Part 23: THE TOY

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I used to love you....but now I feel different....

Roelle. She was a very strange child. What was her strangeness you ask? Talking to a doll. She had this Doll she named Veronica. She really love this doll, it was a doll with pigtails and red hair. It was always smiling. Roelle as a kid really loved this doll. Talking to the doll, playing with it, and even sleeping with it. Yeah this girl is weird. Although these were just memories from the past, a past she...really really forgot.

Roelle was already a 23 year old adult, working a job as a cash register in a Convenient Store. She was really bored in her life. Something was missing in her life, yet she couldn't tell what. Was it love? Was it an object? She didn't have a clue. She was felt alone and dead in her life.

But well, she had something. A necklace, it had a glass rose and Roelle had kept it to herself for a long time. But, well, she didn't know how she got it. She had no memory on where or who she got it from. But she kept it nonetheless because it looked beautiful.

In her mind however, something began to come up. She heard her own voice, much younger and childish unlike now. She was talking, talking to someone. But she couldn't remember who it was. All she heard was herself and a faint reply to whatever she said. It was a strange memory of some sort.

Although before she could think of anything else about it, A hand grabbed her shoulder and started shaking her. Roelle would just wake up from what she was thinking.

"Yo, don't sleep on the Job." A Male voice came in. Roelle looked up and recognized the man.

"Oh was I? Sorry Jonah..." Roelle uttered. Seems like that memory of hers kind of worn her down.

Jonah was Roelle's coworker, he works his ass off because he couldn't find any other job. He wore a green jacket and glasses. "Did you sleep well last night, Ro?"

Roelle was a bit hesitant by Jonah's question but sighed slowly. "Not really no...I've been so tired..."

Jonah patted her back, for this person is his friend and he had to do help her out somehow. Problem was, he didn't know how. "Look, I think you should take a day or two off? Might help you cope with Whatever is bothering you?"

Roelle chuckled, this suggestion might actually help. "I'll think about it...Thanks Jonah."

Roelle lived in her parents home. Well even though her parents don't exist anymore. She somehow managed to keep the house to herself. She's been there in that house for all her life and chooses not to leave.

Although she couldn't remember much of what happened to her parents. She was 10 years old when they were gone. Tough child, somehow managed to survive that ordeal. Now she was 23 and lonely.

Best she could make was a bought microwaved meal she got from the grocery store. Hey to her this was dinner. She ain't Gordon Ramsay to judge. She sat in her living room and ate the microwaved meal. It was uninteresting to say the least.

Then she began to remember something. Like it was the same memory from before, she heard her voice again. The young and sweet Roelle. Now though she could hear the reply. It was hushed and it was playful. She could hear the voice saying words back to her young self and yet she didn't know what it was. Then Roelle saw herself playing a game of tag. She ran across room to room from someone that was invisible. She couldn't see whatever it was she was playing the game of tag with. But she could hear following footsteps.

Roelle felt odd, these memories of a past childhood she didn't know even existed were coming to her. Like it was trying to make her remember something. Was it important? Was it something she should know? These questions began to haunt her..

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