Part 4

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I look into the man's deep blue eyes and hold a stare for at least 6 seconds before accepting my defeat and looking at ostriches emotionless face nodding for him to go. I had just finished taping up his shoulder and stepped towards the man that was now glancing down at me. He was that much taller. Maybe a head taller? My mind is racking through all of its possible comments.

"Hello," I say as if I hadn't already met this man. His gaze sets upon me familiarly and two of his blonde hairs slightly fall.

"Hey," he says rather coldly

"I'm Katerina."

"And I'm Bailey." I smile at him, not out of adoration, but out of the fact, that I can't stay mad at this man. Let alone I can't stay mad at anyone. Serious situations put me in a laughing coma most of the time.

"Smiling?" he says, almost questioning the slight peak of my lips.

"Yes, have another problem with me?" I refer to our past.

"Yeah." he holds onto one of his hairs from his long mullet slightly pulling it down as a slight move of anxiousness. "Uh." I can see his mind ticking. "Sorry about that."

I laugh at him. His face has now tensed a little and I can tell he's recalling that morning his car ran into mine. I can tell by the slight elevation of his eyebrow shows the cringe of his actions. Both at the bottle shop and the front of my house.

This man reminds me of a golden retriever.

"Look I'm sorry for going off at you. Just had a hard morning that morning." a short pause commences. "And personally, I have no clue what happened in that bottle shop." I shrug at his recall of what happened and smile at him once again.

"Let's start over," I say, yearning for him to agree.

"Sure!" he agrees eagerly. "Well, if we're starting fresh would you mind taping up my knee?". I completely forgot that he didn't just come in here to talk to me. What he was hoping for, was for me to help him.

I tape up his knee and he leaves the room just as quickly as he appeared.

I later pack my things up and wipe down the sports table. Caleb walks in and his smile instantly appears.

I get home after a pretty chill day, my mind still set on this opportunity I've been given. When I frantically start searching for my phone. I swear I took it home with me. How can lose one of my prized possessions? Seriously Kat?

I run to my car and take off like a jet, heading straight towards the club.

I rush into the free car park and jump out of my car. I don't even realise the very familiar car parked less than 5 spots away.

I sprint towards the club rooms hoping that they're still open, and to my surprise they still are. I run in without a second thought trying to catch up on my breath that has recently quickened due to stress and the fact I ran 500kms.

And there I see it, placed on top of a nearby table acting innocently. I'm not sure how a phone can act innocently, but it did. I grab it and turn around.

"AH!" a short shriek came out of my mouth. "Bailey," I say momentarily after.

"Do you reckon I frightened you?" he asks, a bit of sarcasm hinting in his voice.

"Nahhh, not at all. I'm never scared," I retaliate, my smile growing bigger as my ego begins to show. I obviously didn't mean what I said, I just liked to be confident.

But as I admit that, he picks me up and begins to run out of the club rooms. We both giggle in synch with one another. He slowly a cautiously puts me down.

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