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"Are you coming conrad?" The boys ask him as they make their way over to the poolside. He lifts himself up and into their direction as response.
"You coming addy?" Jeremiah asks as I arise from the pool
"Uh.. maybe. Is belly going too?"
Steven laughs. "As if!"
"She's having the movie night with the moms" Jeremiah adds. I nod.
From behind the boys I see belly swiftly make her way up the stairs.
"I'll see you guys later maybe" I add ending the conversation with the boys, too intrigued by belly. I pull myself out the pool and speed walk inside.
My wet feet are loud against the marbles tiles of the kitchen.
"Addy please don't trek water into the kitchen" i hear laurel first before I see her entering the kitchen.
"Sorry laurel" I cringe at the thought of making a mess and also not being able to find belly in time to see what was going on.
"Are you joining me and susannah for the girls movie night? Belly already opted out"
My original plans were to go the bonfire, but now I'm conflicted.
Laurel must see this on my face. "Don't worry about it" she brushes it off "go have fun!"
I smile and her and nod as a thank you before hastily making my way up the stairs to belly's room.
"So what, you're not allowed to go to the party?" I ask her
"It's not that. I don't know. It's just that it wasn't even an option for me. I'm sick of being treated like a child!" She replies irritated.
I feel bad. Me and belly are the same age. We even share the same birthday, (Laurel used to tell me it was fate that she would adopt me, her two daughters sharing their birthday) and yet I'm allowed much more freedom.
"I'm going" belly suddenly decides, bouncing around the room in attempts to get ready.
"Ok great. You can come with me. We'll have to walk though. Shall I tell Laurel?"
She laughs in a panic "oh no way"
I'm hesitant about lying to her, but alas it is belly's choice. I nod in acknowledgment.
We get ready in almost silence. Belly pulls on a pink mini dress, which she informs me belongs to Taylor whilst she changes. I make a diversion to Jeremiah's room to get dressed; i pull on a black mini skirt over the pink bikini I'm already wearing. I keep my makeup short and sweet. My hair is semi dry by now, so I let it hang down my back.
I make my way towards belly's room. "Ready?"
She nods and I smile. We have an unspoken rule to creep down the stairs and out the house.
Before we leave, I catch a glimpse of Susannah and Laurel on the sofa, indulging in the movie. They look so peaceful, so happy. I hope me and belly don't disrupt that. 

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