Part 11

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As we pace ourselves down the pathways of Sandridge beach, our steaming fish and chips in hand, we both look out to the water in unison. As much as I love living near a beach, it becomes slowly annoying as the constant sound of waves crashing irritates me. But this beach is different. It's calm, with no big waves, just small ones that rise ever so slightly after reaching a depth of around a centimetre.

From where this tall, lanky man and I are standing, we can see only a few specks along the vast sand. Other than that, no one is in sight. We both take our places on the sand. I dig my toes under the sand, getting that feeling of utter joy being by the ocean.

"So Bailey, tell me more about yourself," I look around and take in my surroundings, enjoying every component of it.

"I like footy," wow. Thanks for the insight, mate. I flick him with my hand that was previously under the sand. He laughs at my sudden engagement in the conversation. Bailey clears his throat and gradually moves his palm towards his forehead, where he subconsciously moves his fringe.

I take in so much and study the man like a specimen. Well, he is one.

His radiant smile soon faces me.

"So, can we eat yet?" He and his rhetorical questions. I'm telling you.

Before I respond, the man's already ripping the paper apart as if he had not eaten for days. I stare at him until he looks at me.

"Just tell me two things about yourself that I don't know," I plead, hoping he will understand that I know the bare minimum about the boy. That's thanks to the files I had to go through. I love my job, but going through over 30 files and having to study and remember - each one - is way more arduous than you think. Notably when the team is injured 24/7.

But who is he?

Who is Bailey Smith?

"There's a lot of things you'll have to find out about, but I think it's too early for me to disclose," he answers.

Why so mysterious?

Shortly enough, we pack up our rubbish and make our way to the car. Ever since that conversation, it's almost as if he were trying to act impassive and quiet.

I finally get enough courage to say: "Can we go for a walk before we leave actually?"

As much as I acted like I disliked this boy's company, I surprisingly started to enjoy it - much more than I had hoped.

He turns around and smiles at me, "Of course,"

Bailey Smith:

I hate to say this, but her smile is contagious. Every time I'm with her, she just seems to have this effect on me. But only in a friendship way, no doubt about it.

She's walking beside me as we make our way to the cars, as I fantasize about how our first round is going to go. I look down at her, as much as she'd like to say she's tall, she's not. I have to admit, yes, she is taller than most girls, but that's what makes her so much more attractive. In a friend's way.

I observe her as she opens her door before I admire her taking a deep breath almost as a reflex as she turns around.

"Can we go for a walk before we leave actually?" her voice fills the space around us as she looks up at me with ambition twinkling within her eyes.

"Of course," I say instinctively. Why would I say that I'm freezing?

I stuff my keys back in my pocket before following the dirty blonde lady towards the beach.

Soon enough we found ourselves by the rock pool, it was pitch black, but our surroundings were lit up by the waning gibbous above us. The air is dense yet the stench of seaweed is evident as we make sure our feet don't accidentally slip into a shallow pool of water.

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