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I slept through the plane ride. Theo said if I'm asleep then I can't be scared 'cause sleeping me doesn't know we are flying. I like Theo. It seems like bub is getting close with our oldest brother James?... Jack?... Jay! I think we got a good family. Plus our new dad is a Gamma just like my first dad! That's super cool. I hope our new parents can help bub though. He's been getting sicker. He used to hide it all the time but now it's like he's given up. He doesn't try to hide how bad he feels.

Anyway, I didn't wake up until we landed which I'm thankful for. When I was woken up it was by Theo shaking my shoulder and I ended up punching him in the face. It was an accident! I swear it! I mean he deserves it for waking me but it still wasn't on purpose.

"Settle down slugger!" Theo chuckles holding his jaw. "The warriors won't let me live it down if I get beat up by my baby sister."

"Then I'll wallop them too." I say laying back on my seat.

"Wallop?" He asks laughing.

"My dad used to say it alot." I tell him and he gives me a soft smile.

"He sounds like a cool guy... how about I carry the princess so she can continue her nap?" He suggests and I nod but then panic looking around.

"Bub! Where's Bub?" I ask.

"Jay's got him. We'll see them in a minute. Come on." Theo tells me.

"Not goin' anywhere without my bub!" I yell kicking at him until I hit him somewhere that makes him set me down.

"Dad!" The boy yells holding himself. "Tell Jay to get back here with our brother please."

Soon bub is running over, panting for breath once he gets to me.

"You okay, LeeLee? I thought you liked the Theo guy?" He says staggering in his steps making me frown.

"I didn't know where you were... you okay though? I didn't mean to scare you."

"I'm... I..."

"Bub!" I yell as he falls to the ground.

"Alcl het ocdrot!" Our new dad orders scooping bub into his arms.

"Het bamlncaeu si no tis ywa!" Our mother responds holding a phone to her ear.

"Ngah ni heter ppu." Dad says before running with my bub in his arms.

"Bub!" I yell running after him. I'm soon scooped up into strong arms.

"Calm down, pup. Dad is getting him to the doctor as fast as he can. We are all going to follow close behind. We'll see Silas again soon." Theo says as he runs in the same direction as dad holding me close. I notice all my new brothers in a formation around me as if they could protect me from bub's future as we run after him.

Jackson POV (Dad)

I feel helpless.

I am a Gamma for goodness sake!

I protect people. I protect my pack and family but I can't protect him from this. I knew he was sick. I just never imagined I'd be sitting in the back of an ambulance watching as they work on the unconscious boy.

He's human. It's hard for me because I've seen my kids hurt plenty of times before. When you have all boys a few broken bones and an over abundance of stitches is to be expected but they would heal within a day or two. Silas won't heal so quickly. He may not heal at all and that knowledge kills me.

I don't know how humans do it. How do you face the fact that the people you love can get sick and die and there's nothing you can do to prevent it? Nothing you can do to fix it?

An injury you can try to prevent. You can use it as a teaching tool so your children know that the decision that caused the injury was not a good one. What can you learn from a disease?

That the world is unfair?

That good people have to suffer?

That death comes to people of all ages?

Though these things are true I don't want a child to have to learn them first hand. Not my child.

"Sir, can you let go of his hand please. We're having trouble finding a vein on the other arm." One of the EMTs asks and u reluctantly release my son's hand. "Thank you, sir."

I watch as they put in an IV and do their work what ever it all is.

Once we reached the hospital we rushed inside. I nearly shifted in anger, outing our kind to every soul within the hospital, when they wheeled Silas's bed through a set of doors where I couldn't follow.

"Where is he?" My mate asks running up to me having followed us here along with the rest of our children.

"They are doing something... they wouldn't let me go with him." I say keeping my voice steady in an effort to be strong for her.

"When will we know what happened?" My eldest asks.

"I don't know, Jay... we just have to wait and see. Next my little girl yells at me but I can't understand a word she says. I look to Theo.

"She wants to know where Silas is... and she's mad that you took him away from her." He translates and I sigh kneeling in front of her.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you what was going on." I say waiting for Theo to translate. "As a Gamma I'm used to taking action. It's in my nature to solve problems first and talk later but I understand that you needed to know what was going on with Silas. I promise you we will make sure you know what is going every step of the way from now on. Okay princess?" Theo translates each sentence as I speak to her and I can see the anger fade from the little pup's face. She gives me a nod before hugging my neck.

I'll take that as a good sign. Hopefully it's not the last good news we get today.

"Are you Silas's parents?" A man in scrubs asks walking over to us.

"Yes." I answer instantly. "We are his family."

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