S3 E1: So.....this happened

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General POV

Lincoln had continued to make regular sorties in the Caribbean with a somber mood. Essentially he was continuing Pearl's legacy by doing what she had done and by also painting the entirety of his DDG black. But he hasn't really been careful since as soon as he's done he steams into Union before asking for another sortie.

One day Pearl's crew had jumped aboard the Nathan James.

Lincoln: Woah! What the-?!

Will: It's alright Lincoln. We think we have a way to get Pearl back!

Lincoln: Wait. Really?!

Barbossa: Yes, you're parents and the commander have been informed, we're clear to go!

Nathan James: Well, time's ticking let's go! We'll refuel on the way.

Lincoln: Right. All engines ahead flank!

The DDG then raced out of the harbor with reckless abandon snapping the mooring lines and making the boarding ramp fall into the harbor.

Meanwhile with Montana

Montana was in the Commander's office after they intercepted a radio transmission from somewhere in Vale.

Montana: Who's on the other end?

Commander: No idea, you have a crack at it.

Montana leaned in and picked up the radio before putting it to his ear the transmission was full of static but he could barely, just barely, make out the voice of Roman Torchwick.

Roman: This is Roman Torchwick calling out to any Union Academy forces.

Montana: This is Montana, go ahead Roman!

Roman: Oh thank Oum! Someone answered! Ok we got information, someone's going to attempt an attack on Beacon!

(Unlike Missouri, Montana and the others didn't have the luxury of sitting down to movies and anime so they didn't know plot lines and stories that would otherwise be well-known)

Montana: Shit. Ok.....um....shit, I don't know what to do about that!

Roman: It's alright kid. But I do, we can pass you and your family off as students and infiltrate the festival like the spies on our side will be.

Commander: Sounds risky.

Montana: No risk, No reward. We're in. *hangs up* Good thing we had our Auras unlocked while the negotiations were taking place.

Commander: Yeah.

With Lincoln

Timeskip 3 days

The Nathan James was currently just floating outside the older harbor for Singapore while Pearl's crew, Barbossa, and Tia Dalma looked for a map for a way out of the Locker.

Lincoln: *sigh* When they said I would help, I didn't know I'd be the getaway driver.

Nathan James: And I, the getaway vehicle.

Suddenly a violent pit of explosions and fireworks were set off in the port before Lincoln felt someone get in the helicopter.

Nathan James: That's your bite! Now reel 'em in hook, line, and sinker!!

Lincoln: Got it!

A few seconds later Lincoln's helicopter landed on the Nathan James with Pearl's crew, Tia Dalma, and Barbossa on board.

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