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I sit in front of the floor length mirror in mine and belly's room. As I twist my silky hair against the barrel of the curling wand, I burn my finger when the harsh sound of the door bouncing off its hinges echoes the space.
It's belly.
"Oh you're in here?" She asks, like she wasn't expecting to see me in my own house.
"Yes." I reply, evidently still mad. I don't even look up from my seated position to acknowledge her.
"Ok. Sorry" she goes to walk off and I scoff. That's what she's sorry for?? She hears my gesture and turns on her heel. "If you have something to say, just say it" she confronts, and the tone in her voice irks me.
"I don't need to say anything" I reply back to her.
"What do you want me to say? Sorry?" She asks and mock laughs.
She goes to walk away and I gawk in disbelief.
"You are such a fucking child belly"
She storms back in after that.  "Me? I'm the child? You're the one that always needs attention addy"
"How is that then?"
"You always need mom, you always need Steven. You even needed Jeremiah and Conrad both!"
"Are you delusional belly?"
"Oh so you're gonna act like you didn't steal Conrad away from me huh?"
I laugh. "Steal him? Steal him from what, your fucking fantasies?"
"You're a bitch. You knew I liked him. Then you had to go and mess around with Jeremiah too didn't you?"
I stop my hairdo. She must see the way my face drops slightly, because she smiles in triumph. "Oh you thought I didn't know huh? A bit stupid considering the pool is outside my window."
"Shut up belly, you don't know shit."
"I do know I have a slut of a sister"
I disregard the curling wand as quick as lightning, and with no care for the potential fire hazard. 
"What did you just call me?" I ask and I storm to the doorway where she stands.
"Don't shoot the messenger. Im just saying what everybody thinks."
It's not the poisonous words she sprays at me that hurt. It's the fact she has a point. I did kiss Jeremiah. And Conrad. On the same day.  Could they really both think that of me?
"What is wrong with you?" I ask in hurt, and I have to try not to cry. Never in our years of living together has belly been this hateful towards me.
Taylor then appears atop of the stairs. We stand in silence for not even a second before belly retaliates, uncaring of the observer.
"Maybe I'm just sick of you getting whatever you want. You don't deserve shit!" She shouts and Taylor gasps. "Belly!"
The rising of voices leads to the opening of Stevens door, from which the three boys emerge.
"What's going on?"Steven asks. When no one replies he turns to Taylor expectingly, but she just stares at me, waiting for what happens next.
I dig my nails into my palms, and I don't know if it's to prevent me from breaking down or punching belly in the face. I feel the liquid on my fingertips before I register the blood.
"Cat got your tongue huh?" She mocks. I see her glance over at the boys for a splinter of a second and I see her facade falter for a moment while she's trying to read their puzzled expressions. Conrad shoots her a cold, disapproving look and I watch as she fizzles over in anger. Her last straw. Her incentive to carry on lashing out.
"Oh. I know. You're trying not to cry" she fake pouts "gonna act tough in front of your boyfriend so he doesn't see how pathetic you are? To be honest addy I don't blame you, after all, no one likes damaged goods"
"Belly what the fuck?" Stevens voice booms. I can sense the confusion in it. I know he too is wondering where this bitchy belly has suddenly come from.
"Pipe down Steven" she adds ignoring him.
"Addy, your hand" Jeremiah calls to me. The blood has now escaped my tightened fist and the crimson droplet slips through my fingers.
The attention on my fist makes it her next target. "What's the fist for? You going to hit me? Little miss woe-is-me! 'I'm so traumatised from my upbringing I cry when I see violence?'" She almost laughs.
I see red and it clouds my thoughts and my vision and my rationale.
Im a mere spectator of my own body and before I know it I watch my fist slap against her face in a sharp sting.

"How's that for trauma?" I ask her.

Someone tell Jesus the bitch is back.
Hi, this chap has been in my drafts for ages so thought I'd finally post, even though I'm not the happiest with it. I do plan on continuing the story, so be prepared for more updates
Stay super freaky, loves ya xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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