what she just said but then she never did.
"But you know, don't mind everyone coz they're trying to make you feel good with all the applauds,after all, you're crippled and no one would want to make you feel bad." She adds.
"I can't help it but wonder what you're parents actually thought of before bringing you here? They're a lot of special schools for people like you,I envy you you know, with the wheelchair and all those feelings but you're still trying to remain strong thinking you can fit in." She made everything she said sound nice but I knew where every word she said was coming from.

"Well,I know you feel aggrieved with all the applauds and so on but well it's not my fault." I was kinda adding salt to the pain but you know what,it was enough to send her fleeing away with shame.

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