Part 12

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The gut feeling from the other day has led me to regret my decision. Waking up at 6:00 am is still something I'm not used to. To be completely honest how could anyone be used to waking up at such an absurd time?

The airport is yet, still busy, as I observe the different types of people around. The men and women walking around in suits, the families trying to keep everything together, and the tourists flustered by the overwhelming place. Nothing like Melbourne airport.

As I'm waiting at the front of the baggage check-in, in terminal 4, I see that blonde mullet and Sadie walk through the doors. Both of the beings look like some drake album cover. The way they strut gives away their confidence.

Before I could contact Sadie, some obnoxious teenage girl knocked her arms to the side.

"Bailey smith?!" she screeches as an embarrassed mum stands a couple of metres away.

She runs up to him and hugs him. Dreading letting go. What a wholesome moment, little Bailey has a fan.

"I've been such a fan, during footy season I would come to watch your games for Sandringham. You were my favourite player." she then whispers something in his ear, and he looks at me and tries not to chuckle.

"Welcome to the life of an AFL player," His presence becomes aware to me as his tall figure hugs me.

"I haven't even played yet." he laughs.

I nod my head as I quickly get to Sadie and hug her.

"Hey girl, are you excited?" I pull away from her and nod in response.

Caleb then walks in with 2 fancy-looking cases and welcomes himself, soon we all make our way to the baggage check-in and we're all free of one suitcase. We go through security and the environment is just unmatched. We're all more than excited and itching to get there.

As much as I would love to say I'm as excited as everyone else I'm not, I'm filled with guilt for leaving behind the team, as well as the fact I'm not in the best mood because of how early it is.

We sit down at a nearby table and look around at the food options, as it has only just hit 8:00 am, and all the stores are only just opening now.

By now, almost every table has been filled with the morning rush which means, I most likely will be the one who has to go order the food, while the others reserve our table.

Turns out, I was correct. I made my way to Maccas as I pull out the message sent from Sadie and before I know it, I'm on the ground with the phone that has been knocked out of my hand and flown 5 metres away from me.

"Are you ok?" I hear a familiar voice. I look up and realisation has hit me on who this is.

"Hey, Jimmy!" I say as I stand up, getting my balance back seeing as I had just been trampled. "What are you doing here?" I question as I'm still a bit dazed.

"I'm visiting some old friends from Puerto Rico. When I used to live there the locals became my best friends" I'm stunned, and kind of excited. I can't believe this.

"Puerto Rico?" I question again just to clarify that I wasn't just hearing things.

"Yep. Why do you look so surprised?"

"Oh, sorry. We're going there too!" a hint of excitement now more evident. I feel giddy around a man like him, his perfect smile, his perfect features, his perfect style, just everything about him.

"Who's we?"

"Oh, shit sorry. It's too early, and my brain's not functioning properly. Caleb, Sadie, Bailey and I."

"Sadie? Is that Bailey's sister?" I nod my head in response to his question, but this time I have this sinking feeling in my stomach. Why does he care so much about her? What's so interesting about her? I mean yeah she's pretty and all-

"I'm going to go get some food before the morning rush, I'll see you maybe when we board?" I say a quick 'yep' and make my way back on the path I was sent for.

I pull out the message once again and read everyone's order as I make my way to the self-serving machines. I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but when you have to order, it's so scary talking to a person. Like, what if you get the order wrong? or if I stutter? Do you know?

Anyways, I grab the food and make my way back to the table. As soon as I reach it, the eagles that have been eyeing the food the whole walk to the table, begin to eagerly pick apart the Maccas bag before I can even sit down.

"Marra's here," I say as I finally get handed what's left of the beg. "He's also going to Puerto Rico," Everyone nods their head as they take another big bite out of their sausage and egg McMuffin in sync.

Before I know it, we're sitting by the gates, as we wait for the exhilarating trip that lies ahead of us.

Touchdown. We had just arrived in sunny and vibrant Puerto Rico. I wait in the seat as I watch everyone frantically stand up and grab their luggage from the overhead lockers.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Luis Munoz Marin International Airport. Local time is currently 1:11 pm and the current temperature is 32 degrees Celsius." that's all it takes for the excitement within me to rise. I'm about to jump out of my chair and feel my leg shaking ecstatically. I hear out the end of the announcement.

The line to get to the door of the end of the plane takes a while, and as I wait in the plane I hear the sounds of distant birds chirping and the sound of crickets.

As I reach the door, the flight attendant thanked me. My head immediately turns to the brightness, its illumination almost burns my eyes. As I step out, I smell the clean air and feel the prominent temperature change on my skin.

What a great place to be. The sun shone, the locals waved at the tourists and the smell of the ocean was vivid. everything just falls into place.

While waiting at the small international airports' baggage claim, I notice Caleb; with his neck pillow and sleeping mask on his head dragging along his small carry-on. Bailey; Looked as if he had been annoyed by some child the whole flight. Sadie; looked fresh as a daisy, with her sunnies placed strategically on her face to show no sign of bags under her eyes. And lastly Jamarra; Looks like a model, as always as he struts towards the baggage claim. You could smell his ego from anywhere on this island.

Jimmy makes his way over to the men cheering his name on the other side of the barrier as I watch the rest of the squad make their way to me.

I can already tell this trip will be eventful.

Filled with betrayal, love, secrets and friendship.

What could three days possibly do to us?


I know that the flight time is bugged, and not true but most other things are factual. I made the flight shorter just for the story's sake.

But I'm so thankful to everyone who has read this far. thank you so much, and i'm so sorry the chapters short, I will be posting more chapters this week.

I'm also so sorry for not posting for a while, i've been caught up with my new job, exams and just life tbh.

But thank you so so much for reading xx

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