Part 29: FAULT

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Was it a dream? Or was it me?

Staring at the ground, she was feeling dread around her. It was dark and raining. She stared down and saw her hands were full of blood. Her eyes widened and she fell down, now she saw a corpse of a girl in front of her. She wanted to scream but her voice was gone. All she could do was stare at the dead course in front of her as her heart beat increased every second she stared at it. But then she screamed, she screamed as she jolted up from her bed. She breathed heavily. She looked around as she saw that she was in her room.

She looked around in shock, it was a nightmare. Her breathe was heavy. She sat up and looked at her door which was open.

Her name was Abigail, she was 20 years old and unemployed. She lived in an apartment that she rented with someone, someone she was close with.

Suddenly a boy came over, this was the person she lived with. "Abi? You okay? You woke up screaming again."

Abigail slowly nodded and looked at him. "I-I'm fine Alec...I just had a nightmare.." Abigail said as she sat up from the bed. This wasn't the first time she had this. This has been going on for days and she is having trouble resting because of it. Alec gave her a cup of coffee. "Have you been taking your pills?" He asked her. Abigail would only look down and nod. "I have...But I still have those dreams..."

Alec sighed. "Well I hope you get some rest now, I'll be off to work, if you need me don't be afraid to call. Alright?" He said as he cared for Abigail. "Thanks Alec...." Abigail said as Alec turned to leave for work. It was a cold morning, Abigail would sit in the living room and have a sip of her coffee. Abigail watched TV, there she saw a news report of a murder. It happened at Nyx Avenue, a girl found dead on the sidewalk last night. Abigail's eyes widened, not because of the murder that took place, but because that girl was the same one she saw in her dream.

Abigail felt an intense sense of fear. Did she see this girl in her dream like it was meant to happen? Was it a premonition? All these thoughts plagued her mind as to how something like this happened. She breathed heavily and her eyes stared at the TV. It was like she wanted to let out a scream. But then she heard the sound of the door knocking. She snapped out of it and went over. When she opened, she saw a man. He looked completely, serious. "Excuse me, do you live alone?" He asked her. Abigail found it strange, but still answered. "I have a roommate who is at work right now, wait who even are you?"

"Luke. I live nearby, I wanna ask if you heard of the murder." He was straight forward. "Yes, I know of it. Why?" Abigail asked. "Were you awake during it?" He asked suspiciously. Abigail felt strange but she shook her head "No I was not."

Luke thought about it while staring at her, he then nodded. "Okay then, be careful. Something isn't right about this." He said before leaving. This encounter left Abigail shaken up and a bit weirded out as to how sudden this conversation was. "Why'd he ask me...?" She told herself before closing the door again.

She decided to lie down and take a rest for now. She couldn't handle a situation like this any longer. She closed her eyes as she fell asleep on the couch. Her mind slowly drifted into a deep slumber.

Now, she was staring at a wall. She would snap out of a trance and soon she saw where she was. She shivered a bit as she was in another nightmare. She looked around and realized she was in an Alley. But slowly when she looked down, she saw something that made her nauseous. She saw a body, one who was limp and slumped behind a garbage bin. But what was most disturbing was the fact that this body had no head. She stumbled backwards as she stared at the corpse in horror. It was a horrific sight and she couldn't handle it. She backed away more as she then backed onto a wall. Until she turned to her left, hearing a voice. Then as she did, all she saw was a silhouette of a man, facing her. She couldn't move as she stared at them but her body and mind were shaking, it was stood much for her that she started hyperventilating. Her breathe went faster and faster and soon everything went blank.

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