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Trapped in thought, I am unaware of the fact that we have arrived until Steven jolts the car into the drive of the beach house. For some unbeknownst reason, a sense of dread fills my stomach.
Waiting for us stand susannah and Jeremiah.
They both look excited for our arrival and swiftly move to help carry the bags when Steven exits the car.
The bags are discarded on the floor whilst reunions are made between the families. I get out the car and Jeremiah removes himself from belly and envelopes me in an embrace.
"Hi jere'" I smile as I return the hug.
"Hi addy!" "I've missed you! You look amazing!" He exclaims as he lifts me off the ground to spin me around.
I screech in surprise and laugh at his actions that are so very him. As I'm returned to the ground I'm met with the familiar face of Conrad. As we make eye contact, he renders me speechless. It's as if we haven't been friends for nearly a decade.
"Hi addy" he says with a slow smile.
"Hi connie" I reply to him, smiling, feeling like a schoolgirl with a crush. I shake the feeling, grab my bags and follow everyone inside to unpack.

customarily, it wouldve been practice to share a room with belly. due to the unplanning of an extra child, me, there was one less furnished bedroom at the beach house. it had never been a problem though, in fact i much rather preffered being in company than to being alone, hence the reason nothing had been done to solve the 'problem'. however taylor was planned to arrive soon enough, so i gave up my bed so she was able to crash with her bestfriend.

"addy youre with me" jeremiah winks from the top of the stairs, dissapearing into his room with my bags in hand. i guess he was chivalrous enough to let me stay with him then. that or susannah had forced him to share his room.

i make my way up the stairs and into his room.

"thank you for letting me stay in here jere" i smile.

he nods his head and smiles as if to brush it off as no big deal.

"its cool. do you want me to help you unpack?" he asks.

"uh.. sure" i reply with a smile, thankful for his helpfullness. i bend down to reach my bags and start unpacking. we stay the same for a few minutes in silence, until a mischevious voice breaks through the air

"where do you want these?" jeremiah asks with a smirk. i turn around to see him holding up a pair of my underwear.

"oh my god" i blush and let out an embarassed squeal whilst simultaniously grabbing the pair out of his hands and stuffing them back into the bag. "maybe ill just unpack later" i laugh whilst flopping onto the bed. he sets himself besides me with a jump. i turn to face him, wondering what hes thinking. one thing about jeremiah is that you can practically see when his brain fills up with a questionable idea.

"lets go swimming addy"

"nooo" i whine, smiling at his attempt to get me out of the house already.

he makes a poor attempt at puppy dog eyes to persuade me. i know i have nothing else to do because laurel is already taking belly to 'whale of a tale', so i accept his suggestion.


jeremiah waits downstairs as i throw on my black bikini. i try to be as quick as possible, not wanting to keep him waiting. as i reach him, i see him not so subtly checking me out. i dont mind it, because in all honestly i cant say i havent noticed his tanned skin and muscley physique that hes gained over the last summer. i feel a dynamic shift between us though, and it scares me. not because i think jeremiah is going to fall head over heels for me, but because if hes able to see me in a different light, my mind wanders to a certain someone who may start to view me differently too.

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