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The volleyball court is bustling with people ready for the event. I'm excited, and as bad as it sounds, I know I'm going to win with Conrad on my team. He's fucking amazing.
At everything.
Especially kissi-

I drag myself out of the Conrad shaped sinkhole in my mind before I lose focus. I have to mentally prepare myself for the game; I want to win this for susannah- it's her charity me and belly are playing for. Before, self named, team caddy (me and Conrad!) make our way towards our first competitors, we are wished luck by Jeremiah, belly, Steven and Shayla.
When I meet the blue eyes of the aforementioned boy, the words he spoke to me this morning echo around my brain;
'Don't be sorry, you can't help who you fall for.'
It's not the words that make me pity him, but it's the way he said it; a hidden pain tracing his voice.
Poor guy must've fell hard for belly.

That's what I tell my guilt feeling self anyway. I subconsciously push away the memory of the night we shared in the pool. The words that spilled from his mouth;

'I tried to move on with belly, with Gigi, but they're just not you'

He's right in what he says though. You can't help who you fall for. I guess it's just a shame that I fell for his brother. I can't be his, so I'll try and the there for him as best I can. It's the least he deserves.

Anyway. I'm pretty sure I physically shake my head to remove the bittersweet thoughts that roam around in there. Steven and Shayla are so tightly engulfed in one another they almost become one person. Gross, but also definitely wouldn't turn down that opportunity myself if I were with Conrad. God what am I even saying, I really do need to do a Troy Bolton and get my head in the game.
Like previously anticipated, me and Conrad thrash our way through the rounds, destroying the competition. However, we're now against team Gigi and it seems as if we've met our match. We're neck and neck and the tension is unrivalled. She hits the ball over the net with such force I almost miss it, and i feel as if I'm in slow motion as i watch it spin over Conrad's body and hurtle to the ground.
That is until I throw myself to the ground, grains of sand burning my exposed skin as I slide over it. My palms make a sharp contact with the ball as I manage to slap into the air just high enough so Conrad can send it flying over the net and into the opposing corner.
We did it.
Conrad picks me up with such low effort, it makes me question how he still has so much energy left. I have to fight wandering thoughts about his stamina.
"That's my girl" he whispers into my ear as he brings me closer to him. He kisses the top of my ear as he does so. It's a uncharacteristically sweet, tender kiss that lingers more than I think it should. I revel in his words and his actions, and it makes me blush. I ponder the idea of everyone I know seeing him so gentle, so affectionate with me. I realise it was probably a blink-and-you'll-miss-it moment, but the thought of us being public stays in my mind.


When me and belly go head to head, the scores at the start of the match are in my favour. Taylor then has a devious plan that consists of herself getting 'injured' so that Jeremiah can sub in for her. Guess she's still riding the jelly ship.
Better watch out for Cameron shaped icebergs.

As much as I love Jeremiah, it's clear that the genetic volleyball skills were skipped on him, and Taylor's tactics only make belly's score suffer more.
"We're losing! I want Conrad on my team!" Belly protests halfway through the game. There's no one to complain to in particular, except Jeremiah himself , and that'd be pretty rough, so she strops her way to the side of the pitch, where laurel, susannah, Steven and Shayla reside.
"Well he's with addy, so tough cookies", Laurel half argues-half jokes from her spot on the side, and belly rolls her eyes and stomps her foot in frustration like a child.
"Ugh! Do you not want me to win?" She asks, rhetorically. "You should be on my side- I'm your daughter."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask her accusingly. I know what she's insinuating. she's not the best loser, but I wouldn't expect her to stoop that low. She's never played the 'adopted sister' card since she was a little kid, forced to share her toys.
She looks around, silent, still standing her ground. Still unwilling to play without Conrad on her team.
"Ok. Whatever. Conrad why don't you just swap with Jeremiah?" I give up. Is it that difficult to have a stress free day this summer?
"What? No, let's play. Belly come on" Conrad tries to continue the game on my team, trying to reason with belly.
"No con, it's ok. I'm not in the mood anymore anyway." I add glaring at belly, and I return back to the pitch while Conrad and Jeremiah reluctantly swap places in an awkward exchange.
We play on for a few minutes until we lose and are knocked out the competition by belly and Conrad.

"You played well" Jeremiah smiles at me. It's his attempt at trying not to make things awkward and I appreciate it.
"Thanks Jere. So did you" I return the compliment even if it isn't entirely true. He's not that bad. "I can't wait to get out of these sweaty bibs, into a blistering hot shower and fall asleep" I laugh as I make conversation while we wait for the rest of the games to finish up.
He laughs. "I take it you're not going to join the girls on Gigi's boat then?" He asks me.
"Is belly?" I ask him and he nods.
"Then fuck no" I let out a breathy laugh that is really just a disguise for 'not another relationship problem I have to deal with'.

Not tonight though.

Tonight will be a drama free night.

Ha. Of course it won't.

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