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That Night....I'm so sorry for that night....

Her eyes opened to a bright light. Her vision was blurry and her ears were defeaned. But slowly her focus came back. She was laying in a Hospital Bed.

Her name was Anne, a woman who had just gotten into an accident. There she laid on a bed, her body full of bruises. Somehow she had survived. All she could remember was driving home from her job and suddenly crashing.

"Miss Anne, it seems you only have minor bruises that are not really life threatening." A Nurse would say to her, Anne would just face her direction. Her eyes seemed confused at what was happening. Anne would only nod, it was the only thing she could do for now.

The Nurse would then help her stand as she was ready to leave. There she walked down a hallway, a long white hallway. There she saw something, she passed an open door to her right. Inside were Doctors and Nurses who were frantically trying to save someone. Anne would take a look, but she stopped as she was met by a pair of blood red eyes. Ones that were...staring back at her...

Anne was left shocked as to what she saw, who was that and what happened? And...why was it staring at her like that...she didn't know...

After paying for all the fees for her admission into the Hospital, Anne was left to go home. She walked home, all by herself. Although the sight of the red eyes staring at her was burned into her mind. It really spooked her. She never quite understood what it was but she tried stop forget about it.

She was alone in the street. As much as she hated it, she had no choice. She walked carefully and slowly, as her bruises still hurt. But slowly she stopped as she heard something by her back.


A soft voice spoke to her. But when she turned, there was no one. She was alone so how was that possible?

"I...must be hearing things..." Anne thought to herself, although the speed of her walking became faster as she tried to reach home.

Eventually, Anne would manage to get home. She lived with no one but herself. Sadly, this made her feel lonely. The only friends she had were online only, she never met anyone in real life to be a friend for her. She sighed, but something would come to her...what happened...?

She was now questioning; Why did she end up in a hospital? How did she do so? What happened? She hadn't realized it when she woke up in a room inside a hospital that time. She tried to remember but it was to no avail. But all she knew was she was in a Car.

But then she remembered those blood red eyes staring back at her. And she felt a chill as it only stared at her back. But why...?

She would feel a lot of pressure but she couldn't take it. So she tried to rest and forget about it. Slowly, her eyes would feel weak, seems she was sleepy. Her body couldn't really move well, so she would fall asleep on the sofa. She would let out a soft sigh before dropping and falling asleep.

As much as she tried, her sleep was not well...those eyes still haunted her...and suddenly...she heard a blood curdled scream...

In the morning, Anne felt dizzy and tried her best to stand up. She needed a cup of coffee for herself. She made her way to the kitchen before dropping her hands on the counter. There she made an espresso so she could wake up properly. Then she remembered that she needed to buy more water as she has ran out. Quickly she got herself dressed and made her way outside to head for the store.

Carrying her bag with her belongings, Anne went down a street. It was a cold morning, she felt herself shivering as she walked down the block. The Store was only 8 blocks away, so this will be a long walk for Anne. Well she wasn't too happy with it.

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