Part 9

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I looked to my left and see Caleb.

"Oh hey, favourite bro!"

"Hey Kat," the question is, who's car are we in? I look into the front seat to an unphased Bailey and some girl. I recon my confusion was pretty easy to read due to Caleb speaking up again, "We're staying at Bailey's tonight since Williamstown is like a 10-minute drive that we both won't last,"

"Oklahoma," I respond, long for 'ok'. I get a weird stare from all the people in the car, but my mind can't process the words to be spoken. So I just shut my eyes, and slowly drift off.

After what felt like 30 seconds of contentment I feel the car drift to the right, then a left, and last but not least another right, feeling the bump from the curb hit the car's tyres.

"We're here," I hear a husk voice speak from in front. My body feels heavy and It's hard to open my eyes so I just hum back. I nonetheless, still feel the impact of alcohol in my system.

I feel at peace alas.

I don't care if I had to stay in the back of this car, I'm comfortable enough.

I hear the sound of the car doors opening and slamming shut as I lay my head on the window still.

Then unexpectedly I feel a force on the car door, causing my head to fall. I thump my head along the rim of the car and quickly am alerted awake.

"Ow," I say as I still process that my head has been hit.

"Oh shit, are you ok?" I hear a familiar voice speak up, only this time it's a girl.

I look up and can't put my finger on it but it's too familiar. How do I know her? I'm not sure if I'm confused due to the concussion I just got, or if it's due to the fact I'm intoxicated.

She helps me unbuckle myself and get out of the car as we walk up the slight hill towards the already open door that has lights beaming out of it.

Halfway through the walk, my mind finds a clearing and I can't finally put a label to a face. "Wait, are you the girl from the bottle shop?" she lets out a slight laugh and nods her head.

"I'm Sadie," she says as she holds my back when I start to tumble over slightly.

"I swear I'm not usually this dire when I'm drunk," she nods her head and helps me get over the slight elevation of the door frame.

I sit down against the door after it's been closed, and begin to take my shoes off. These heels have been killing me.

I place them next to the door and my feet touch the frigid tiles that alarm me, sadly, I'm still awake.

I get to the kitchen and sit on a stool surrounding the big island bench in this luxurious kitchen.

"So you're rich?" I ask bailey as his hand stretches out to the top of the cupboard.

"I wouldn't say that, now here, take this," he hands me a box of aspirin and fills up the cup with water.

10 seconds later I find myself drifting off again when a voice travels through the house, "Goodnight, love you bailey!" a female voice screams.

"Good night, Sadie," Bailey voices in return. I'm so out of it and don't even realise I'm staring straight at Mr Smith.

"What?" he asks, snapping me out of my daze.


It's silent for a minute while I move my head and stare out the backyard window into the neverending darkness. Resting my head on my hand, before the sound of water shut off from the bathroom is heard.

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