Part 5

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This man was utterly unbelievable. I mean, I did understand why he was laughing, don't get me wrong, except for his laugh, which soon turned into a snort. 

The way his eyebrows lifted was the funniest part. Soon enough, I joined in this laughing fit with him. Our stomachs burned as if this was an ab conditioning. His stare was still fixated on the distant stars in the outer atmosphere of Earth itself.

To be the most honest I can, I'm pretty sure we were both laughing due to each other's laugh being contagious. 

Our smiles replicated on each of our diverse faces, except Bailey's smile reached his eyes. The way his cheeks lifted and his nose scrunched was different to other people's laughs.

He was certainly different, that's for sure.

After calming down and regaining focus back on the stars, our demeanour was set to a positive environment with smiles still smeared across both our faces.

As we lay there looking at the sky above the sudden activation of light causes us both to flinch. Sitting up and looking at each other in unison.

Before I know it, Mr Smith grabbed my wrist and sprinted towards a ladder at the end of the roof. So there was an easier way to get up.

His personality is defined by this very moment and other encounters. Bailey's chuckle is louder than ever. 

That man is ruthless as he pulls me behind him as if I were some rag doll. What he struggles to understand is the fact I'm not some up-and-coming athlete. My legs can only go so fast, and his walking was pushing my limit for my sprint. Let alone his full sprint.

He flung me around, in front of him, as he made sure to adjust his speed to meet my comfort. We were still running towards this ladder as this seemed to take forever. 

His face still did not let his smile falter.

We reached the ladder and since I was in front, I made my way to the bottom of this 7-metre ladder with exhaustion plastered all over. 

In no time, we raced over to our cars, running from whoever was screaming at us for trespassing. I ran backwards as my car was only a few metres away but I overestimated how far it was as I turned around and ran smack bang into my car. 

Bailey still tagging behind me making sure I get to my car safely.

He was the one that got me into this mess, it's the least I deserve.

But once I fell, making it obvious that I was not expecting a car to be right there, Bailey Smith's reaction, was once again, too chortle. 

Instead of helping me up, he stood there. As the security from the oval charged toward him. I just smirked, waiting for him to get caught.

But to my dismay, realisation kicked back when he heard boots clonking along the floor becoming closer and closer. 

So he set off once again. Leaving me behind on the floor, next to my car. I jumped in, turned on the car and floored it. No way am I getting caught with that douche.


I later found myself drifting off in my residence while watching the tv about the favourites for this week's game. Subsequently, a knock at my door alerted me. Speak of the devil.

"Caleb!!" my voice evident with excitement. His smile grew large as the door made its way open.

"Katty Batty," he said while battering his eyelids, not even trying to hide the fact he was excited to tell me something. The way he jumped from one foot to another and how Caleb's bottom lip turned down when he smiled didn't even make me second guess my assumption. 

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