Chapter 7

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"ENOUGH! NOT A SINGLE WORD ABOUT MY BABIES " junmyeon screamed at authorities and staff, he couldn't control himself now. He took the termination  letter , signed on it and threw on principal's face.  And stormed out of office in anger.

An hour ago...
Junmyeon was shocked to receive a call. He reached school as soon as he can , only to hear people gossiping and whispering,  he ignored it because it was daily thing. He saw many people were looking at him with disgusting,  while very less of them were looking at him with pity and sympathy.  He ignored everyone and went to meeting room to ask the reason for his sudden termination. 

"Oh look , who do we have here?" Miss Jessica said with a sly smile
"What a whore we have in our school." Another teacher scoffed.

Junmyeon was clueless,  he didn't understood that these things were meant for him until he looked siwon and kyunhyun looking down at floor with guilt. He was shocked , the people who he thought as friends,  they are the ones who disclosed his secret to entire school. He gave them hurt look and controlled himself.

"May I know the reason of my sudden termination?"Junmyeon asked
"Well well we can't let a whore teach our kids so thats why you are terminated."
"Sir what do you mean ?" Junmyeon asked for confirmation as he was suspicious.
"You are pregnant right?" Principal asked.

Junmyeon was shocked,  he was suspicious but he didnt thought that it was real cause.

"Y....yes sir" he replied in a low voice.
"We all know that you don't have a mate or lover , so whose sin are you carrying?"
"Yes . Sin."
"Probably he sold himself to an oldie, his sugar daddy and satisfied his needs. Right Junmyeon?" Miss Janette asked in mocking tone.

Junmyeon was about to cry.. from his corner of eyes he saw siwon looking at him with guilt evident on his face.

"Excuse me miss Janette,  you cannot say like this about Junmyeon."  Kyunhun finally spoke up.
Oh please, Mr. kyunhyun you only told us about his pregnancy,  don't act like a saint now. Kyunhyun shut his mouth. He didn't mean to disclose it. Couple was talking about Junmyeon's ill fate and Janette heard it and spread this news in entire school , of course not before adding spices.

"Sir even if I'm pregnant,  this shouldn't be ground of termination"
Junmyeon reasoned out

"Oh really ?" principal asked with a sly smile.
Junmyeon nodded.
"Then be my mistress" principal asked with sly smile and everyone was amused except kyunhyun, siwon and junmyeon who were shocked as hell.

"Be my mistress and I'll give you money . You can raise that flithy sin of yours"
"I wonder if that would be my toy in future too" principal asked as if he was thinking .

Present time:
Junmyeon  was sitting on bench in garden rubbing his stomach softly above his white  shirt. There was a tiny bump on his stomach which wasn't very much visible. He felt satisfied after leaving that job. He wanted to reason out but when things turned against his babies , he cant help but act defensively . His babies come first more than a job. After storming off school, he didn't know where to go. He didn't wanted to go to his brother's house , he didnt wanted to go his apartment too. So here he was, sitting and calming down himself. The cool breeze blowing helped him.
He breath in and breathed out and relax himself.

"Forgive your mama babies, I'm sorry I left the job . But what can I do? They were calling you sin, filthy and what not. If it was for me , I would have tolerated but not on you my babies. You are not at fault. I wish your appa would be here." His body filled  with anger and sadness thinking about yixing. 

He sat there for a long time and saw a little boy crying . Being a soft hearted,  he went to that boy and asked what happened.
The boy has dimple on his cheek and his ears were larger then normal ,looking like Yoda. The boy was really cute.

"I...dont know where I am" he sobbed
Junmyeon hugged him and he hugged him back with his tiny hands.
"You lost your way?"he asked and he nodded
"Whats your name and how old are you?" He asked.
"My name is Wu Chanyeol and I'm 4 years old." He said while showing 2 fingers. Junmyeon laughed at boy's silliness and opened 2 more fingers from fist. He giggled.

"So chanyeol? Do you know your parents number?" Junmyeon asked and chanyeol shaked his head as no.
"Come with me" chanyeol grabbed junmyeon's finger with his tiny palm and junmyeon ruffled his hair and took him to police station where a tall man was screaming at police officer to find his kid.
Chanyeol seem to recognize the voice.

"Appa" chanyeol shouted.
The taller man turned and saw him and immediately crushed in tight hug.
"Where were you? I was finding you ."the taller man scolded him.
"Sorry appa, I went to play but I forgot where I'm." Chanyeol said sobbing.
"And this big bunny helped me" chanyeol answered giggling. Junmyeon was bit flustered.
"Thank you Mr. Bunny" tall man said with awkward laugh.
"Its Kim Junmyeon" Junmyeon answered with a small smile.
"Oh sorry , mr.junmyeon. My name is Kris Wu" tall man introduced himself.
"Nice to meet you mr.wu."
"Joon my...on , jangmon...... jangpon aargh bunny your name is biiig" chanyeol huffed and junmyeon chuckled and ruffled his hair.
"You can call me bunny , I wont mind."
"Really" chanyeol eyes sparkled hearing it. Junmyeon nodded.

After small chit chat , they both parted ways,  that's a different thing that chanyeol was throwing tantrums and crying, not letting go of junmyeon. But after junmyeon reassured him that he will meet him daily he let him go. Kris was embarrassed by his son's behavior but can't scold him because chanyeol was like that , a sweet and friendly boy.

Junmyeon was tired of what happened in school and decided to apply in other school hoping he would get selected.  But remembering that yoda kid bring smile on his face. He promised him to meet him everyday so he will keep his promise.

He noted everything what happened today in his pregnancy journal.


How was it? Sorry for updating it after long time . 😅😅

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