Chapter : 10

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Mrs Wu sat on couch reminiscing past memories while looking through an small old album with a small smile adoring her not so wrinkled face. That album consisted of pictures of chanyeol's childhood till he was two and a half years before kris took him to korea.
She remembers when kris brought a year old alpha baby boy in his arms for the first time in Wu's mansion, she was enraged thinking kris mated with someone and it was an illegalitimate child. She busted in anger and started screaming at him without listening what he had to say. Kris shushed her and told her to keep quiet and carried infant to his room where everything was ready for baby , he laid him in crib and walked downstairs to face his mom's wrath.

"Who's that kid?" Mrs Wu asked angrily stomping her foot.

"He's my son" Kris said in his usual monotonous tone which enraged Mrs Wu more than she was already,

"Who did you fucked ha? Where's his mom?" Mrs Wu asked trying to calm down herself.

"Why you care? Leave me alone! I'm going to sleep dont disturb!" Kris replied trying not to burst out and left the living room as he was already tired from the journey.

Mrs Wu gritted her teeth angrily "this child!!" She said and stomped her feet.
"Mam please calm down , I'll tell you." Mr.Luo who was secretary of Kris said in calm tone hoping she'd calm down and explained her that it was his friend's and his wife's son who died when the baby alpha was three months old in a car accident. The couple knew that their greedy relatives are planning something and already made kris as baby's guardian because they trust him a lot. After their death , kris became legal guardian of baby alpha who was named as chanyeol by his parents. He gave him his family name.
Kris didnt bothered to explain anyone because it was not his style.

Mrs Wu was surprised hearing Mr.Luo's explanation. Never in her dreams she thought that her son will be this kind and concerned about child of someone else. She felt bad for shouting at him without listening him.

In sometime , she started loving chanyeol as his own grandson, it was not easy for her to accept someone else's kid as his grandson. Initially she pitied him for having bad fate but as the time passed she started loving him .

She chuckles remembering that when yeollie left for korea with kris she cried so much. Now three years have passed since chanyeol became member of Wu family and their bond grew stronger day by day. But what worries her the most is yifan's stubbornness of not getting married. She understands his concern but he needs to life partner too. She closed the album and gave it to her maid to put it in her room.

"Grandmaa!" Chanyeol shouted in happiness running towards her in school dress
"Yeollie" she smiled and opened her arms wide engulfing him in tight hug. "How was your school?" She asked.

"It was nice granny" he replied smiling.
She remembered about the drawing and decided to ask him because if she will ask kris he'll never reply properly.
"Umm yeollie?" She said
"Yes granny " chanyeol replied while eating sweets served by maid.
"I saw your drawing book , can you tell granny who was in that drawing with bunny ears?" She asked nervously

Chanyeol stopped eating and for a second Mrs Wu felt that she asked something she shouldn't but her thoughts were proved wrong with chanyeol's scream

"You mean my big bunny!!!!" He shouted excitedly
"Uh um yea" she replied confused, she knew that chanyeol is friendly person but he never got this much excited for a stranger nevertheless she continued to ask.

"Can you tell me about your big bunny?" She asked eager to know about that bunny who chanyeol loved so much that he drew him in his notebook.

"Bunny's name is veryyy biiig , ummm jangpong?" He said confused "aissh appa knows it better , you ask him" he replied and told her everything about Junmyeon with sparkling eyes like how they met , how he became his friend , how he went out with him , he played with him, slept in his arms except the fact that his bunny has babies in his stomach because it slipped from his brain.
"I looove big bunny sooo much" he concluded his speech about his bunny with this sentence. Mrs Wu was listening everything attentively occasionally smiling and nodding whenever chanyeol looked at her.

After chanyeol finished his speech, she asked him to show him his bunny picture , she was wondering who was he .

"I'll show you later granny when appa comes from office because appa's phone has loots of pics of me and bunny" yeol said smiling .
"Ok yeollie but dont tell appa and show me secretly ok?" Mrs Wu asked chanyeol who was visibly confused.
"But why granny?" He asked

"Uh umm uh , I want to see bunny alone with yeollie naa , so take his phone and come to my room but don't tell him ok?" she mentally facepalmed herself for giving such a lame reason but knowing chanyeol, she is sure that boy will believe her.

Chanyeol nodded "okiee granny I'll show you how beautiful my big bunny is" he said smiling widely showing his teeth , granny ruffled his hair and asked him to go and take the rest wondering about this bunny and how come she didn't got to know she mentally slapped herself for not checking his grandson's drawing notebook before.

Hey ya^^ , another update here , I know its not good but I couldn't think of better backstory other than this.

And yea , I'm going to write another LayHo fanfic.😁😁😁.

Have a nice day/night <3

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