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Why? Why can't I stop seeing it. The face of someone with make up and a red nose, colored hair and wearing a Goofy costume. It bothers me, but why me. Why me...

Blackington...the Town of many would have said....

This is Kyle. He had just got into his new school. He expected to have a normal day as usual, but hey that's more of a prayer than a wish. Kyle had no intention to make any friends in this school but suddenly a classmate of his came to him. Someone he was familiar with.

"Hi Kyle!" His classmate said in excitement. This is Skye, although Kyle did not have the intention to make a friend, he already had one. She was Kyle's childhood friend and classmate since preschool.

"Hi Skye. We're in the same class." Kyle said while walking down the hall.

"Yeah! Isn't that exciting, we're classmates again!" Skye said still optimistic. Skye was really confident and nice to everyone, even to him. No wonder she is friends with him.

"Yeah you could say. At least I have someone I know to be with while I'm at class." Kyle replied, seems that he felt happy that Skye was his classmate again. That's cute.

Later that day
Kyle had to study Mathematics. The worst subject to many, except him, shockingly, because it was not much of a problem since his Dad is a math teacher that helps him with math, Talk about lucky. He finished the test afterwards and decided to take a rest.
Although, once he looked out the window, He saw a man behind a tree, staring right at him. He was wearing a clown costume, full on make up. He got eye to eye with Kyle. Then Kyle thought to himself

What the fuck was a clown doing outside...?

Kyle felt uneasy and decided to look away but he still felt watched. He tried his best to ignore the Person but it still disturbed him. It stared right at him while he was in class. It was strange yet he didn't know what to make of it.

After Class Ended, Kyle went to Skye and told her about it. Maybe she could help him.

"Hey Skye... Did you see... That clown?" Kyle asked her in an uneasy tone.
"Hm? What do you mean?" Skye said confused about it. Clearly, she didn't see anything.
"The Clown in Math Class... The one out the window... " Kyle replied
Skye looked at Kyle, still not understanding what he meant "Kyle are you alright?" At this point, She was concerned for him.

Kyle went silent and just went home. But while he was walking, he herd the sound of squeaking steps behind him. He turned to see what it was but...Nothing was there...strange, Kyle heard those steps but there was no one...

He lived with his parents and brother. Kyle came home still thinking about the Clown. It haunted him, just the sheer thought of it scared him. He was suddenly poked by his Brother, Max.
"Hey. You okay?" Max asked him, seeing him just enter the house.
"Huh? Oh uh Yeah!" Kyle Replied.
"I made dinner since Mom and Dad are out." Max said and went away.

Right, Kyle's parents are busy people that take really long shifts. No wonder they weren't home.

Kyle sat down at the Dinner Table and tried his best to keep his composure. Max sat across him as he gave him some food he made.
"How was your new school?" Max asked
"Same as the rest in Blackington." Kyle replied while eating
"What did you do or find." Max said and Kyle's expression changed, into worry.

Kyle tried to get up all of his courage, thinking about the clown made him afraid again. He looked at Max
"I saw... A Clown...... "
Kyle said, His voice was filled with fear and his heart beating fast.
"A Clown..?" Max asked "you serious? You saw a clown?"
"Yeah...why do you sound like that?" Kyle looked at his brother in confusion.
"Kyle don't think about it too much. It must've been a random person. It's fine. Besides, what the hell would a clown be doing at that hour?" Max said trying to calm his little brother

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