S2 E3: ......WHAT THE FU-!!!

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General POV

Date: February 21, 2029

Time: 0030 hours

Lincoln(now wearing standard US Navy uniform), JPJ(John Paul Johns), Arleigh Burke, JS Atago, Montana, Conqueror, Hannover, A-150(now known as Shikishima), Cleveland, Columbia, Denver, Montpelier, and Baltimore were dispatched to the South China Sea after Sirens were spotted in the area, sure enough they saw them. It was about 200 ships big but no high level Sirens.

Montana: Alright Lincoln, time for your first fight. You got a lock?

Lincoln: Yup, just got it! Permission to fire!?

JPJ: Not yet, hold fire.........

AtagoM: Wait for the right moment to strike......

Montana: .........NOW!!!

Missiles lit up the sky as VLS launchers launched hundreds of cruise missiles. The siren fleet didn't have CIWS or Chaff making them easy prey. Sure enough atleast half of the fleet had sunk without the group firing a single gun. Now they were in gun range the ships lit up the rest of the fleet with 5 inch, 6 inch, 16 inch, and 18 inch shells. Most of the kills went to Montana, but the second most kills were with Lincoln.

Montana: Nice job kid!

Hannover: Damn! He stole some kills from us! Hahaha!

Conqueror: Ah, the one time I wasn't betting with Hannover!

Shikishima: *amused giggles* By the way, how're you and Tirpitz doing Hannover?

Hannover: Doin great, goin strong. Pretty good all round.

Lincoln: *phew* Why do I feel so good? Didn't I just kill people?

Montana: They aren't technically people, they're alien.....robot......things? How again do we describe Sirens?

Cleveland: Honestly the Mass-Production models are basically the equivalent of mindless drones. The high-level sirens are nearly human but are still androids.

Lincoln: So essentially really smart AI.

Montana: Yeah, basically.

Hannover: *ping* Guys, my SONAR's got something!

Montana: Yup, I see it. CHARGE UP ATOMIC BEAM!!!


Lincoln: Locking on.........LAUNCHING TORPEDOES!!!

The torpedoes struck but whatever it was didn't stop surfacing, and once it broke the surface.......oh boy was it menacing....


Montana: HOLY SHIT!!!


Whatever it was, heard this, turned, and faced the kansen who were now shaking in their boots, and with a booming, ghostly voice, she spoke.

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